Chapter 212 The Weird Cave


As soon as he lifted his footsteps, Meng Che immediately stopped, gritting his teeth and standing on the spot.The blunt sword in his pupils gradually enlarged, and when it fell in the air, Meng Che let out a roar, his eyes were firm, and he stretched out his hand towards the blunt sword: "You are mine!!"


The blunt sword suddenly came to a standstill in mid-air, the distance between the edge of the sword and Meng Che's throat was only a few millimeters, if it moved a little further, the result would definitely be three feet of blood spatter.The body of the sword trembled, and the pattern of the beast's sky carved on it seemed to come alive.

Vaguely, the lines formed two large characters: 'Blunt Edge'!The dense handwriting is deeply written on the hilt, and the sword manual is actually hidden in the hilt!

The blunt-edged sword fell to the ground and hit the ground hard. The sword penetrated into the snow two feet deep, showing the weight of the sword.

"Huh..." Meng Che panted heavily, still a little bit unaware, staring blankly at the blunt sword obliquely thrust in front of him, and was stunned for a moment.A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he reached for the hilt of the sword.

"Get up!" Meng Che's right arm's veins bulged, his muscles swelled, and his mighty physique was pushed to the extreme.The blunt-edged sword only trembled slightly before it began to move slowly. The weight of the sword weighed at least tens of thousands of catties.

"Hehe, good job." Jiang Bai smiled slightly and nodded in approval.

At this moment, Meng Che had already carried the blunt sharp sword behind his back, and the terrifying gravity made him completely unable to straighten his waist, and it was extremely difficult.

The white bone collapsed, and tiny cracks covered the whole body of the sword bone, and it shattered into debris all over the sky, buried deep in the snow.Finding a successor, so that he will not try his own swordsmanship again, is the only belief he supports, and now he has nothing to worry about.

"Go back with this sword on your back. There is still some sword intent in this sword that you can comprehend. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to become a teacher." Jiang Bai comforted and patted Meng Che's face. shoulders, looking at the top of Jianfeng Peak.

Jiang Bai is becoming more and more curious about this sword edge. He has just reached the halfway up the mountain, and there is the inheritance of the swordsmanship of the master and strong man.

"Yeah." Meng Che nodded, knowing his own state, his true energy was exhausted.What's more, with this sword on your back, even moving becomes difficult.

Going further up, the coldness of Jianfeng is still there, but the white snow is no longer visible.The sword intent here was too strong, and the ice and snow hadn't condensed before being chopped into pieces by the sharp cold wind.A waterfall fell down, without any boulders blocking it, it was actually cut off.

If the water stays in the air, it will diverge and flow towards the two sides. It is because someone has used sword energy to cut off the waterfall.After thousands of years, nothing has changed.

The trail widened, and on both sides the walls almost turned into plains.

Jiang Bai raised his spirits, his eyes alert.The golden light curse around him continued to burn, and from the very beginning, the dense footprints became sparse.


Drop after drop of blood dripped down the mountain wall onto the path, forming a creek and sinking into the earth.Jiang Bai's pupils shrank slightly, mountain in mountain?On the top of the flat sword edge, there is actually a hill, and the strong smell of blood fills the nostrils.

"What kind of powerful sword was born, which caused the competition?" Jiang Bai frowned, guessing in his heart.Along the way, he had also seen many people fighting for the Excalibur, but it was not as exaggerated as before.

As soon as his mind moved, Jiang Bai tapped his toes, and his figure swept towards the hills, gradually approaching.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and Jiang Bai was shocked by the scene in front of him as soon as he reached the top of the hill.Black flame dragons and horses fell in front of a dark cave, with blood on their necks, most of them died, and two or three looked at the sky in despair, neighing in pain.

These war horses were all mounts of soldiers of that Dizi army, and now they all died tragically here.Moreover, this Dizi army can be regarded as the top army in the empire, and Yang Fengyan is even more innately strong. What happened to them before?
Jiang Bai looked at it for a while, but the third-rank Qingyan dragon horse was not among them, and the soldiers of the entire Dizi army were also gone.If you want to know the answer, it seems that you can only go to this dark cave, which is bottomless.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Bai still set off. If there is any unknown danger in this sword edge, it should be safer as it goes down.If you don't understand it, if you go up, the situation will be even more critical.

The white Qi is like a flame, lingering around the body.

Jiang Bai walked forward step by step, walking towards the cave, and the white awn emitted could just illuminate the rock wall.The cave is very damp and dark, and the sound of ticking water can be vaguely heard, and the echo of footsteps rippling in my ears, it is eerily quiet.


A gust of tyrannical wind suddenly blew from the depths of the cave, Jiang Bai's face changed, and the golden light curse outside his body flourished, forcibly resisting the wind that contained the supreme sword intent, but he could also feel it, The power of this Gangfeng is at least two or three times that of Houtian.

"It seems that the Black Flame Dragon Horse was forced to stay outside the cave because the black flame dragon horse couldn't withstand the strong wind that blew from time to time. And those soldiers should have formed an army formation before they could move forward. But..." Jiang The white brow frowned, a little afraid to move on, why did the black flame dragon horse who stayed outside the cave die innocently and tragically?
Is the danger outside or inside the cave?Or, this itself is a trap.

Can't help but feel the chill behind him, Jiang Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and a few black smoke rose from the palm of his hand, and a few evil spirits who were arrested stayed outside the cave.Although he was still uneasy, Jiang Bai continued to move forward.

The inside of the cave is very strange, the sword intent carried by Gang Feng is very strong, even a drop of clear water dripping from the top of the cave can be like a sword, directly penetrate three inches into the ground!The deeper you go, the more frequent the strong wind blows, and the surrounding walls of the cave are polished very smooth by the strong wind.


Suddenly, there was a sharp sword humming in his ear.

Jiang Bai's face changed suddenly. He didn't see any attack, but a sense of crisis emerged in his heart.Pulling back suddenly, the wall of the cave beside him was slashed open.


Jiang Bai pulled back quickly, but his eyes kept scanning around, "Is it the innate qi of the invisible type?"


As soon as the ring on Jiang Bai's finger lit up, the Dragon Burial Sword was already in his palm, and he waved his hand and slashed out several sword qi in front of him, tearing the wind and cutting the earth.


A terrifying scream sounded, and a black smoke lingered in front of Jiang Bai's body, slowly dissipating.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Bai's eyes became serious, black smoke slowly lingered around his body, his eyes changed, turned into a pool of clear water, and he was completely stunned in place.

In front of him, there were dense figures holding sharp swords, like ghosts, and their eyes appeared empty.


(End of this chapter)

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