Chapter 203 Battle of the Imperial Capital!

The imperial capital of the Dragon Mark Empire stands on a mountain plain.

The hundred-zhang city wall stands tall, showing the color of gold and iron. The city is prosperous and the flow of people is endless.

The aura of every soldier standing guard on the city wall is stable at around the first level of Houtian Realm, which shows the profound foundation.The battle armor and war blades on his body are all made of the bones of ferocious beasts or scarce auxiliary energy materials.

The whole big city was covered by a large golden formation looming, the surface of the large formation flashed with brilliance from time to time, and golden dragon patterns roamed on it.

On the streets of the imperial capital, pedestrians flocked.

From time to time, you can see ferocious beasts tamed by people, pulling the frame and rushing past.There are even some powerful beings among them. The forces in the empire are intricate, and the top families have peerless powerhouses. This ancient city has stood for thousands of years, and no one has dared to challenge its dignity.

But today, the silence was broken.


The space trembled suddenly, and a terrifying coercion enveloped the sky, descending without warning.

"Shameless, don't show yourself yet!" The roar seemed to come from ancient times, from outside the sky, where did the invisible figure come from.But that roar had already turned into ripples, splashed out, and bombarded the large formation protecting the city.

Almost in an instant, the originally gloomy protective formation suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, and the golden pattern of Nine Dragons appeared, engraved in the formation, vividly, as if it could rush out of the formation to launch an attack anytime and anywhere.


It was just a temptation, and the nine heavens and ten earths were shaken.The big array is safe and sound.

"What's the situation? Is someone attacking the city?"

"Impossible, the emperor has several big families, and Emperor Yan is stationed, who would dare to commit crimes?"

"This is at least a master-level powerhouse, right?"

Pedestrians in the imperial capital stopped to watch, looking worriedly at the protective formation, wondering if they could resist it.The Nine Dragons Formation is the name of the Nine Dragons Formation in the Dragon Mark Empire. It is rumored that an ancestor survived a wounded dragon and got nine drops of dragon blood.

Several tyrannical auras also rose from the residences of several major families in the empire, acting by ear.

"Hmph, don't you want to see me?" The loud shouts in the sky continued, and the dark clouds rolled all over the sky, pressing towards the imperial capital.In the cloud, stood a figure with wild white hair and eyes like the sun, emitting golden light.

The next moment, there was a roar in the void, and a big hand reached out, with some spots in the gilt gold, covering a piece of heaven and earth, at least a hundred feet in size, like a falling sky, shocking!

The old man made a move, as if he was about to smash the imperial capital into pieces.

However, at this time, the protective array glowed autonomously, and it was extremely majestic.The golden dragon pattern squirmed, as if it had come to life, the dragon chant shook the sky, suddenly nine golden dragon phantoms rushed out, and bumped head-on with the big empty hand, preventing it from falling down.

"A withered formation, do you want to stop me? Or do you plan to let the old man do it here and let your people suffer?" The old man shouted again, his eyes were shining, as if they were burning, and the terrifying aura became more and more violent , like a volcano about to erupt.

"Barbarian, you are too much!" A majestic voice sounded like rumbling thunder, shaking the entire imperial capital, louder than the old man's voice.And the identity of the old man is obviously the ancestor of the barbarian tribe.

This is the imperial capital of Longwen, and hundreds of thousands of people live here.The same is true for the royal family, there are many major families, and moreover, the Buddhist scripture pavilion, treasure storehouse, ancient medicine hall, etc. are all here, and it will not be able to bear it if it is damaged.

"I did? I would like to ask you! Who among us has ever compared!" The barbarian patriarch asked loudly like an angry King Kong, "In the battle of Hulao, my family lost 4 people, and I will take [-] from you." The lives of the people will be written off from now on!"

After the words fell, the barbarian patriarch became completely serious, raised his hands to support the sky, and set up a large formation.

The shadows of nine blood-colored dragons hovered in the formation, pressing towards the imperial capital, rumbling, and the terrifying power was like mountains and rivers collapsing, and the sky poured down!As for the Dragon Mark Empire's national protection formation, although it was forged with dragon blood, its strength has been reduced to its full strength after thousands of years of consumption.


The two large formations collided without distinguishing each other, and eighteen dragon shadows fought in the sky above the empire.

"The two countries are at war, and those who wish to admit defeat. You are taking this opportunity to insult my dragon pattern. If you want to stand, I will accompany you!" Suddenly, a golden flame burst out from the imperial palace in the center of the empire, burning blazingly , the powerful aura is not inferior to the barbarian ancestors at all, it is crowded there like a round of golden sun.

"I'm still afraid that you won't succeed!" the barbarian patriarch responded, and he acted very decisively. He directly summoned the dharma body, and a golden giant stood upright, covered with the lines of Tao.

A figure rose from the sky above the palace, and the emperor's robe was bathed in blazing red flames, like a god, releasing incomparably terrifying fluctuations.

This kind of breath makes mortals tremble, revering like gods, even many strong people are also trembling, Emperor Yan is too strong, so he came to this world like this, as if he does not belong to the world.His whole body was shrouded in divine fire, dazzling, and he couldn't see his real body clearly for a while, only a terrible breath circulated.

"Hmph, the little baby back then has grown up too, let me see how much you have achieved, how much better than your ancestors!" The barbarian ancestor snorted coldly. .

"My junior is naturally not as good as my ancestors. But if the ancestors are here, would you still dare to come?" Emperor Yan mocked lightly, "Barbarian, you are really old, and even your temperament has changed. In this world's general game you It’s been a long time since I can’t play anymore, just mess around, and be careful not to lose your old age.”

"It's useless to talk too much!"

The face of the barbarian ancestor was flushed with anger, and he responded with real anger. He pushed forward with his palm, and the vacuum was annihilated, and the true energy was like a sea, drowning the front. The sky and the earth are rioting, and this space seems to be blown to pieces.

"Puff", "Puff"...

Many people fell limply to the ground, unable to bear this terrible fluctuation. Even with the protection of the large moat formation, their souls were about to go out of their bodies, and their bodies trembled.

"Since you want to do something, why are you still making so many temptations... Barbarian, you have too little guts, you insulted my dragon pattern, and you still want to go back with the whole body?" Emperor Yan smiled disdainfully, and the divine fire that erupted around him surged, and he stepped out, Directly lead to the trend of the world.

The endless divine fire surged and turned into a heavenly knife, and the terrifying aura made the surrounding temperature continue to rise.

Slash all things with one sword, and burn the sky with one fire.This is the way of Emperor Yan.

The barbarian patriarch's pupils shrank. At their level and status, how could they risk their lives as soon as they came up.However, he immediately retracted the protruding palms and merged them in front of his chest.The same is true for the golden giant, the golden body is not bad, but the flesh is sanctified!

The ancestor of the barbarians walked the way of the flesh!The supernatural powers they comprehended in the innate realm determined the future path.


(End of this chapter)

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