Chapter 171

The zhenqi-wrapped sound rippled out, forming ripples.

The many fleeing monsters, just being affected by the ripples, cried out with headaches.These monsters are inherently weak, and their strength is no more than that of people at the first or second level of Martial Realm.In an instant, strands of blood flowed from the eye sockets, ear holes, and nose.


The first monster fell, as if it had formed an inertia, and then the monsters fell down one after another like dominoes.Qiqiao bleeds to death, and the appearance of death is extremely tragic.

The air suddenly became silent.

The fleeing villagers couldn't help but retreat, trembling.He swallowed nervously, neither shouting nor rejoicing.On the contrary, it's because of fear. They actually talked to such a terrible person just now?
Jiang Bai slowly withdrew his hand, and turned his eyes to the mayor of Kedra Town again. The latter and Jiang Bai's eyes immediately shivered.

"Thank you, sir, for saving your life." The old mayor took a deep breath before speaking intermittently, with a nervous look on his face.Beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead, and the clothes behind him were already wet with sweat.

Jiang Bai glanced at the crowd lightly, and everyone took a step back in fear.He wasn't angry either, but acted like he was used to it.

"The old man shot only because these monsters are an eyesore, and it has nothing to do with you." Jiang Bai said coldly, he had already passed the age of being passionate and brave, and he had seen countless killings.It's just that after hearing the word 'magic', I feel harsh.

"Is Lambert there?" Jiang Bai asked straight to the point, and didn't bother to talk too much with these ignorant villagers.

"Lambert?" The old mayor was stunned for a moment before he said nervously, "Lambert has already separated from everyone in order to gain time and lure away the monsters. We don't know where he... is now."

"Sure enough, it's late... Don't worry, he's not dead yet." Jiang Bai shook his head, walked towards the depths of the forest, paused, and continued to ask, "Where is the capital of the human kingdom?"

"Master Dragon Slayer, the capital goes all the way to the north, but it takes at least three days to walk from here. What's more, the road is dangerous... Your Excellency is not as good as..." The old mayor said halfway, but because of Jiang Bai's cold eyes, Shut up quickly.

"You said too much, I didn't ask you this." After the words fell, Jiang Bai continued to walk away.He knows better than anyone else what the other party is paying attention to, because he has seen too much.

Mingming was scared in his heart, but wanted to persuade himself to stay so as to protect the group of them.


A dazzling beam of light lit up all over the sky, Jiang Bai flicked his sleeves, the soles of his feet touched the ground, and the figure jumped more than ten meters directly.In the middle, I used some strength to touch the branch of an old tree, and the trembling branch shook.The figure soared into the air again.


The dragon's chant shocked the sky and shook the sky.

Under the shocking gaze of a villager, a huge black shadow covered the sky, spread its wings, and soared nine days.Just caught Jiang Bai's falling figure and disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

"That... what?!" A village name tremblingly said, he already had the answer in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

"It's really terrible." Everyone seemed to be in a trance, and the answer they said was wrong.

"Dragon! That's a dragon!" Finally, the old mayor said tremblingly, with a horrified tone and his pupils shrunk.Some couldn't believe their eyes.That's a dragon, which symbolizes the strongest creature in the mainland, and it's really unbelievable that it has been reduced to a mount.

Of course, Jiang Bai is not interested in knowing the reactions of the villagers.This giant dragon is still a beast martial spirit that was captured by the spirit arrester on the plane of "Soul Soul Street".

The giant dragon can soar a thousand meters by lightly spreading its wings.Jiang Bai stood on the dragon's head, overlooking the mountains and rivers.The scenery under the sight continued to pass by, and the fields, snow-capped mountains, and lakesides all seemed small.The strong wind blew the tips of her hair, and her silver strands swayed with the wind, and the lingering true energy spread out, as ethereal as a cloud.

"The way of talisman is really not simple." Jiang Bai frowned and slowly opened his eyes.Along the way, he was comprehending the essence of Tongtianlu, wanting not to set up an altar or draw symbols.Just raise the world's talisman with your hand, naturally you must first be proficient in various schools of talisman.And Jiang Bai is now starting from the most basic talisman, the superfine iron talisman, which can change everything as hard as refined iron, but the effect is only one attack.

"Are you coming soon?" Jiang Bai froze for a moment, and found the mountains and rivers not far away.A gorgeous city loomed in front of my eyes, it was like a black spot at first, and it kept expanding, but now I can vaguely see its outline.

When the words fell, Jiang Bai waved his sleeves, and the black smoke-filled dragon suddenly dissipated and fell towards the air.

A layer of white light suddenly rose from Jiang Bai's body surface, fell too fast, rubbed against the air, and ignited a flame, like a meteor.However, under the protection of true energy, the flame did not hurt Jiang Bai at all.

"Xun character, Huafeng." Jiang Bai put his fingers together, and the wind suddenly blew up.With a roll of sleeves, a gust of wind counterattacked from bottom to top, forming a powerful force directly.Blow out the flames burning outside the body and slow down the speed.


Jiang Bai fell to the ground suddenly and slammed heavily on the ground. Even if he used the Xunzi method to unload the force, the impact was huge.A five-meter deep pit was smashed out of the ground, and the white zhenqi around him slowly dissipated. Jiang Bai stepped out, surrounded by a lush forest with lush trees.

But even so, it can't resist the grandeur of the capital.The tens of meters high city wall soared into the sky, completely covering up the prosperity inside.

Jiang Bai slowly closed his eyes, connected to the real eye in Najie, and quickly felt the situation around him clearly.After groping along the tall city wall, they quickly found the entrance to the city gate.

Two thick wooden city gates were opened, and in front of the city gates, two soldiers in silver armor stood guard with a respectful attitude.Passing caravans and pedestrians will also be inspected one after another.

"Stop, go over there for inspection."

Just as Jiang Bai approached, a soldier in charge of standing guard took a step forward, stretched out his hand to block Jiang Bai, and said loudly.

Jiang Bai smiled and nodded cooperatively.A soldier with strict military discipline, he loves him from the bottom of his heart.After undergoing some inspections, Jiang Bai entered the city smoothly.The capital is prosperous. Pedestrians are hurrying on both sides of the street, and houses are next to each other. It is common to see three or five armed men leaning on the carriage and chatting.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai has real eyes to assist him, and he can quickly check the empire. Otherwise, this huge city wants to find people, and I don't know when it will take.

But soon Jiang Bai stopped, because the chat between several mercenaries just caught his attention.

"Hey, brothers, I heard that you have recently got a batch of new goods and opened a treasure, right?"

 The second update, next week, there will be a wave for everyone, and the manuscript is being saved.At least ten more.

(End of this chapter)

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