Chapter 208 Powerful Inheritance?


The corner of Jiang Bai's mouth turned up, his whole body was shaken, and the sword body trembled, and it exploded directly.

Yanque's eyes also shrank, feeling infinite fear, and blood was already dripping on the flanks.Sweeping back quickly, Jiang Bai's sword is too sharp, especially coupled with his strong true energy.

"Don't blame the old man for being despicable, hurting you with a weapon." Jiang Bai snorted, stepped forward, and stepped on the dragon's back to charge away.

The Chaos Dragon roared softly, and cooperated with Jiang Bai, spread its membrane wings, and followed Yanque leisurely.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The more you fight, the more frightened you become. Even if the spirit wisdom of the third-order fierce beast has been developed, it will not be able to master the human swordsmanship by heart.Moreover, his study of kendo is actually a bit better than him.If it weren't for the advantage of the Dragon Burial Sword, he would definitely be the one who fell into the disadvantage in a confrontation.


Jiang Bai stabbed out with another sword, and was blocked by Yanque.The two wings were already dripping with blood, and several pieces of scale-like feathers had peeled off.

"call out!"

Yanque looked very angry and screamed sharply. It seemed that he had given up fighting Jiang Bai and fled towards the distance.

"Xun character, wind rope!" With Jiang Bai's two fingers together, Wuhou Qimen flickered, and the air between heaven and earth was aroused.Invisible wind ropes stretched out one by one, directly binding the Flame Sparrow.


The Flame Sparrow screamed loudly, and a hot black flame rose from its body, instantly disrupting the flow of air, breaking free from the shackles of the wind rope.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Bai swung six swords in a row, the sword was full of true energy, and the sword was as bright as a light, and shot at Yanque.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Flame Sparrow, who broke free from the bondage, immediately turned around like a black whirlwind.Jianguang didn't go in, and couldn't stir up a storm, all of them were resisted by Yanque.Yanque's eyes were getting colder, and there seemed to be an anthropomorphic sarcasm in those eyes.

"It's not simple, it's really not simple. It's unbelievable that a mere beast can comprehend the innate kendo." Jiang Bai praised again and again, but the killing intent in the cold eyes did not dissipate at all.

The chaotic dragon under its feet understood it, and when it opened its mouth, a dragon's breath sprayed out.

Yanque's reaction was also extremely fast, and immediately mobilized a black flame to fight back.The two flames collided in the air, and a raging sea of ​​flames erupted. The aftermath was rippling, and the power of the third-order ferocious weapon was terrifying.

Jiang Bai moved, and a silver-white arc flickered on his robe, at a speed like a shuttle.The soles of his feet stepped through the sea of ​​flames, and every step he took made ripples on the waves of fire, and the true energy of transforming clouds swept out, blocking the erosion of the aftermath.


With a cold light switch on the sword, the patterns on the Dragon Burying Sword lit up, and it swept directly towards Yanque.

Black flames ignited on the two wings of the Flame Sparrow, and directly rushed over.When the wings are swinging, it seems to be expressing some great swordsmanship, which is extremely powerful.


The confrontation between one man and one beast lasted for a long time, and Yanque retreated steadily. No matter how strong the swordsmanship was, it couldn't break Jiang Bai's golden light curse, and couldn't stop the sword glow of the Dragon Burying Sword, so he could only fall into the disadvantaged.The Flame Sparrow is only a ferocious beast at the beginning of the third stage.


The flame sparrow's chirping in this life seemed to be mocking, and after a cold chirp, it slashed its flanks and waved a black flame sword energy to fight against Jiang Bai's sword light.

After being forced back for a while, the Flame Sparrow immediately spread its wings and flew high to prepare to leave.


The chaotic dragon's dragon chant resounded through the sky, as if commanding all things.He came galloping, caught the falling Jiang Bai, and chased towards Yanque.

"You die!"

Jiang Bai coldly spit out the four words, the white bone bow that had been carried behind his back was already in his hand, and he directly drew a full bow.Blazing red lines solidified on the body of the Bone Treasure Bow, and a flaming arrow floated on the bowstring.

"Chirp!" As if sensing some fatal danger, Flame Sparrow also panicked, and hastened to speed up.


Jiang Bai's eyes stared at Yanque, and suddenly let go.The flaming arrows flew out, and this blow was enough to instantly kill the ferocious beasts in the early days of innateness. This was the natal skill of the White Bone Bow.

The black flames all over the sky lit up, rolled up the wind and clouds, and blocked the flaming arrows.

The flaming arrows seemed to be urging everywhere, directly piercing through the sea of ​​flames.Under the horrified eyes of Yanque, it gradually enlarged.The next moment, it directly penetrated the two wings blocking in front of him and hit the heart.It turned into a raging golden flame, burning the Flamingbird.

With a flash of the ring, Jiang Bai put away the Bone Bow and smiled lightly.Slowly raised his hand and flicked, and once again used the Xun word wind rope, dragged the body of Yanque back, and fell on the dragon's back of Chaos Dragon. Jiang Bai was still very interested in this strange beast .


Jiang Bai's eyes turned into a pool of clear water, clear and clear, but the true energy like black smoke dissipated from his body.A big hand covered it, and the black smoke flowed directly towards Yanque's body.It took a lot of exercises to pull out a soul from it.

"South of the sea of ​​clouds, the peak on the peak, the power leaves traces, and the sword is unparalleled." Jiang Bai frowned, and with a wave of his hand, he put away Yanque's soul again.These sixteen characters were found from the memory of this Flame Sparrow.

His eyes couldn't help looking at the tumbling sea of ​​clouds in the distance, which was bottomless and unpredictable.

"Could it be... there is really some powerful inheritance in it?" Jiang Bai murmured, thinking secretly in his heart.The inheritance of power is not easy to come by, but he will never miss the opportunity in front of him.

"Master? What's the matter?" Seeing that Mr. Jiang had been silent, Meng Che finally couldn't help asking. From the beginning to the end, he felt like he was in a fog.

" seems to have found something extraordinary." Jiang Bai chuckled lightly and shook his head.He patted the chaotic dragon under his seat, and ordered, "Change direction, go to the sea of ​​clouds to have a look first."


The Chaos Dragon bowed its head in agreement, spread its wings, and rushed towards the tumbling sea of ​​clouds.

"By the way, Han Sheng, your Five Elements True Fire Sutra is the law that breeds fire, right?" Jiang Bai looked at the body of the flame sparrow, and asked Han Sheng as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, the younger generation is incompetent, and has not bred his own real fire yet." Han Sheng nodded and admitted.As for Mr. Jiang, he didn't intend to hide anything.

"This flame sparrow is a fierce beast with fire attributes. Its rune bones should have its own sentiments, so I will give it to you. Although the black flame is not the fire between heaven and earth, but as the initial flame of the exercise, it has already disappeared. Good." Jiang Bai said indifferently, and a few words decided the fate of the third-order beast's body.

Han Sheng froze in place, he wasn't stupid enough to think it was really that simple.If this black flame talisman bone is put in the eyes of the world, it will definitely be decapitated by the major families. This is the original fire of the third-order fierce beast.

"Thank you, Boss Jiang, Han Sheng will serve you wholeheartedly in this life, and there is nothing in return."


(End of this chapter)

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