Chapter 103 Town Soul Street

"Mr. Jiang, you are truly a master of martial arts!" Xia Ling's eyes were shining with admiration. Compared with the illusory undead, the soul suppressing general, or the worldly masters and knights who often appear in novels and movies, she is more moved by her!

"Hehe, it's just some small tricks." Jiang Bai smiled and shook his head, his eyes locked on Xia Ling, and he became extremely serious, "Little girl, I will ask you, are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

"Worship, teacher?" Xia Ling was taken aback for a moment, looking at Jiang Bai at a loss, unable to react.

"Well, the old man really wants to find a suitable apprentice. According to what you said, you are impeccable as a spirit sender and have a guardian spirit... What, do you think that the old man has meager skills and doesn't like me? Old man? Forget it, forget it, if you don’t like it, just treat it as an old man, I didn’t say anything.”

Jiang Bai looked slightly angry, shaking his head and waving his hands again and again.

"No, no, Xia Ling just felt a little sudden. Elder Jiang is willing to accept me as an apprentice, so Xia Ling is naturally willing!" Xia Ling quickly waved her hand and said, she had seen Jiang Bai displaying his supernatural power, and she had long admired it in her heart.

"Okay, here it is, little girl apprentice." Jiang Bai smiled gratifiedly, nodded with satisfaction, and said in a full-fledged manner.

"Here?" Xia Ling was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately, knelt down on the ground, and bowed to Jiang Bai seriously, "Disciple Xia Ling, I am willing to worship Mr. Jiang as a teacher, one day in the future, and a lifetime For father!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for accepting an apprentice. The best apprentice to monitor is the plane of "Soul Soul Street", the son of luck, and reward the lucky gift bag for a lucky draw, and gain 500 experience."

The system's cold notification sound slowly sounded in his mind, Jiang Bai frowned, and couldn't help asking the system in his heart: "System, isn't Xia Ling's realm an ordinary person? How come there are experience rewards?"

"Ding, take the spiritual power of "Soul Soul Street" as the standard, and compare it with the cultivation base of the main world, and the host can get experience rewards in proportion."

Jiang Bai smiled slightly. It's not a bad thing anyway. Five hundred experience points is not much for him today, but it's better than nothing.Slowly raising her hand, Xia Ling was quickly lifted up by a soft Huayun Zhenqi, and laughed happily twice.

"Okay, okay, from now on, you will be the disciple of this old man. When you settle down, this old man will start to teach you the secrets of cultivation."

"Thank you, master."

Xia Ling's pretty face was filled with joy, and she changed her mind accordingly.

"However, the force behind the robot that can control it is indeed a big trouble. Next time, I am afraid that there will be more robots. At that time, the old man may not be able to stop it." Jiang Bai nodded, and the words changed, and he started reminded.

"Master... why don't we go to Zhenhun Street?" Xia Ling took a deep breath, thinking of Cao Yanbing. With his help and her own master, it should be no problem to deal with those robots.

"Alright, the old man is really curious about the junction point between the spiritual realm and the human realm you mentioned. What is the world after death like..." Jiang Bai nodded, his eyes were a bit reminiscent, but it is a pity that Zhenhun Street The plane is not the Canglan Continent. If the Canglan Continent also has the underworld, then Jiang Bai has also recovered many of his past regrets.

The two of them didn't say any more, and under the guidance of Xia Ling, they rushed directly to Luocha Street.

On the empty street, two black shadows became long and long under the pull of the lights. On both sides of the road were closed doors and rows of street lights, which occasionally flickered a few times, looking extremely scary. The wind that was blowing was gentle at first, moving the willow branches and leaves slowly, and then it became more and more fierce and strong. The twisting wind was almost as ferocious as a bison.

Xia Ling took a deep breath and folded her hands in front of her chest. Walking on such a street, there would indeed be a chilly feeling behind her back.

"Master, here we are."

Hearing this, Jiang Bai stopped and looked up, but it was a dark alley. The slightly low terrain had accumulated a lot of points, and the end of the alley could be seen at a glance. It was obviously just a stone wall !
Frowning slightly, Jiang Bai's eyes closed, and when they opened again, they had turned into a pool of clear water, with a faint fluorescence, and the scene in front of his eyes was suddenly gone.

A tall portal, like an arch bridge, is engraved with the pattern of evil spirits. On the stone plaque, the three characters of "Luosha Street" are printed in the eyes.At first glance, it was a broad avenue. Although it was a bit more gloomy, the level of prosperity inside was not weaker than that of the city.

"Master, I heard from that miser that only those with spiritual power can enter Zhenhun Street, so let the disciples take you in." Xia Ling looked into Jiang Bai's eyes for a moment, but she calmed down immediately. Tonight, Jiang Bai has shown many magical means, but he will not go into it anymore, anyway, the latter is now her master.

"It should be an enchantment." Jiang Bai murmured, and reached out to touch the void in front of him, but felt a faint barrier, and nodded towards Xia Ling.

With Jiang Bai's permission, Xia Ling also held Jiang Bai's arm and walked towards Luocha Street, disappearing completely in the street as if passing through a water curtain.

Jiang Bai stared blankly. After entering Rakshasa Street, the nature he could observe became clearer. The faint green light was very faint. The boundless black ground, with wet marks of dew, reflected the pale moonlight, which was strange. The atmosphere of terror makes people uneasy.

"Follow me as a teacher, according to what you said, there should be a lot of evil spirits in this Rakshasa Street." Jiang Bai ordered indifferently, and walked forward.

Seemingly recalling some bad memories, Xia Ling nodded quickly, and followed Jiang Bai obediently.The footsteps of the two can be heard clearly echoing on the street, and Jiang Bai is also distracted, sensing the detection of the real eye from time to time.

"This should be the periphery of Zhenhun Street. There are the most evil spirits. After this distance, the danger will be much smaller." Jiang Bai's eyes tightened. Sure enough, the two had just entered Zhenhun Street not long ago. According to the eye detection, there are many figures who dare to come here, or the anger of strangers has a certain temptation to evil spirits.

As soon as Jiang Bai's voice fell, from a dark corner, there was a roar like a wild beast, an evil spirit wearing armor, with dry skin, and green eyes emitting a faint green light rushed straight at him, baring his teeth and claws Like a madman.

"Ah!" Even though she was mentally prepared, Xia Ling was startled by the sudden roar, and hid in panic by Jiang Bai's side.

"Little thing, you scared the old man's disciple." Jiang Bai smiled kindly, and swept out with a flick of his sleeves, without even using his true energy, he directly hit the evil spirit!

 Four more! !It's [-]:[-], and I did what I promised.Anyone who knows Lao Gua knows that Lao Gua has no manuscripts saved. Whether it is double-opening now or once, the amount of updates every day is huge, and they are all published on the spot.

  The night is too beautiful, no matter how dangerous it is.

  Someone will eventually cultivate immortality with black eyes!
  Ask for recommendations, ask for collections.


(End of this chapter)

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