Chapter 140 Silver Bone Marrow
"That's right, you know how to suppress your cultivation, and you didn't break through rashly... Originally, relying on the effect of the monkey wine, it wasn't difficult to break through to the tenth level of the Martial Realm, but fortunately, Che'er, you hold back, the foundation is the most important thing, every step must be taken Practical."

Jiang Bai nodded and praised without hesitation.

"You should be hungry. The fierce ape is a first-order fierce beast. Their flesh and blood are nourished by qi, which is helpful for cultivation." As he said, Jiang Bai glanced at the grill that was temporarily set up with wood. It was overripe, with a scorched yellow color, the fat dripping in the flames made a chirping sound, and the smell of meat was wafting.

He picked up a bunch casually, handed it to Meng Che, took a bunch himself, and ate it.For a series of things, he himself has not had a good meal for several days. Although it is difficult to feel hungry after the infuriating circulation after the Acquired Realm, he still can't completely eat the valley.

"Thank you, master."

Meng Che swallowed. He was indeed very hungry. After thanking him, he took the skewers and swallowed.

After satisfying his hunger, Meng Che sat on the ground contentedly and rubbed his stomach. After this month of penance, he was definitely the most relaxed now, and even burped.

"Che'er, we have been away for more than a month, so let's continue on our way in the afternoon." Jiang Bai thought for a while, and ordered to Meng Che.In the words, it is inevitable that there are some reminiscences. Hulao Military Pass was supervised and built by him and Lao Meng when he was young, and he even took the name.

"Master, please wait for me for a while, I'm good... go and wash up." Meng Che said embarrassedly. He looked like he was in the mountains and forests. If he went out, he might be thrown into Marquis Wu's mansion. face.

"Then advise you as a teacher, you should take the baby first before going, or you will still get dirty blood later." Jiang Bai smiled softly and said slowly.

"Baby?" Meng Che was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion.I looked up and looked between the mountains and cliffs, but I couldn't find any conspicuous treasures.

Jiang Bai slowly raised his finger to the corpse of the bronze ape king, and said indifferently: "Is it the treasure that the teacher said?"

"This ape king?"

Meng Che murmured in doubt, stood up slowly, and walked towards the corpse of the bronze ape king. The blood had already solidified, but after being exposed to the sun for several hours, he could already smell a rancid smell, "Master, you Got it wrong? There is nothing special about this ape king except that its fur is a little stiffer."

"You will know when you dissect it. Remember, only take the spine!"

Jiang Bai smiled lightly, and with a wave of his hand, he took out a three-inch long sharp dagger from the package and threw it to Meng Che, explaining at the same time, "This bronze ape king has a special metal true energy, and his flesh and blood are in this The effect of Qi is as hard as iron, so it cannot be eaten, but it also has another advantage, under the influence of this Qi, his bones are far harder than ordinary beasts."

Listening to Jiang Bai's explanation, Meng Che's eyes suddenly glowed, and without a word, he jumped onto the corpse of the bronze ape king, and began to dissect it skillfully.In a flash of effort, his hands were stained with blood.

"Master, I got it." After a long time of exhaustion, Meng Che finally used a dagger to open a big gash in the back of the bronze ape king, stretched out his hand and pulled out a spine that was nearly two meters long, although it was dripping with blood. , but it is not difficult to see the strangeness of this bone at all.

The whole body of this bone is crystal clear, showing a thick copper yellow color. Under the sunlight, it reflects the luster of metal, and faintly, one can still see strands of thick light yellow true energy, surrounding it like smoke and dust.The most important thing is that under the copper yellow color, there is still a faint silver light hidden!

As for the Bronze Ape King, no one will be pitiful, and the Canglan Continent already preys on the weak.Ferocious beasts cannibalize people, and beast hordes attack cities and slaughter a country from time to time, and it is very common for humans to plunder and kill ferocious beasts, and take their flesh and bones.

"Che'er, your luck is really good, what you have gained is even greater than what you originally thought!" Jiang Bai squinted his eyes, and said with a smile after a while, slowly stretched out his hand, a milky white cloud of true energy , gushed out directly, turned into a palm and took the two-meter-long bronze spine from Meng Che's hand.

"Why? Is there anything amazing about this bone?" Meng Che also looked a little excited and asked excitedly.

"Hehe, although this bronze ape king has a special metal zhenqi, it can't be comprehended by the first-order realm at all. Refined into a weapon, at least it can cut iron like mud and break people's true spirit."

Jiang Bai explained lightly, slowly exerting force on his hands, increasing the transportation of true qi, the palm of the formed true qi was pinched suddenly, and the two-meter-long spine shattered and turned into bone debris.

"Master, what are you?" Meng Che gritted his teeth in pain, such a baby would be ruined, but he didn't dare to question Jiang Bai's decision, so he could only ask bitterly.

"Don't worry, the real baby just came out!"

After the bronze bone was shattered, the bone marrow in it showed a bright silvery white, dazzling and moving, flowing slowly in it.

Jiang Bai saw the timing, waved his hand violently, and directly used the power of breaking the boundary. The light cyan energy wrapped the silver bone marrow, and sealed it in a diamond-shaped cyan gem in the blink of an eye, which fell into Jiang Bai's body. palm.

"The bronze ape king just happened to be at the moment of breakthrough, and he has just comprehended the deeper level of the metal's true energy. All the insights and essence are in the bone marrow. This is the best refining material!"

Jiang Bai put away the rhombus-shaped gem and stood with his hands behind his back. "If we can find a real master of refining weapons in the future and use silver bone marrow to refine weapons, isn't it a chance?"

"Yeah." Meng Che nodded again and again, looking extremely expectant, with the corners of his mouth forming an arc.In the future, if he has a weapon that can break through the defense of one's true energy, he is absolutely confident that he will leapfrog the challenge.

"Okay, don't smirk, go and clean it up... Anyway, he is also the young master of Wuhou Mansion." Jiang Bai tapped Meng Che's forehead lightly, but it still caused the latter a burst of pain, and said slowly.

"Ahem... Disciple, let's go now."

Meng Che coughed twice and hadn't washed it for several days. The rotten corpse and the smell of blood made him a little unbearable.Her immature cheeks turned red, even more exaggerated than when she drank monkey wine before.

As he said that, he quickly activated his exercises and rushed towards the nearest stream.

Jiang Bai's eyes were deep, and he watched Meng Che leave. In fact, he still had another thought. He still restrained the Linghuai of this weapon refiner, and used the silver bone marrow to refine the weapon. The effect would only be worse. good.

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