Chapter 161 Killing Panyun Python


"Rush in, archers ready."

"Shield bearer, come on!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In front of the broken city wall, barbarian soldiers held up long knives and halberds.Then they filed in through the gap, and the two armies fought together. There was a bloody battle, gold and iron clashed, roars, shouts of killing, corpses fell down one after another, and the battle was indistinguishable.


A Panyun python with two water chestnuts on its head supported one-third of its body, its mouth opened angrily, revealing two snake teeth carved out of jade.The cold snake's eyes stared at the Hulao army. Obviously, the missing corner of the city wall was made by this Panyun python.

Panyun Python's eyes burst into two green lights suddenly, like a sharp sword, the light instantly penetrated the chests of the two soldiers.The huge body hovered, and with a flick of its flexible tail, it rolled up the right legs of the two corpses, ready to swallow them alive.


"Damn beast, how dare you do evil in Guanzhong." Jiang Bai shouted angrily, his voice came from far to near, and a gust of wind swept over.Hearing the prestige and looking around, he saw a ray of white light crashing into Panyun Python's Qicun suddenly.


Panyun python neighed, and its huge body flew upside down, hitting and flying more than a dozen barbarian soldiers who had just poured into the pass along the way.


Panyun Python's huge body wriggled on the ground, leaving shallow bloodstains on its abdomen. It raised its triangular head slightly, and kept swallowing snake letters. Its cold eyes locked onto Jiang Bai's figure with killing intent.

"Huh!" Jiang Bai snorted coldly, Cangtan in the northern border had already been unleashed under his feet, and the viscous, milky white thunder zhenqi spread to those barbarian soldiers like maggots with bones in the blink of an eye!


"What the hell is this!"

"Ah! Ah! Help!"

Yin Lei is pervasive, and weird and changeable, as long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it will be crushed instantly, squeezing the whole body's true energy, and becoming weak all over!

A group of barbarian soldiers had no ability to resist in front of Yin Lei, and kept falling down!

The soldier who just fell was instantly pierced by the thunderbolt, spreading out along the mouth, nose, eyes, and ear holes, and his death was grim!
Seeing such a scene, those barbarian soldiers were naturally terrified, and quickly retreated to avoid the spread of the thunder!
Under the shattered city wall, a strange scene unfolded. Every time Mr. Jiang took a step forward, Yin Lei's true energy would take a step forward, while the barbarian army also retreated a step in fear!
One pass, one person, unexpectedly frightened thousands of troops back!
"Old Jiang!" The barbarian soldiers retreated, and the remaining soldiers noticed who had saved them, and shouted ecstatically.

Jiang Bai waved his hand lightly, and slowly ordered: "Leave this to the old man, the rest of you. Bury the dead soldiers, and at least they can be buried in peace after death."

"Yes." The soldiers agreed quickly, and if they stayed, it would only increase the trouble.

"A little snake dares to show off its power, you are far worse than a dragon." Jiang Bai snorted coldly, with a little anger on his face, facing the huge Panyun Python, slowly pacing forward.

"Hiss~!" Panyun python swallowed the snake letter, and Jiang Bai's figure was reflected in his cold eyes.The next moment, he moved flexibly, twisted his body, and directly rode the wind and waves. The viscous thunderous true energy rushed towards him, but was directly shaken away by the huge body.

The surface of the snake scales shone with fluorescent light, emitting a little true energy.


Yin Lei's true energy rolled up, and Jiang Bai stepped on it, causing ripples.There was no need to do anything at all, Yin Lei turned into a wave and covered Panyun Python directly as if it had life attached to it.The waves scattered, and the ten-foot-long body directly broke through the barrier of true energy, and rushed straight to Jiang Bai.


The python opened its mouth and came directly to swallow it. The two sharp white jade fangs were extremely conspicuous, and it wanted to swallow Jiang Bai alive.

"Duizi, Hei Liuli."

Jiang Bai moved, slowly raised his palm, wrapped his arms in the color of glaze, and grasped his fingers into claws, grabbing at the snake teeth of Panyun Python at the very moment.


With a loud thunderous noise, Jiang Bai had just resisted the fangs of the Panyun python, and under the terrifying force, he couldn't help but take two steps back one after another.On the hard stone slab, step on the cracked fine lines, clang!

The eyes of the Panyun boa constrictor turned cold, and the strength of its upper jaw increased a bit. The snake scales all over its body were invulnerable to weapons, fire, water, and even thunder.A three-inch thick snake letter, as sharp as a sword, stabs at Jiang Bai under the mouth of the snake flexibly!

Jiang Bai snorted coldly, his whole body suddenly burned with bright white light, and the Golden Light Curse was cast, covering his body like a translucent flame.It spread out in an instant, and the zhenqi transformed into a huge palm, which pressed against the fangs of the upper jaw.

After that, fortunately, he let go of one arm and grasped the stabbing snake letter.With a twist of the wrist, the snake letter was wrapped tightly around the arm, making it difficult to shake!
The sole of the foot was lifted violently, and it directly and violently stepped on the jaw. With a force of tens of thousands of catties, it fell with the sonic boom.


The severe pain made Panyun Python lose his rationality, and his huge body kept shaking, trying to break free from Jiang Bai's palm.At this moment, the Panyun Python was in so much pain that it could no longer distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, its tail swept wildly, and with a light wave, it smashed the barbarian soldiers in the rear into a pulp.

"You should pay for the crime you committed yourself." Jiang Bai said coldly, this Panyun python swallowed at least dozens of soldiers from Hulao Pass.With a sudden force on his right arm, he pulled it back, and the snake letter as hard as fine iron broke directly, and the cold snake blood gushed out!


Panyun Boa suddenly exerted strength, and at the moment the snake letter was torn off, it broke free from the restraint, and screamed in pain.Blood was dripping from his mouth, and although his body was like jade, he had become extremely terrifying and hideous at this moment!
"Those who violate my Hulao pass will be punished!"

Jiang Bai's indifferent voice spread throughout the army, and the voice shook the sky.He directly pulled out a good halberd anywhere, and the terrifying true energy was wrapped in it for an instant, and he threw it suddenly, like a white light startled the sky, and disappeared in a flash.

In the eyes of many people, following Jiang Bai's words, the white awn shot into the air of Panyun Python in the blink of an eye, and with terrifying force, the whole body fell backwards.


Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and gravel rolled down.

Panyun Python's body crashed to the ground.When the smoke dissipated, everyone saw in amazement that this ordinary war halberd pierced through the python's head and nailed it to the ground where the city wall was broken, just blocking the gap.

However, even though the boa constrictor was dead, its huge body was still twisting instinctively, slamming against the city wall beside it.

(End of this chapter)

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