Chapter 150 What is Military Salute?

After Yang Ping's voice fell, the atmosphere in the handsome camp suddenly exploded.

Some old generals with a violent temper even pulled out their sabers from their waists. The sound of swords and swords resounded everywhere, and they glared at the young generals with their eyes, and remained silent.Waiting for General Tie's statement.

"I really thought we were afraid of you." The young man was so angry and stimulated by this.The young generals headed by Yang Ping and Wang Hua also drew their swords and sharpened their swords vigorously. The two sides did not give in to each other.

"It's so lively!"

At this moment, an old man's slightly angry words came from outside the handsome camp.Everyone was stunned, and dozens of pairs of eyes looked out of the tent, especially Han Sheng, who finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The old man's voice fell, a moment later.There was a burst of unhurried footsteps outside the tent.The curtain was opened, and it was Jiang Bai and others, Meng Xing, Meng Che, father and son, one on the left and one on the right, like guards.

Jiang Bai's face was cold, he didn't say a word, ignored everyone, and walked towards the handsome seat.Although he was not crowned by the imperial court, he had no official title, but at Hulao Pass, he was the uncrowned king!

The commanders and generals of the two sides, one old and one young, reacted differently when they saw the appearance of the old man.

General Tie's eyes were full of tears, his jaw trembled slightly, he opened his mouth a few times to speak but then forcibly endured it.Every time Mr. Jiang passed by a general, there would be an elderly commander or general half kneeling on the ground, paying homage during the march.

"See you, Mr. Jiang!"

For this sudden scene, the young commanders were obviously still a little bit unable to react.Of course, it is impossible for them all to rely on their backgrounds and enter the gold-plated ranks. Most of them have outstanding talents and extremely high cultivation talents, so they have become such a high position.

On weekdays, these old antiques are upright and upright, and there is no profit at all. As time passes, the young commanders naturally move closer to the children of nobles like Wang Hua.

"Uncle Meng, I haven't seen you for a long time. This junior salutes you." Wang Hua sneered at General Tie and others who were kneeling on the ground and saluting Jiang Bai.Changing into a warm and joyful smile, he said to Meng Xing.

"Yang Er, I saluted Marquis Wu too." The two said to salute, but they just clasped their fists slightly, pretending a little.

"Both of you, your status is quite high. I'm afraid Meng won't be able to reach the top?" Meng Xing said indifferently, with a heavy voice.Just now, Mr. Jiang deliberately turned away from the left and right sides, and the few people outside the tent have been listening for a while.

Wang Hua had an embarrassed smile on his face, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Uncle Meng, you are joking. The younger generation has always admired Uncle Meng. He sits in Huguan, holds a heavy army, and has an unimaginable demeanor."

"Hmph..." Meng Xing snorted coldly and didn't say any more.Turning his head and glanced at the crowd, he continued to announce loudly, "Generals, I have given the Marquis Order of Marquis Wu to Elder Jiang. In the future, seeing the order is like meeting someone, and Elder Jiang is in the army, so he can decide everything on his own!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, General Tie and the others were naturally not surprised, and even took it for granted.

"Uncle Meng, an old man, how can He De be in charge of Marquis Wu?" Seeing that General Tie and others respected Jiang Lao, Wang Hua and other young generals were unhappy, but under the hint of Yang Ping's threatening eyes, all the time The commander could only grit his teeth in desperation, stepped forward, and questioned.


In the handsome camp, there was a burst of laughter suddenly.General Tie, who had always been serious, couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Bai sat on the main seat, looking indifferently at the commander who asked the question, and pressed down with his raised palm, the audience fell into silence, the laughter stopped suddenly, and the military was majestic!Slowly and jokingly asked: "Little friend, how old is this year?"

"Gulu..." The commander swallowed, always feeling numb under Jiang Bai's gaze, as if being stared at by a hungry tiger, and answered intermittently, "Two, 22..."

"When the old man led the army to fight, you were not even born, little guy? What qualifications do you have to ask the old man!" Jiang Bai said lightly, his eyes became colder and colder, such a group of pests stayed in the army, no matter how high the cultivation base was , what's the use.

After the words fell, Jiang Bai's momentum suddenly changed, and he stood up from the handsome seat suddenly, "Han Sheng, bring the order."

"Yes." Han Sheng nodded excitedly, and tremblingly handed the bronze token in his hand to Jiang Bai.

"He doesn't have the qualifications. I must have one, right?" Wang Hua narrowed his eyes, glanced at the commander in disdain, stepped forward two steps, walked out proudly with his head held high, and asked loudly.

"What qualifications do you have?" Jiang Bai raised his mouth and asked slowly.

"My father is the empire, the commander of the Dizi Army!" Wang Hua said loudly, and he did not know how many times he said this sentence, and he seemed extremely proficient.

"Hehe..." Jiang Bai couldn't help laughing, a rare gaffe, and after recovering, his face became cold, and he said, "If your father came to ask me, I might still preach to him, you are not qualified ! And don’t you know that meeting Ling is like meeting people, you don’t even know the proper military etiquette when you meet Marquis Wu?”

When the words fell, Jiang Bai flicked the bronze token in his hand on the desk in front of him. The word Wuhou was extremely conspicuous!

"You!" Wang Hua was about to get angry, but was held back by Yang Ping behind him. He took a deep breath, arched his hands towards Jiang Bai, and said lazily, "Chief of the Guards, Wang Hua, see Marquis Wu."


A burst of crisp and loud applause suddenly sounded, Wang Hua's whole body turned sideways, and a red and swollen palm print appeared on the right cheek.

Jiang Bai looked at Wang Hua coldly, and he had already stopped. The speed was so fast that no one could see the movement clearly.

"This is your military salute? You come from a dignified family of generals, and you don't even know how to do a military salute!"

"You, you dare to hit me!" Wang Hua covered his cheeks in a daze for a while, and he came back to his senses after a while, the veins on his forehead burst out, he stretched out his fingers and pointed at Jiang Bai angrily, and said fiercely.

"The old man is teaching you the most basic etiquette, lest others laugh at your Wang family outside, nothing! No! Home! Teach!" Jiang Bai said lightly, only the last four words were accented.

"You insult my Wang family, even if you kill you, your Marquis Wu's mansion can't blame me!" Wang Hua also saw that Meng Xing was completely on the side of the old man, so he tore his face and roared angrily. road.

"Che'er, teach him how to salute in the army, be more polite, he is delicate and expensive." Jiang Bai suddenly smiled, and slowly ordered to Meng Che beside him.Both of them are at the ninth level of the Martial Realm, but their strengths are absolutely vastly different.

"Yes!" Meng Che cupped his fists, shouted, and walked slowly towards Wang Hua.

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(End of this chapter)

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