Chapter 205 Going to the Imperial Capital
"Do you think the old man will believe it!"

The barbarian patriarch yelled, but his tone was a little more hesitant.Emperor Yan didn't seem to be lying, and his heart was a little vacillating.

"Whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me! Even if I complain to Wanmeng, my answer will be the same." Emperor Yan said coldly, stretched out his hand and pulled it towards the sky, triggering the general trend of the world, and the Nine Heavens Divine Fire fell down and turned into a giant palm .

" innocently invaded our land and offended my people. If you want to leave safely, you can't do it. I want to give an explanation to the people of Longwen."

"You!" the barbarian ancestor gritted his teeth with red eyes.Looking at the giant palm hanging from the sky, the golden dragon totem on the golden giant's body swam, and the dazzling golden light flickered.


A terrifying torrent of true energy swept over, overwhelming the sky with divine power, splashing thousands of meters of smoke and dust.The aftermath rippled on the big formation protecting the city, and the big formation that shook Duo was full of golden waves, and the ripples continued.

"Self-exploding Dharma Body? It's still decisive. But the damage this time is enough for you to feel distressed." Emperor Yan stood with his hands behind his back, holding the sky high, his eyesight seemed to ignore the obstruction of the smoke and dust.The figure of the barbarian patriarch was nowhere to be found.

"Jiang Bai? This name seems to have been heard before." Emperor Yan murmured, turning into a ray of divine fire and pouring into the palace again.

And the people of the imperial capital all erupted in cheers and joy like a tsunami.


On the other side, Hulaoguan is on the top floor of the Military Pavilion, because it is Jiang Bai's place of retreat.Wuhou Mengxing specially arranged heavy troops to garrison to prevent idlers from entering.After one month in a row, Meng Che and the others were still very anxious, for fear that something unexpected would happen to Mr. Jiang in retreat.


The colorful brilliance flickered faintly, Jiang Bai's closed eyes slowly opened, and the goal was an elegant attic scene, surrounded by the power of breaking the boundary he arranged, and the light green energy barrier faintly maintained.

"Huh... the side effects of crossing the barriers of the planes are almost gone." Jiang Bai breathed a sigh of relief, quickly adapted to his body, and stood up from the ground.

During the breath, the true energy in the air was sucked into the body, like a mist immersed in the sea, without waves or waves.Jiang Bai's physical body is now like an ocean that can't be filled. Although it is breathing all the time, there is no increase.

Stepping out of the house, the two soldiers standing guard in front of the door were taken aback, and quickly bowed respectfully: "Participate, Mr. Jiang."

"Well, go and inform Che'er and Han Sheng that the old man's closed-door retreat is over, and come to meet me at the Chinese army camp." Jiang Bai nodded lightly, paused, and ordered in a majestic tone.

"Yes." Now in Hulao Pass, no one knows that what Elder Jiang said was a military order.Without hesitation, the soldier immediately gave a military salute and ran outside.

Jiang Bai walked slowly towards the camp of the Chinese Army along the way.

On the martial arts arena, one after another army formations are being practiced. What attracts people's attention is that the two generals who are practicing the formations are not others, but Wang Hua and Yang Ping, two thorns in the former army.There is no way to tell, maybe this is the charm of soldiers.

Walking into the big tent of the Chinese army, Wuhou Meng Xing, Meng Che, and Han Sheng had been waiting here for a long time, saluting respectfully.

"Master Jiang."

"There's no need for false courtesy." Jiang Bai waved his hand, his eyes fell on Meng Che, and he smiled with satisfaction.After several months of life in the army, the childishness of the latter has completely faded away.

"The old man called you here today because I want to discuss something with you." Jiang Bai said lightly, and walked to the handsome seat step by step to sit down, looking very natural.

Meng Xing, Meng Che and others all pricked up their ears, waiting to listen to Jiang Lao's teaching.And Han Sheng is Jiang Bai's entourage. Naturally, he dare not say much, and stands aside respectfully. No matter what Jiang Bai decides, he will definitely support it with all his strength.

"Tomorrow, the old man plans to set off for the imperial capital and establish a sect!" Jiang Bai said slowly, his voice was as calm as a bell, obviously he had been thinking about it for a long time.The tasks given by the system are indeed demanding, and it is a place where so many talents can be gathered after thinking about it.

In the entire dragon pattern, only the emperor can meet this requirement, gathering talents from all over the world.With this system, he still has some unexpected cards and methods in his hand, so it is not difficult to occupy a place.

"Old Jiang, it's the words of the imperial capital..." As a Marquis of Wu, Meng Xing naturally knew the situation in the imperial capital. The real masters were like clouds, and the strong were like the sea.And there are many dangers, there are many major forces and sects, where is it so easy to settle down.

"I've made up my mind. I've called you here today, just to discuss a few trivial matters." Jiang Bai interrupted Meng Xing's words, unquestionably, "The sky is falling, and there is an old man to support it. I will set off for the imperial capital tomorrow, and it cannot be changed. "

"Please, Mr. Jiang ordered." Meng Xing sighed helplessly. He knew Mr. Jiang's character too well, and he said what he said, and his military might was like a mountain.He also gave up persuasion directly.

"The first thing, the old man wants to borrow 10 taels of gold from your Meng Mansion." Jiang Bai nodded and said slowly.To start a sect and establish a sect, a mountain gate is naturally needed, and the price of a mountain gate is enough to cost most of the family wealth of the Meng family, so it is natural to ask.

"Mr. Jiang, go ahead and use it, why not borrow words." Meng Xing said frankly with a slight smile.

Jiang Bai nodded, and didn't bother to say polite words, as long as Meng Xing agreed.

"Second thing, I want to get 100 copies of martial arts and martial arts from the Military Gong Pavilion." Jiang Bai spoke again, with a calm expression, as if what he was talking about was just an insignificant matter.

"Mr. Jiang... This is a bit embarrassing. I don't have such a great right to directly mobilize [-]% of the exercises and martial arts. The record and acquisition of each exercise must be handed in at the end." Meng Meng Xing looked embarrassed and said with some hesitation.

"Then exchange it with military merit. I can give as much military merit as I can exchange for my life. So what if I hand it over to the imperial capital, I can still get more." Jiang Bai said lightly, extremely stubborn.

"Uh...yes! Nephew will do it now." Meng Xing's mouth twitched. With Mr. Jiang's achievements and achievements in his life, even if the entire Military Merit Pavilion was emptied, the higher-ups would have nothing to say.

Seeing Meng Xing striding away, Jiang Bai turned his attention to Han Sheng, and said softly: "Han Sheng, help me tidy up my clothes and luggage. I'm leaving tomorrow, and time is running out."

"Yes, I'll go right away." Han Sheng nodded and left quickly. Although his current position in the army has not changed, it is still rising with the tide.

"Okay, everyone is gone, what are you thinking, Che'er?" Jiang Bai watched Han Sheng leave, and then slowly turned to look at Meng Che.The latter seemed to have something on his mind, kept his head down and kept silent, frowning slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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