Chapter 220 Bullying My Disciple?

"Why hasn't the elder come out yet?"

"The formation is almost closed."

Below the waterfall is the territory of the Snake Sect.A half-flooded flood dragon hovered in the lake, and several disciples of the Snake Sect were holding divine swords, and it seemed that they had gained a lot.However, the eyes of many forces around them were full of hatred. Obviously, the way they obtained the Excalibur was a bit domineering.

A Snake Sect disciple raised his head and straightened his chest.Don't care about other people's eyes.Their Snake Sect is one of the best sects, so what if these small forces are resentful?At most, he can only be a dead soul under the sword.


The people of the Snake Sect are cold-tempered.I was worried that the elders would not come out, and it was only because I was afraid that no one would protect them.

The eyes of the half dragon were always fixed on the chaotic dragon. Meng Che stood with Han Sheng with the blunt sword on his back, and both looked worriedly at the exit of the sword peak.They also heard from the discussion of the surrounding forces that after the sword peak formation was closed, the sword summit became very dangerous.

"My lord, nothing will happen to Mr. Jiang." Han Sheng asked worriedly, frowning.

"Don't worry, Master will be fine." Meng Che replied decisively, but his expression was inevitably a little worried.


Jianfeng trembled, and the originally weak barrier became more dazzling because of the setting sun and the darkness covering the sky and the earth.

"Look, the formation is starting to close." A loud roar sounded from the crowd, attracting everyone's attention.


The eyes of the green snake and half flood became excited, and he had no feeling about the death of the elder of the snake sect.His eyes fell on Chaos Dragon, if he could be sure that Jiang Bai was dead.In a one-on-one situation, Dragon Blood is too tempting for it.

Seemingly noticing the gaze of the green snake and half dragon, the Chaos Dragon woke up from a deep sleep. A pair of dragon eyes and the green snake and half dragon looked at each other, and let out a heavy snort. It felt that its majesty had been provoked.

The majesty of the green snake and half flood dragon and the dragon majesty of the chaotic dragon clashed in the air. Many people also noticed this, and the atmosphere became tense.


The Green Snake and Banjiao acted first, and its [-]-foot-long figure flew towards the Chaos Dragon, knocking the surrounding crowd into the air.Xuepen opened his mouth wide, aiming to bite towards the Chaos Dragon.


The Chaos Dragon stood up straight like a hill, and its huge dragon claws swung down, directly pressing down on the green snake and half dragon.

A gray flame was bred in the mouth of the dragon, like billowing waves.It spewed out directly, overwhelming the green snake and half flood dragon.Abruptly, a cyan light lit up from the gray flame.

Suddenly, two streaks of blue light shot out from the green snake's half-dragon eyes, piercing through the flames.

Fortunately, the Chaos Dragon dodged it in time, but it was still brushed by two blue lights across its cheeks, and two dragon scales and blood fell off.

The smell of dragon blood filled the air, which made the green snake and half dragon even more excited.Twisting its huge body, wrapping around the Chaos Dragon's claws, and smoothly bypassing the dragon's body, the huge force is enough to crush a small hill.


The Chaos Dragon was in pain, and its sharp dragon claws directly opened the green snake's half-dragon's intestines.The death fight between the two behemoths made the surrounding forces dumbfounded and retreated step by step.

"Hehe... Brothers and sisters, let's help out too. If I'm not mistaken, the blunt sword on that guy's back should be the inheritance of some master-level master." One of the Snake Sect disciples squinted his eyes , Said to the younger brothers and younger sisters beside him.

"How is it possible? We have tried it all, who can do that?" A Snake Sect disciple couldn't help exclaiming.

envious?envy?Not convinced?Or just plain greed.

Several Snake Sect disciples looked at each other, and walked towards Meng Che and Han Sheng holding the divine sword in their hands.The strength of these two people is not strong, they rush forward, and the other party has no chance of winning at all.

"Hey..." A leader of a faction sighed, as if he had seen the fate of Meng Che and the two of them. Sometimes the competition between big forces is truly cruel.

Meng Che also became vigilant, took a deep breath, and took off the heavy blunt sword from behind.The battle between the two sides is on the verge of breaking out.


At this moment, Jianfeng, which had closed the barrier, suddenly changed, flashing fluorescent light in the dark.The sword formation was slowly opened, and a figure came out with a fluttering gown like a fairy.

This person is Jiang Bai.All eyes are on this side.

The two elders of the Evergreen Sect looked at each other, and with a decision in their hearts, they directly attacked the green snake and half dragon.

The Green Snake Banjiao, who had been fighting the Chaos Dragon back and forth, suddenly turned into a one-on-three situation, and was instantly suppressed, fighting hard.

"You Evergreen faction also want to take care of our Snake Sect's affairs?" Green Snake Banjiao's eyes were full of anger. It is the fierce beast of the Snake Sect. Naturally, it spoke in a loud voice, and it represented the Snake Sect.

"Hmph... You are a wicked beast who has killed countless people. You should have been executed on the ground long ago." The two elders of the Evergreen Sect looked righteous and awe-inspiring. They didn't take action before because they were afraid that they would become grudges with the Snake Sect. Seeing Jiang Bai appearing , they know that this is the last chance to perform.

As for the other forces, they are also at a loss, but there are still a few forces who have a clear eye and have a clue of the cause and effect of the matter, but they must be thinking about it in their hearts.

Jiang Bai frowned. Although he was sure to deal with the green snake and half dragon, if he didn't use cards, it would definitely take a lot of effort, and it would inevitably expose his strength.

Now that someone jumped out to help him solve this matter, he was naturally willing.

"Impossible, how could someone come out of the sword peak when the sword array is closed." The Snake Sect disciple shouted in disbelief, knowing that his situation was very critical.

From the records of the Dragon Mark Empire, no one has ever been able to walk out of the sword peak when the sword array is closed.

"You can't kill us, we are from the Snake Sect." The Snake Sect disciple exclaimed, feeling Jiang Bai's gaze, sharp and dazzling, like a sharp sword.

"Snake Sect? What kind of small sect? I've never heard of it." Jiang Bai snorted suspiciously, with a look of incomprehension, flicked his fingers, and several bursts of true energy shot out, turning into several in an instant Sword-like light.


Several Snake Sect disciples yelled, but they still tried their best to mobilize their true energy, put on a layer of true energy gauze, and held the divine sword in front of them to block the sword light.


The crisp sound of gold and iron sounded, and everyone's eyes were shocked.That peerless divine sword seemed extremely fragile at the moment, pierced by the sword light, and the zhenqi gauze was like thin paper.

A famous Snake Sect disciple staggered twice and fell down one by one.

Many people took a breath, not only Jiang Bai's strength, but also the decisiveness of killing.


(End of this chapter)

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