Chapter 116 Heart Lock Chain

early morning.

The towering locust tree stretches out its branches under the sunshine, and drops of dew condense on the thick and rough bark.Slowly sliding down the rough texture, the top of the crater mountain can be seen at a glance, but there are many defects in the verdant grassland, and pieces of scorched yellow leaves are hanging wiltingly.

The dark green venom had already penetrated deep into the ground, exuding a trace of rancidity but it was not obvious, and the corpses of several mountain spiders had not been cleaned up.Several wooden huts, repaired and repaired, stood comfortably beside the locust tree. In the open space in front of the huts, several figures stood.

"The eight trigrams are wrong, those who count the past will follow, and those who know the coming will be reversed, so it is easy to reverse the number."

Xia Ling murmured earnestly, her hands moved extremely slowly, and she seemed to be thinking about something every time she took a step.Perhaps it is indeed due to the physique of the spirit sender, the speed of absorbing spiritual power into the body is much faster than that of ordinary people.

"Don't be in a hurry, the layout of the Qimen Bureau must be kept in mind, so that in the future, you can open it with a light touch of water." Jiang Bai was dressed in a white gown, with silver thread hanging behind him, standing with his hands behind his back, serious Teaching Xia Ling.


After finishing a set of auxiliary gossip punches, Xia Ling took a deep breath, and the spiritual power in her body was mixed with Wuhou Qimen's formulas to circulate for a circle, and then transformed into true energy, and she lightly stepped on the ground with her toes.

At the same time, Jiang Bai's eyes suddenly flickered with a gleam of fluorescence, and Wuhou's strange door escaped, maintaining a diameter of about one foot under Xia Ling's feet, which is not a small improvement!

"Li San, Explosive Flame!"

Wuhou Qimen, Qianjiu, Duisi, Lisan, Zhenba, Xuner, Kanqi, Genliu, Kunyi, the ordinal number of the eight trigrams.Xia Ling has just figured out a little bit of the Li Zi Jue.

As the voice fell, Xia Ling stretched out her hand and hit it with a palm, and a flame actually emerged from her palm. The flame burst out, only as thick as a thumb, and it was not tyrannical, and slowly fell towards Jiang Bai.

"Hey, I failed again."

Xia Ling's expression changed, she sat down on the ground dejectedly, and said weakly.

"There has been obvious progress. Maybe Jilingren is really blessed. I think back when I was practicing, it took three full months to perform the strange tricks, let alone master the Lizi Jue." Jiang Bai slightly With a smile, he slowly stretched out his vicissitudes of life palm, and the flame fell into the palm of his hand, and was extinguished by his hand, turning into green smoke.

"Really?" Hearing Jiang Bai's praise, Xia Ling showed an excited smile, excited again.

"Stupid woman, of course, as long as there is a guardian spirit, no matter what the sender does, he will get some help." Cao Yanbing, who had been leaning against the wall of the hut, suddenly opened his eyes, looking listless, He said lazily and disdainfully, "It's strange to say... For Jiang Lao's sake, I have taught you all the methods of summoning the guardian spirit, and you have not been able to summon the guardian spirit until now."

"You think I'm thinking, no matter how I call, my guardian spirit won't answer me at all!" Speaking of this, Xia Ling's spirit just raised was poured with cold water again, and she said helplessly.

"How is it possible? You also said that your guardian spirit appeared and protected you. Obviously, the problem lies with yourself." Cao Yanbing snorted, turned his gaze to one side, and said slowly, "And It’s the kingdom organization and the mountain spider, relying on your current cultivation speed, by the time the small flame you can use can light a cigarette, the kingdom organization will have already hit Rakshasa Street.”

"What little friend said is indeed reasonable..." Jiang Bai frowned. He was not worried about the kingdom organization, but he would leave in a month. What if Xia Ling couldn't protect herself at that time?
Xia Ling's comprehension is indeed extraordinary, but Wuhou Qimen's kung fu, which combines the eight trigrams and five elements, the way of heaven and human relations, is also very difficult, and it is really difficult to master it in just a month or so.

"If it's about the spiritual aspect, the old man...maybe I can help a little bit." Jiang Bai said lightly, his eyes closed slightly, and when they opened again, they had turned into clear water, exuding a faint glow. Blue brilliance, it seems that this ray of clear water will drip out of the eye sockets at any time, mysterious and attractive.

"Han Cangsheng..."

Jiang Bai's tone seemed to have become much lower. The moment the three characters fell, wisps of black smoke spread out of the body, and this dark true energy spread upwards, gathering into a dark cloud in a room in the sky.

There was a sharp chirping of an eagle, the sound stopped the clouds, its captivating eyes pierced the sky, spread its wings several feet wide, and flew down slowly, but its figure kept shrinking in the process of flying down, just like a normal eagle generally.

The sharp eagle claw fell on Jiang Bai's right arm, and it was buckled like an iron hook, but it didn't hurt Jiang Bai at all.

"Are you also a spirit person?" Cao Yanbing's expression changed suddenly, his eyes looked at Jiang Bai in shock, and at the same time he kept looking at the majestic eagle, and couldn't help but speak.

"Did you call me out just to meet these two little brats? Little guy, those two guys inside you are interesting, why? Call me out to play with the old man?"

Han Cangsheng's piercing eagle eyes swept across the scene, and he actually spoke human words, his voice was heavy and majestic, quite imposing.

"It seems that this place is really suitable for you... spiritual power is also quite good for your growth." Jiang Bai chuckled, and the white shirt he was wearing formed a sharp contrast with the black smoke surrounding Han Cangsheng's body. In visual contrast, with a kind smile, he stretched out his hand to caress the eagle on his right arm, and the latter did not refuse.

"Little friend, don't get me wrong, haven't you already noticed it? This old man doesn't have spiritual power, but... There are also spirits in my hometown. Everything in the world has spirits. People can cultivate, and so can animals... Maybe, You can understand common people as... demons!"

"Demon?" Cao Yanbing was taken aback for a moment, including Xia Ling who looked at the proud Han Cangsheng in shock.

"Out of the physical body, the existence retained by the spirit body is very similar to the undead here." Jiang Bai nodded and explained lightly.However, it is clear that the arrogant Han Cangsheng is not satisfied with this title, but due to Jiang Bai's majesty, he simply groaned a few times in protest.

"Can you help Xia Ling summon the guardian spirit?" Cao Yanbing asked suspiciously.

"How do you know if you don't try it? The old man has a little attainment in the soul. Ling'er, let me take a look for you." Jiang Bai said calmly, and slowly raised his hand, Han Cangsheng spread his wings and flew high, setting off a burst of waves. The breeze messed up the hair on Jiang Bai's forehead, and swam above the nine heavens.

"Yeah." Xia Ling nodded excitedly, she naturally trusted Jiang Bai 100%, and quickly ran to the front.

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(End of this chapter)

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