Chapter 230 Talk
The corner of Qiangwei's mouth twitched, why did she feel a sense of superiority between the lines.

Can reading novels also deduce exercises?Some time ago, she seemed to have just read a prehistoric novel, and wondered if she should recommend her master.Whenever Dugu Nine Swords can only be used as an entry-level exercise.

However, Qiangwei still put away the density, and nodded respectfully towards Jiang Bai: "Yes. I will definitely practice hard."

"Well, in terms of cultivation, if there is anything you don't understand, you can always ask the old man." Jiang Bai heaved a sigh of relief, and finally dealt with it. He seemed to remember something and said to Qiangwei, "As for the Huaxia military, I know the gap between the earth and Taotie, the limit of what I can do is to give you a book of exercises, but in exchange for thousands of super soldiers, whatever price Ducao is willing to pay, is his It's over."

"After all, I have to think about the sect. This is my biggest bottom line."

Although Jiang Bai's own exercises cannot be passed on to the outside world, he has taken a lot of exercises from the Military Gong Pavilion.Just take out a book and let the soldiers practice, and the combat power of the soldiers can also be multiplied.

If small soldiers become super soldiers, this wave of team battles is not impossible.

"Thank you, master." Qiangwei was overjoyed, and she naturally understood the meaning. A piece of kung fu can enable hundreds of soldiers to practice. It may not be comparable to super genes, but it is absolutely terrifying.

Unknowingly, one night passed, and the morning sun slowly rose in the sky, and the first rays of sunlight illuminated the earth, turning fish-belly pale.

"Master, I'm going to meet up with Ajie later, shall I take you back?"

Qiangwei looked at the sky all night and asked.

"Are you going to find Ge Xiaolun and the others?" Jiang Bai smiled and asked back.

Qiangwei froze for a moment, she didn't know how Mr. Jiang knew, but she still nodded subconsciously.

"Then let's go together, I also want to see this group of children." Jiang Bai nodded, he was very impressed with Ge Xiaolun, that child with a sense of justice, although his brain doesn't seem to be very good.

Qiangwei nodded, took out the car keys and was about to start the motorcycle.

"This is too slow, let me send you into the city for the teacher." Jiang Bai smiled lightly, stretched out his hand, and put the motorcycle into the ring.

Qiangwei's pupils shrank slightly, could the master also control the space?

Immediately afterwards, the Burial Dragon Sword flew out.Jiang Bai tipped his toes, jumped onto the sword body, and ignited the milky white Huayun Zhenqi all over his body, which expanded and wrapped Qiangwei's figure in it.


The next moment, the Dragon Burying Sword flew out, turning into a stream of white light and piercing the sky.

"This is the way of refining weapons. This Dragon Burying Sword is the saber of the master. It has been refined into a magic weapon by the master. It can be manipulated with true energy and fly in the sky. When your cultivation reaches a certain level, you can also Do it easily."

Jiang Bai explained, but Qiangwei was still a little dazed, and her heart was full of longing.

"The Taotie has already started to move. When I was passing by here last night, I met a team of Taotie. Although I have already been dealt with by the teacher, you should know what it means, Qiangwei, right?"

Hearing this, Qiangwei also became vigilant and looked down.

The entire airport area was in a mess, with fallen trees and broken roads.Gunpowder smoke can be seen everywhere, as well as the wreckage of a gluttonous warship, many soldiers are still cleaning the battlefield.

"The technology of Taotie has completely crushed the earth. Today's Deno civilization is non-existent, and there is no way to compete with the complete gluttony army. This will be a fierce battle, a fierce battle with great disparity between life and death." Qiangwei nodded, looking lonely , This is the tragedy of the weak.

"Are you afraid?" Listening to Qiangwei's sigh, Jiang Bai asked out of the blue.

"It's useless to be afraid. I'm a super soldier. Behind us are the people and the army. If we can't win, their last hope is gone." Qiangwei shook her head and returned to her indifferent look.

"I hope you can keep this heart." Jiang Bai smiled slightly.

"The place I agreed with Ajie is in Cross Park, and we have arrived." Qiangwei said suddenly, pointing to a park below.

Looking down, you can see the gate of the park. There is a black car parked on the side of the road, and a man in a black suit is leaning against the car and waiting.

"Yeah." Jiang Bai nodded, and the vertical sword flew down.

"Qiang..." Ajie froze in place, watching Mr. Jiang fall with his sword, followed by Qiangwei.

"Ajie, is the notification ready?" Qiangwei looked very indifferent, and asked very calmly after landing.

Ajie came to his senses, and quickly replied: "Ge Xiaolun has been notified, and we will meet at Huatan restaurant at ten o'clock in the morning. Get in the car, the time is almost up."

"Let me tell you first, I won't be a lobbyist." Sitting on the co-pilot, Qiangwei folded her arms and said.

"It's okay, I'm familiar with this matter, you don't need to speak... But, Mr. Jiang..." Ajie patted his chest, with a confident look, he is very experienced in fooling college students like Ge Xiaolun.But when the conversation changed, he hesitated and didn't know whether to ask Mr. Jiang about it.

"It's okay, the old man just wants to follow the disciples to see, the group of children selected by your Super Seminary." Jiang Bai said lightly.

"Brother, disciple?" Ajie was completely confused, and asked in confusion.

"I have already worshiped Mr. Jiang as my teacher, hurry up and drive." Qiangwei said impatiently, glaring at Ajie.

Ajie stared at Qiangwei dumbfounded, but still nodded and started the car.Headed towards Huatan Restaurant.

When Mr. Jiang and the others arrived at the Huatan restaurant, it was already past nine o'clock. Mr. Jiang chose a seat randomly, and did not sit with Qiangwei and the others. After all, it was difficult for Ajie to perform well with him.

After ordering a cup of tea, Elder Jiang flipped through the newspaper.

Not long after, a very honest-looking young man walked in from the door of the restaurant. It was Ge Xiaolun. After looking around, he was locked on to Qiangwei's location.Touching his head, he walked over embarrassedly, and sat opposite Qiangwei.

"Young man..." Elder Jiang sighed, Ge Xiaolun's eyes were fixed on Qiangwei the whole time, and he didn't notice him at all.

Ge Xiaolun showed a wretched smile, staring at Qiangwei all the time, Qiangwei bowed her head and tried her best to hold back her anger, cooperating with Ajie in not saying a word.

"Compared to the fact that you have noticed your own differences, we are a super seminary that specializes in cultivating people like you." Ajie said solemnly, seeing that Ge Xiaolun's attention was not on him at all, he coughed helplessly Twice, "cough cough."

Hearing Ajie's coughing and snorting, Ge Xiaolun barely lifted his spirits and became serious.


(End of this chapter)

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