Chapter 238 Scientific Practice
Just as Liu Chuang stood up and wanted to resist, Leina had another saber in her hand, and the blade pointed at Liu Chuang's neck.

The atmosphere became weird, and Ge Xiaolun and others also came out.

Ge Xiaolun gritted his teeth, snatched the pistol from Qilin's waist, pointed the gun at Leina, and said fiercely: "I don't know if this gun is for you, but if you dare to touch him, I will Fight with you!"

Zhao Xin and the others were slightly taken aback, how could Leina's strength be handled by a gun, but they still stood firmly behind Ge Xiaolun.

Qilin took a step forward and pulled the bolt of the gun for Ge Xiaolun who couldn't use a gun.

"Really hard?"

Lena smiled slightly, put away the shield and saber in her hand, looked at Ge Xiaolun and asked.

"Try?" Ge Xiaolun's face became serious, and he said word by word.

With a wave of Leina's hand, a set of black armor emerged from the air, descended from the sky, and rushed towards Ge Xiaolun.The clanging metallic sound sounded again, quickly splicing onto Ge Xiaolun's body. In a short while, Ge Xiaolun had already put on the black armor and became majestic.

A huge metal sword descended from the sky and stabbed obliquely on the ground.

"The power of the galaxy?" Ge Xiaolun murmured, looking at his metal armor, he remembered the figure in his mind when he died, stroking the hilt of his sword.

"Come on, let's fight." Reina gestured to Ge Xiaolun, and asked teasingly.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting. Study, study." Ge Xiaolun shook his head hastily.

Liu Chuang, who was standing behind Leina, also understood what Leina meant, just to test them.He quickly changed his playful face, and leaned forward, envious of Ge Xiaolun's armor, "I'll fight, I'll fight."

"No." Lena replied arrogantly, extremely cute.Not like the Lord God of Lieyanxing, but more like a little girl.

"Hehe... It really is a group of children." Jiang Bai smiled helplessly, standing side by side with Crocodile Thornton and Dukaao, and walked towards the open space.

"Leina, are you satisfied with these children?" Ducao laughed and asked Lena.

"It's not bad. Although I haven't received any training, I have great confidence in them. The Super Seminary is indeed a magical place." Lena nodded, said with satisfaction, and turned to look at Jiang Bai, "You are Sword Immortal? You can't even see through any of your data."

"The etiquette of your aliens is not good. Do you like to interpret a wave of data when you meet?" Jiang Bai chuckled lightly, with a kind smile. In front of Jiang Bai, Leina was more like a coquettish and failed granddaughter. Can't lift a trace of prestige at all.

"I rely on it, Sword Immortal."

"I saw a real person, idol."

Xin Zhao can be said to be exaggerated, almost crying and shouting, begging Jiang Bai to teach him how to cultivate immortals.

"Ahem..." Ducao coughed twice, calmed everyone down, and said, "From today on, Lena and Mr. Jiang will be responsible for teaching you, and you will form a heroic company. As for the enemies, they are those who invaded our land. Aliens, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!" Seemingly exaggerated by Ducao's atmosphere, a group of colleges from the Super Seminary shouted.

"Lie!" Ducao responded, becoming stern, and continued, "But is it useful to be afraid? I am also afraid, but behind us are the country and the people. You have super genes, and you are the group who want to withstand the sky. tall guy."

"Yes!" Ge Xiaolun and the others yelled again, but they were obviously more sincere.

"Let's disband. Starting tomorrow, you will undergo harsh training. The war may start at any time. Gluttony is ready to move. I hope that when this country and the people need you, you will be worthy of this divine power." Ducao continued Filled with chicken broth.

After Ducao left, everyone was full of thoughts. This night's experience was the first time for many of them.

"Master." Qiangwei bowed respectfully to Jiang Bai.

However, the eyes of Ge Xiaolun and the others were shocked, the sword fairy turned out to be Qiangwei's master.

"Well, how is your recent practice?" Jiang Bai nodded, concerned.

"As for refining weapons, I'm still trying a little bit, but I still can't make my own weapons into magic weapons. As for swordsmanship, I have learned a little bit." Qiangwei reported little by little.

"The Way of Artifact Refining and Dugu Nine Swords are inherently difficult, and it is naturally difficult for you to control them just now." Jiang Bai nodded, not surprised at Qiangwei's progress, even Dugu Nine Swords is the pinnacle of martial arts, moves The essence of it cannot be fully comprehended in a short period of time given his current state.

"The old man will stay in the Super Seminary temporarily. If you encounter any troubles in cultivation in the future, just come to the old man, and the old man will answer you one by one."

"Thank you, master." Qiangwei nodded and said seriously.

"What is the effect of the military's cultivation?" Jiang Bai asked with a thought.

"A group army has been arranged to try first. Up to now, only more than 300 people have cultivated true qi, barely reaching the first level that you said, master." Qiangwei frowned, and said slowly, "But the 300 The strength of many people has indeed been strengthened a lot, and the vigor and defense vitality are all doubling."

"So much?" Jiang Bai was stunned for a moment. It's only been a few days, and someone has been able to get started.You must know that people from the plane of the Super Seminary have never been exposed to the concept of exercises, and they have no one to guide them.

"It was Lianfeng who used the Deno system to analyze the specific data for everyone, guide them, and equip them with a special plan." Qiangwei explained.

The corner of Jiang Bai's mouth twitched. Is this the legendary scientific practice?
"The progress is already good. You have to work hard and persevere all the way to practice. It is impossible to reach the sky in one step. Although the situation is critical now, there is no way." Jiang Bai comforted, patted Qiangwei's shoulder, "Go back to sleep, time Not leaving."

"En." Qiangwei nodded, and went back with a heavy heart. Although her group of comrades-in-arms are very brave, but... for the time being, they really can't stand on the stage.

Super Seminary arranged a dormitory for Jiang Bai.

The decoration and furnishings inside are very simple, the same as ordinary teachers' dormitories.Jiang Bai didn't dislike it either. The benzene crocodile following behind him kept his head down and gnawed on the leg of lamb. This is already his second roasted whole lamb today.

Sometimes he wondered if this guy was Carl who broke into the Super Seminary and was responsible for making the Super Seminary poor.

"Huh...your room, if you are hungry in the future, just tell the old man, don't go out to eat...uh, buns." Jiang Bai pointed to another dormitory, and ordered to Thornton.

"Old man, listen to you." Thornton nodded.

Jiang Bai discussed with him for a long time before changing the title. Although it still makes people angry, it is better than Baozi.


(End of this chapter)

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