Chapter 137

The roar shook the sky, and the ape king roared angrily. Although Meng Che's attack could not cause any real damage, no matter how rough the skin was, the cloud-dispelling palm still made him feel the pain.

With a wave of his thick arm, he swept across Meng Che in front of his chest!

Meng Che's expression changed, and he quickly backed away, dodging the attack of the ape king.As soon as he landed, he started to use the Huayun Jue with all his strength, and the white zhenqi was as ethereal and impermanent as clouds and smoke, scattered around him, and he stretched out his fingers one after another, each finger shooting out a white light the size of an inch finger!

The ape king raised his thick arms and crossed his defenses in front of him, blocking the vital points.A series of white lights bombarded the body, but it was the only result of being broken. The bronze-colored fur shone with a cold light, glowing with a metallic luster, giving people an indestructible feeling!
"Damn it, this bastard is so tough!"

Meng Che cursed secretly, and frowned tightly. The strength of this vicious ape is no less than him. With a single arm swing, it can exceed a thousand catties. The strange fur on his body is as hard as armor. stand up.The ape king approached step by step, but Meng Che retreated step by step, backing to the edge of the cliff!

"Hehe...Little guy, you should have heard of the name of special energy, right?"

At this moment, a casual and relaxed voice sounded in Meng Che's ear, the voice was frivolous but calm and neutral.It seems to be close to the ear, but it seems to come from all directions, making it impossible to distinguish the location through the sound.

"Old man Kun, I knew you were here, come and save me, you really want me to be killed by these beasts!" Hearing this, Meng Che's expression changed, he became even more angry, and shouted directly.He suddenly turned his head to look at the stone altar he had placed before, and it really disappeared.

"If I am killed, you will feel bad when my master comes back!"

"Haha... little guy, do you know how to be anxious now?" On the steep cliff at this time, there was a twisted pine sticking out of the rock and soil. Elder Kun was lying comfortably on the pine, with the cliff below him, Holding a mud-covered stone altar, while talking to Meng Che, he has already reached out and patted the stone altar anxiously, sending the mud cover flying.

"Hmph... Besides, your master promised me a one-month deadline, but now the time has come, so you and I don't have to worry about it." Elder Kun said leisurely, holding the stone altar in one hand, and pointed towards the mouth. He gulped down the monkey wine, drank five gulps, and then shouted comfortably, "Good wine! It's a good wine brewed every ten years! No wonder the group of monkeys chased you desperately, this one The Ape King is already at the peak of the first rank, so he probably counts on this altar of monkey wine to raise his realm."

"Old man, do you know how to make sarcastic remarks? You asked me to steal the monkey wine!"

Meng Che turned back unceremoniously, and after spending a month with such a nonchalant elder as Elder Kun, he unexpectedly developed a sense of ruffianism, completely different from his always stable image before!
The Bronze Ape King came rushing again, shaking the cliff and shaking his arms, he threw his arms towards Meng Che!

Meng Che bent his legs and used his strength to jump up to a height of more than ten meters. However, the rock behind him was not so lucky. The moment the entire boulder was embraced by the pair of ape arms, it burst into pieces Come on, the gravel splashes!

Watching this scene, Meng Che's scalp felt a little numb. He swallowed, calmed down, and began to recite the formula silently!

"Mountain and River Hegemony!"

Meng Che let out a loud roar, and a faint white light flickered all over his body. The light penetrated into his body like a natural phenomenon, and his skin became crystal clear in an instant, like a newborn baby. Infuriating was fully mobilized.

Hearing this loud roar, Elder Kun couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he raised his head and drank several mouthfuls of monkey wine. His stubborn temper actually allowed him to reach the standard of cultivating the Mountain and River Hegemony within half a month, and even successfully mastered the first level."

Moreover, Meng Che's kung fu practice is also strange, it has no attributes, but it is ever-changing. The mountain and river hegemony is a supernatural power of the earth attribute. It stands to reason that the exercises of the earth attribute are easier to fit, but in front of that white true energy, it seems that all the laws are incompatible. failed.

Meng Che soared down to the sky, raised his fist and slammed at the head of the ape king, his fist was glowing with white light, and his skin was like jade.

With the power of a punch, the moment it hit, the wind and waves roiled. After Meng Che activated the Mountain and River Hegemony Body, the strength of his physical body increased several times in an instant.


The ape king let out a scream, and retreated one after another. His huge body fell backwards, shaking up smoke and dust!
But before Meng Che had time to be happy, the ape king climbed up again. His huge head was already dripping with blood. He opened his mouth and roared, revealing his sharp fangs. He grabbed Meng Che forward with his big hand. Che's calf!

The great strength of the ape king appeared, and he immediately lifted Meng Che up and threw him to the ground!

Like a meteorite falling to the ground, Meng Che smashed a big crater on the ground. With his strength still remaining, he couldn't stop rolling towards the edge of the cliff. For a moment, his figure was suspended in the air. Fortunately, the moment he was about to fall, Meng Che Enduring the severe pain, Che gritted his teeth and grabbed the edge of the cliff.

"Hehe... little guy, Shanhe Hegemony is a good learner. I warned you before, but I insist on showing off." Elder Kun yawned lazily, the stone altar in his hand was already half empty, "Since humans can awaken any kind of special qi, why can't beasts? The ape king in front of you should have some kind of metal-type special qi. If you want to break through its defense, you have to work hard. gone."

"No... help..., just stop... making sarcastic remarks!"

Meng Che gritted his teeth, and replied word by word. With both arms, he jumped up the cliff again.

"Be careful, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of your eyes." Elder Kun said leisurely, sipping his wine and looking at the scenery.

"Huh...huh..." Meng Che panted heavily, and narrowed his eyes. The enhancement of the mountain and river domineering body to the physical body is indeed remarkable. Even if it was only the first level, he only suffered a little injury in the attack just now. .However, to maintain the mountain and river hegemony, the consumption of true energy is also huge. With his current strength, he can only maintain it for 10 minutes!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The group of apes surrounding the cliff roared excitedly, as if they saw that the intruder was at a disadvantage.

The ape king straightened his chest, the blood from his forehead flowed across his face, his deep roar echoed in his throat, his beast eyes were fierce, and his whole body glowed with a faint bronze color!

 The first update, I was a little tired, I was lazy for a while, the update was late, sorry, it is still the fourth update today.

  Lao Gua said that no matter how late the update is, everyone will definitely arrive the next day when they wake up! !Please recommend, please collect.


(End of this chapter)

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