Chapter 133 Xiang Yu!

ps: I recommend a few books from friends, "Rebirth as a Wolf" and "The Most Powerful Plunder in History".

On the top of the crater mountain, there is a piece of dilapidated and densely cracked. At this time, the sun has risen in the east and the sun is shining.

Cao Yanbing and Xiang Kunlun stood on each side, one holding Yama of the Ten Temples, and the other holding the Overlord Chu Ji.Behind Xiang Kunlun, Long Qi, Ji Bu, Yu Ziqi, and Zhongli Mei stand the four generals, and behind them are thousands of troops, heroic spirits in armor, and the spiritual power fluctuations of each heroic spirit are not weaker than waiting for them!


Cao Yanbing chuckled, Yama of the Ten Temples swung around and hit the ground violently, his body stood upright, his hands supported the end, the dragon head at the top hit the ground, strands of flame rose from it, and his robe Agitation, magnificent momentum.

"See if these are enough for you to play!"


Wisps of locust trees of evil spirits burst out from the longan eyes of Yama in the Ten Halls, and the five guardian spirits had already taken the sealed evil spirits under their command, so Cao Yanbing could of course manipulate them freely.One after another, evil spirits flitted out of the dragon's eyes, their bodies were covered with will-o'-the-wisps, their eyes were frightening, they roared continuously, bursting out with tyrannical emotions.

"Which one of you is going to play first?"

The corner of Cao Yanbing's mouth curled up, and he asked, four voices in his body sounded at the same time, "Okay, please."

Four beams of light lit up behind Cao Yanbing, the red battle armor, the eyes of magma, the tiger-headed hammer weighing a thousand catties, and Xu Chu's figure appeared.Then there were three beams of light in succession. Dian Wei, who was tall and broad-chested, wearing shoulder armor and holding a pair of halberds, had also appeared.

"It's been a long time since I came out for activities." A frivolous and confident voice sounded, a general in heavy armor stood side by side with Xu Chu Dianwei, holding a crescent halberd, it was Zhang Liao!

"A member of Mr. Xiang's family? Back then, it was a pity that he was not born hundreds of years earlier." Another voice sounded, and the mighty and majestic posture was so fast. Eyes like the moon, soul-stirring, the guardian spirit Zhang Yun appeared.

"Is that enough? Master Xiang?" Cao Yanbing smiled confidently and asked Xiang Kunlun back.There are hundreds of evil spirits behind him, and four guardian spirits of the Cao family, standing majestically, with no less aura!

"Hmph... the body of a warrior?"

Xiang Kunlun chuckled, stepped forward, and took the lead in attacking. While waving the halberd blade, layers of air whizzed past, turning into sickle blades, and at the same time, tearing the ground apart, every halberd split the mountain and ground Say no more!
Yama of the Ten Palaces burst out with extreme power, and his own spiritual power was mixed with Cao Yanbing, and his momentum was not inferior for a while.The sea of ​​fire spewed out like a wave of fire, and golden-red flames lingered around his body, colliding with the sickle-like air, buzzing and trembling!
"Let's exercise our muscles, too!" Zhang Liao yelled, and almost at the same time, the heroic spirits summoned by Xiang Kunlun and the evil spirits sealed in the Ten Temples of Yama rioted at the same time and fought together!
Long Qi is against Dian Wei, Ji Bu is against Xu Chu, Zhang Liao is against Yu Ziqi, Zhang He is against Zhongli Mo!The eight generals, each a top guardian spirit, are now fighting angrily for their respective lords.For a moment, the halberds and swords collided, and the shields and axes met each other. There must be aftermath after the heavy blow!

"Yeah...!" Xiang Kunlun roared, shaking Yama of the Ten Temples away, and swiping his halberd blade to block the invading flames from around him.Holding the Overlord Chuji in both hands, he just danced angrily, sweeping away thousands of troops and attacking Cao Yanbing!

The offensive is fierce and the movements are swift.Cao Yanbing suddenly lifted Yan Luo from the Ten Palaces to block, and as soon as he touched it, Cao Yanbing flew backwards.Flying upside down for more than ten meters, after releasing all his strength, he supported the ground with his palms and stabilized his figure again.

The toes touched the ground, and a thin layer of golden light was already ignited all over his body, attacking Xiang Kunlun again!

"I've had enough!"

Xiang Kunlun said in a cold voice, although he made a promise of one hundred tricks, but in order to prevent Ling Yu from seeing his flaws, he must go all out in this battle!

Xiang Kunlun held the Overlord Chuji with one arm and fended off Cao Yanbing's attack with a single wave.He had already seen Cao Yanbing's intentions, and his efforts were insufficient, so he was simply fighting with him and delaying time!

A wave of terrifying spiritual power spread mightily, and the burst of Wuxia-level spiritual power was like a landslide and tsunami.The black spiritual power rose like a hazy black mist and took shape behind Xiang Kunlun. The moment the Overlord's Spirit appeared, the awe-inspiring aura moved people's hearts!
"Is this also a guardian spirit? It's too scary!"

Xia Ling clenched her hands tightly, a feeling of fear and surrender came from the inside out, and her heart couldn't help beating violently.

"Sister Xia Ling, are you alright?" Cao Xuanliang had experienced more than Xia Ling, so he quickly calmed down, and asked Xia Ling worriedly.

Xia Ling took a deep breath, glanced at Jiang Bai who looked calm, suddenly clenched her fists, and shouted at Cao Yanbing: "Miser, don't lose, beat him up!"

"Stupid woman, don't talk nonsense."

Cao Yanbing slowly lifted Yama of the Ten Halls, the flames and golden light rose at the same time, and said indifferently: "The enemy I am going to face is stronger than you, if I fall here, I will be too sorry for the teacher's teaching .”

hum, hum, hum!
"Don't blame me for bullying the few with more!" Cao Yanbing raised his head proudly, and three beams of light rose behind his back, Xia Houdun, Xia Houyuan, and Xu Huang three tiger generals appeared.The crimson regional flames and the icy white flames spewed out from the light beams on the left and right sides respectively.

Xiahou Dun was one-eyed, with a flame dragon coiled around his body, his iron armor was locked horizontally, his mane was shoulder to shoulder, and his expression was extremely arrogant.And Xu Huang was wearing heavy armor, holding a heavy shield and a spear and ax in each hand, and his whole body was burning with white flames from the red lotus hell, exuding a touch of cold air.

In the central light beam, Xia Houyuan walked out proudly holding a long knife, wearing a black armor, under the helmet, and his eyes were cold.Without hesitation, he drew his sword and slashed out, a blade of light tore through the ground, and rushed towards Xiang Kunlun!
"Back then when the three heroes fought against Lu Bu, today I will wait to see how strong the former overlord Xiang Yu is!"

"Wait... ants..."

The black mist-like spiritual power condensed into a tall figure and slowly opened his mouth. He was more than one foot tall. Even Xia Houyuan and other guardian spirits would be a head shorter, holding a Chuji, heavy armor and leather shoulders, and powerful spiritual power Move, hold the Chu halberd and wave it lightly, offsetting the light of the sword!
The black spiritual power shook violently, as if it had exploded.The former overlord, the strongest martial spirit, Xiang Yu's real body is fully revealed!

"Cao Yanbing... I admire you a little bit now." Xiang Kunlun said slowly with his head held high, his expression contemptuous, and his tone confident.

 I just finished writing the old book, and started the new book non-stop. This is the first update, the fourth update is guaranteed, and the fifth update is just for votes! !
(End of this chapter)

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