Chapter 147 Meng Xing was furious

When the two iron halberds intersected, there was a sound of gold and iron, and sparks flew everywhere.

Jiang Bai held the handle of the halberd with one hand, and with the blessing of the guardian angel, he could easily sway ten thousand catties with one arm.

Under the terrifying force, the handle of the iron halberd was bent into a certain arc, and it hit heavily on the halberd blade that Meng Xing swung!
Meng Xing subconsciously resisted with all his strength, using head-to-head confrontation, the two iron halberds collided violently.


With a trembling sound, Meng Xing's palm went numb, and the iron halberd in his hand flew out.The handle of the halberd shook, and it was firmly inserted into the ground, three inches into the ground!

"Huh!" Jiang Bai snorted coldly, obviously not planning to stop, and stepped forward.The left palm was raised, and the dazzling milky white light hovered in the palm, congealed into substance, it was the cloud-dispelling palm!

Meng Xing's face changed, how could he fail to recognize the unique skills of Marquis Wu's mansion, he was terrified, and quickly mobilized his true energy.

Immediately, Meng Xing was wrapped in a layer of light white gauze. With his acquired triple thickness, the gauze's defense was somewhat stronger than ordinary armor!

Meng Xing crossed his arms and blocked them in front of his chest.Jiang Bai's attack followed and shook it!
The strength of the two is obviously not directly proportional.As soon as he made contact, Meng Xing's figure flew upside down, and was smashed heavily on the ground. Because it was close to the river, the ground was soft, and a human-shaped pit was left behind!
"Ahem..." Meng Xing stood up in embarrassment, but under the protection of his body-protecting qi, he only suffered a slight injury, and nothing serious happened.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for showing mercy!"

After standing up, Meng Xing cupped his fists instead and said loudly.In this last palm, Jiang Bai did stay three points!

"Do you know why the old man hit you?" Jiang Bai stood with his hands behind his back and said coldly, his tone indifferent.

"My nephew doesn't know, please tell Jiang Lao, and I will definitely correct it in the future!" Meng Xing said in a low voice with a very low attitude.


The sergeants who watched the whole incident looked at each other for a while, swallowed hard, and the chill in their hearts grew even stronger.Even Marquis Wu is like this, aren't they finished!

"Marquis Wu, Marquis Wu, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't be disrespectful to Elder Jiang!"

Suddenly, under the strange atmosphere, a sergeant stood up first, knelt down on the ground, and begged bitterly!

"Yes, yes, yes, Marquis Wu, Mr. Jiang, please don't remember the mistakes of villains!"

"Damn the little one, the little one knows it's wrong!"

"Marquis Wu, have mercy!!"

With someone taking the lead, the rest of the sergeants quickly followed suit, knelt down on the ground, and started crying.

"Hmph, you shameless one!" Han Sheng snorted and turned his head to the side.

Meng Xing frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a cold voice: "Wait, how dare you be rude to Mr. Jiang? When you return to the barracks, each person will receive thirty Xing Xing, and the military salary will be deducted for one month!"

"Marquis Wu, Marquis Wu, it's really none of our business! It's all the captain's order, and we're just following orders!" The sharp-mouthed, monkey-cheeked sergeant bared his head again, begging for mercy.

Zhang Xing Thirty, their mere five or six cultivation bases of the Martial Realm, if they endure it, they will shed their skin even if they don't die!What's more, one month's military salary is not a small amount, how can one be willing to part with it!
Seeing this, the rest of the sergeants quickly chimed in!
"Who is the captain of your team, come out and meet me!" Meng Xing shouted with a straight face, obviously angry.

"Captain...Captain, he..." The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked sergeant was startled by Meng Xing's aura, trembling, and dared not speak any more.

"Don't look for it, the captain is here!" After watching the play for a long time, Jiang Bai finally spoke.Gave up his figure, revealing the tragic death of the young captain, eyes wide open, dirty blood dried up!

Meng Xing was stunned for a moment, but he never thought that the captain of this team had been killed by Jiang Bai.

But soon, Meng Xing calmed down. Based on his understanding of Elder Jiang, the latter would not ignore human life without any reason, especially the captain appointed by Hulaoguan.So I quietly waited for Jiang Bai's opening.

"Do you know why the old man killed him?" Jiang Bai asked slowly, pointing at the young captain's body.

"Nephew, I don't know." Meng Xing shook his head. The reason for Jiang Bai's murder was certainly not because of such trivial matters as disrespect.

"Han Sheng, tell your Marquis Wu that this is the soldier he brought out, the soldier who defends the country!"

Jiang Bai flicked his sleeves, turned his head to one side, and faced the Dragon Pass hidden in the autumn scenery of the mountains.

"Yes." Han Sheng nodded and agreed loudly.When he looked at Meng Xing, he gave a standard military salute and said, "I tell Marquis Wu that Sun Wu disrespected military law and abused his power. He used his patrols all year round to ask for bribes from passing caravans. At the time of the white tiger, he became greedy again and wanted to take it by force, but was executed by Mr. Jiang!"

"Such corrupt people, why didn't you sue me!" Meng Xing asked angrily. He hated the most in his life, except for treason and bandits, these corrupt people!
Han Sheng smiled bitterly, and said helplessly, "I'm just an ordinary sergeant, and I'm the biggest in Guanzhong. I can only report to the commander-in-chief. How can I tell Marquis Wu?"

"Then why has Benhou never received such reports?" Meng Xing frowned and continued to ask.

"Don't you have nothing in your heart?" Jiang Bai said lightly, "Do you think that a small captain dares to be a domineering, and his mouth is full of oil?"

"What a foolish Marquis Wu, it's the face of being thrown into the Meng family. The majestic nature is dangerous, the majestic tiger prison is full of moths. If there is a collusion, even if there are a few loyal people, the news will still reach you, won't it?"

"A bunch of scum!"

Hearing this, Meng Xing cursed angrily, pointed to the sergeant kneeling on the ground, and said again, "Double the guilt, two months of military pay, and sixty sticks!"

A group of sergeants changed their colors in shock, and they were about to beg for mercy.

The sticks used in the barracks for the cane punishment are treasures refined from the spine of the second-order ferocious beast, the Pan-Earth Lizard, on which the Pan-Earth Lizard has its understanding of Qi.

It is light and light, like floating catkins.The tenacity of falling is like Mount Tai's top pressure, and the effect will be strengthened with the transmission of true energy!
"Anyone who talks too much will be shot directly!" How could Meng Xing not know the thoughts of several people, before they opened their mouths, he refused indifferently!

When he came back to his senses, he bowed to Jiang Bai with a face of shame, and said slowly, "Please punish Jiang!"

"If punishing you is useful, can you still stand here and talk to the old man?" Jiang Bai said lightly, "Xing'er, don't let down the grand pass in front of you, and the word Wuhou!"

"Do you know the origin of this Hulao Pass?" Jiang Bai seemed to have a feeling in his heart, standing with his hands behind his back, and asked slowly.

 The first!
(End of this chapter)

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