Chapter 128 Gavin is dead!

A high-pitched dragon chant reverberated across the sky, the giant dragon was suspended in mid-air, fully armed with steel-like armors of dragon scales, two dragon wings fluttered, and the wind and clouds whizzed by as they danced at will. , fixed on Jiang Bai, but did not attack again.

"Mr. Jiang, please give me a beating. The person who sends the spirit to protect the spirit forever is unique. Although I admire your cultivation, but now you are not my opponent." On top of the dragon's head, Gai Wen half-kneeled on it , Said lightly.


The strong wind blowing by the dragon wings was like a tenth-level storm. Jiang Bai's long silver hair fluttered backwards, and his spirit clothes shattered. Only the dark black and milky white qi lingering around his body remained unaffected, solid and bright!
"It's really underestimated... Cangsheng, since you said it was a reptile, if you will be too ugly."

Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, and his mirror-like eyes looked at the dead dragon's eyes. There was a void above his head. In an instant, the dark clouds rolled and the cold air was pressing. Under a strange force, they rolled and rotated.

A cry of an eagle frightens the sky and suppresses the clouds, as if coming from above the nine heavens, spreading its wings, at least seven or eight feet wide, surrounded by black air, the sharp eagle pupils shone with cold light, and the sharp eagle claws turned towards Rush forward with the dragon!

Han Cangsheng swooped down, the speed was already extreme, and he went straight to the Dragon King Gaiwen!

"What?!" Gai Wen's pupils shrank slightly, and he clearly detected that Jiang Bai was not a spirit sender at all, nor did he have any spiritual power, so where did the giant eagle that suddenly appeared come from.

After thinking about it for a moment, Gavin jumped decisively and jumped off the dragon head. If he continued to stay on it, he would only drag the guardian spirit back!


As if being provoked, Xixilong spread its wings, raised its haughty head, stretched out its five claws, and stood in a group with Han Cangsheng who rushed over without giving in, and the two behemoths stood together heartily. Together, the impact is naturally indescribable!
"Xun character, wind rope!"

As soon as Gai Wen landed, Jiang Bai had already shot, and the old palm had just been lifted, and several ropes condensed from the air had already tied Gai Wen's limbs and imprisoned him in place!
Jiang Bai moved suddenly, and there was still a trace of silver-white lightning entwined on the spirit clothes. He rushed to Gai Wen's body in an instant, and raised his right palm suddenly. At the extreme, it turned into a dazzling white awn!

"Cloud Dispelling Palm!"


Gavin snorted coldly, and a terrifying energy suddenly erupted from his body, directly shaking the air in all directions, and forcibly breaking the control of the wind rope.The next moment, he released the spiritual power in his body without reservation, and punched Jiang Bai with a punch!
One punch and one palm collided together, and the two completely different forces, like explosives that produced a chemical reaction, became extremely violent!

Both of them were sent flying backwards by the terrifying anti-seismic force. Jiang Bai landed steadily on the ruins, while Gai Wen was much more unbearable. He staggered all the way, repelled his steps, and finally hit a wall , hit the wall until it sunk, and barely stopped. The spirit clothes all over his body were cut into cracks by the turbulent energy flow just now, and his blond hair was a little messy!
"To say the least, it's the spiritual power of the Dajiao heat level, right?"

Jiang Bai stood with his hands behind his back, and said lightly, "Soul Soul Street" has a strict level of spiritual power, a total of eight levels: waiting for work, black rope, gathering, screaming, shouting, scorching heat, great scorching heat, and seamless.The strength that Dragon King Gaiwen exploded just now is, to say the least, extremely hot.

"The old man will give you back what you said just now. You are not the old man's opponent."

When the words fell, Jiang Bai stepped out in one step, and in the blink of an eye, he hit Gai Wen's chest who was still standing still. The latter didn't even react, and his body curled up into a bow shape, and flew out directly. !

The wall behind him also shattered violently, but Gai Wen didn't fly upside down. Jiang Bai slowly withdrew his palm, and in the gap between his palms, drops of viscous Thunder Qi fell on the floor!
Gavin's pupils shrank, and an extremely cold feeling spread from his chest to his internal organs, and the unexplainable pain instantly exploded in his body, like a dam broken by a flood, the meridians all over his body were being corroded rapidly, Can't bring up any spiritual energy!

Gavin's legs gave way, and he knelt down on the ground, covering his chest with one hand and supporting the ground with the other.Beads of sweat kept dripping, and he gritted his teeth, but couldn't exert the strength to stand up.


Xilong roared angrily, obviously noticing the seriously injured Gavin, his mood became irritable, and he just wanted to go to the savior.Han Cangsheng flew down, and the sharp eagle claws slashed across the membrane wings, tearing the flesh and blood, and the latter also roared in pain.

With one mind and two minds, he soon fell into a disadvantage, and Han Cangsheng's offensive became more and more fierce!
"It's such a ruthless method... Mr. Jiang didn't rush to kill me, he just wanted to distract my guardian spirit?" Gai Wen panted heavily, trying to surge his spiritual power, but in the end it was all in vain. Seeing that he was about to lose The Dragon King asked slowly with a wry smile.

"Hehe... You are not stupid, do you like playing chess? You are handsome, and that dragon is an army. As long as you protect the master, you will be easily killed." Jiang Bai chuckled, looked up, Han Cangsheng had already taken control of the situation, and slowly raised his palm.

"Old man, I've said it before, I'll give you a good death... Only by killing you will the kingdom organization know how to restrain itself. Hellkamp alone may not have much weight." Jiang Bai said lightly, and the palm of his hand had already fallen on Gavin. On the head, there was a shock of true energy, which directly broke the latter's whole body, internal organs and six internal organs!

"Thank you..."

Gai Wen finally spit out two words, a trace of blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, his eyes closed, and he fell in front of Jiang Bai with a plop!

The dragon chant shook the sky, the Western Dragon spread its wings and flew, Han Cangsheng's sharp eagle claws had already pinched the Western Dragon's right wing, but the giant dragon was not afraid, regardless of the wound expanding, it turned its head and bit at Han Cangsheng, unexpectedly Intending to retaliate with wounds, invisible anger spewed from the dragon's eyes!

The sharp hawk chirps resounded, it was clear that the victory was decided, Han Cangsheng was not stupid enough to fight to the death, he let go of his right wing, spread his wings and dodged the blow.

The giant dragon got out of control, but it didn't chase Han Cangsheng any more, its wings shook, and it rushed towards Jiang Bai's direction aggressively!

"A beast controlled by anger, what else can you do." Jiang Bai said indifferently, in his subconscious, he was still more inclined to the Chinese dragon of his previous life, this western dragon, and the winged lizard What's the difference?

(End of this chapter)

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