Chapter 101
"Xia Ling? Not a bad name." Jiang Bai said with a smile, pretending to be the first to hear it, his eyes gradually became dignified, and he asked seriously, "But... the old man may not be able to solve these batches. Robot of unknown origin, little girl, do you know a safe place?"

"A safe place?" Xia Ling was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously thought of Zhenhun Street, and nodded to Jiang Bai.

"Then you will lead the way, it may be a little bumpy." Jiang Bai made a joke, and faintly began to mobilize the true energy in his body. Under the detection of the real eyes, he has already noticed the robot army that is slowly sneaking in.

The door was suddenly pushed open, Jiang Bai raised his hand and waved, a white glow suddenly burst out from the whole body, swept out like a white flame, and instantly turned into a huge palm to grab the door just now And into the robot!

Under Huayun Zhenqi Huaxing's palm, the robot was instantly pinched into parts all over the place.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go quickly." Jiang Bai told Xia Ling who was still in a daze, stood with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the street.


Xia Ling, who was awakened by Jiang Bai's words, quickly nodded and followed behind Jiang Bai.

On both sides of the corridor, as far as the eye can see, there are already robots sent by the kingdom organization. The red light in the eyes of the robots is particularly eye-catching. After quickly locking Jiang Bai and Xia Ling, they rushed directly to them.

"Let's go!" Jiang Bai yelled, stomped his foot on the ground, and started the Qimen game quietly as the sole of his foot landed.

Li Zi, Explosive Flame!
Jiang Bai slowly raised his hands, and two terrifying waves of flames erupted from his palms, ravaging directly along the corridor.The scorching flames swept through the wind, blowing Jiang Bai's hair fluttering, and the sound of explosions came from the flames, and the flames passed by, leaving behind a scorched machine figure!
But soon, several robots poured out from various windows and corners.

Xia Ling, who was in a panic, also ran to the elevator at this time, and pressed the button continuously in a panic, but there was no response for a long time.

"Get out of the way." Jiang Bai snorted coldly, Huayun Zhenqi clinging to his palm, he raised his hand and knocked a robot into the air, hitting the elevator directly!
The huge impact force caused the metal elevator door to vibrate directly, sinking deeply.

"Northern Cangtan!"

Drops of thick Huayun True Qi dripped from Jiang Bai's palms, spread along his feet, and soon spread throughout the entire corridor.As if full of life, the Huayun True Qi immediately climbed along the metal brackets of the robots towards their bodies, entangled every figure tightly!
Jiang Bai stepped on the soles of his feet, and the speed doubled, beyond the scope of the naked eye. I saw a robot falling down continuously, but I saw Jiang Bai's shot, accompanied by only a bang in the air.

"This... is this still a human being? This Jiang Lao can't be the legendary martial arts master."

Xia Ling stared blankly at the scene in the street, and murmured at a loss.


Xia Ling only felt a gust of wind blowing in, she couldn't help squinting her eyes, and when she opened them again, Jiang Bai in a plain long gown, kind-hearted but energetic, had already stood in front of her.

"Get ready." Jiang Bai ordered lightly, and slowly raised his palm, the white awn in his palm had been concentrated to the extreme, and became dazzling.

"How do you get off here?" Xia Ling was slightly taken aback, glanced at the still closed elevator door, and asked suspiciously.

"This building, and even the entire community, should have been controlled, just force it directly." Jiang Bai ordered, and directly slammed his palm on the already sunken elevator door.

Under the deafening bang, the two thick metal doors were directly lifted out and fell into the bottomless elevator shaft.

"Come again, let's go!" Jiang Bai frowned, and under the detection of the real eyes, another batch of robots came here again. Although the combat power of this kind of robots is not high, the number is really too much.

Without waiting for Xia Ling's response, the Huayun Zhenqi on Jiang Bai's body spread out directly, enveloping Xia Ling, and jumped into the elevator shaft without hesitation.

"Wait, Mr. Jiang, here are ten...six...ah!!"

Accompanied by Xia Ling's ear-piercing screams, the figures of the two fell quickly. Just as they were about to fall to the bottom, Jiang Bai slowly raised his hand, gathered his true energy, and slapped the ground with his palm!
A condensed palm print of Huayun burst out, directly bombarding the ground, leaving a palm print as deep as three inches. Immediately, a counter-shock force supported the figures of the two, and the falling speed became faster. slow down.

The two figures landed slowly, and Xia Ling still felt like she was dreaming, she jumped down from the sixteenth floor, and she was safe and sound.

"Where is the place you said? They are coming after them." Jiang Bai slowly looked up at the elevator entrance above, and there were faintly visible robots emitting red lights, climbing down the wall.

"Luo, Luocha Street." Xia Ling swallowed, and quickly replied, "It's in the north."

"You go first, you have to find a way to stop them for a while." Jiang Bai nodded, a look of joy flashed in his serious eyes, and he ordered seriously.

"En." Xia Ling nodded. If she stayed here, she would only hold Elder Jiang's hind legs, and immediately ran towards Luocha Street.

Watching Xia Ling go away, Jiang Bai showed a happy expression, pulled back more than ten meters, landed on the open space of the community, and looked indifferently at the dark elevator entrance.

Robots landed heavily on the ground one after another, and walked out of the elevator. There were at least dozens of them.

"Is the old man's temper really good? Duizi, black colored glaze." Jiang Bai said coldly, the Huayun true energy attached to his body surface began to condense a little bit, and a little bit of black glaze began to climb on his hands color.

When the Huayun True Qi on the body surface was condensed to a certain level, the dozens of robots also rushed straight to Jiang Bai, obviously getting the order from the behind-the-scenes order to kill Jiang Bai first.

"Do you think the old man is in the way? Kingdom Organization, you guys are quite courageous."

The moment the words fell, the Huayun Zhenqi on Jiang Bai's body surface flickered like white lightning, and because the arc was wrapped around the sleeve robe, Jiang Bai stepped out one step at a time, and cracked cracks directly on the marble floor.

The figure disappeared like an electric light, and only white lightning could be vaguely seen shuttling among the robots. The palm wrapped in black glass easily pierced through the steel bodies of the robots, one against a hundred, and finally The result is clearly abusive.

 Two chapters to go.

(End of this chapter)

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