Chapter 248
"Hehe... I also like to play sensational things."

Jiang Bai smiled helplessly and watched Liu Chuang leave. This is the pace of a man's growth, and now is the real growth.With a wave of his hand, a gust of wind blew past and closed the door.

Calculating carefully, he has already saved two lucky draws, one for the lucky gift bag he just got, and one for the monthly system-gifted lucky draw.

The war is imminent, and Jiang Bai dare not be sloppy.

"System, use up all the lottery draws." Jiang Bai commanded the system with his mind, and the colorful brilliance heard the order, and it rolled up in his mind, turning into a disc, the same as before.

The pointer turned, and there were many exciting things in it. After all, the force value of "Super God Plane" is very high.


The colorful brilliance froze, the pointer stopped, and the cold mechanical sound came slowly in the ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a sword of flame from "Super God Plane". This weapon is a cutting-edge weapon used by angels from the Super God Plane. It can destroy super genes other than the god body, and it will be fatal to those below the master level."

"Sword of Flame?" Jiang Bai was taken aback for a moment, and the colorful brilliance was already surging in his palm, forming a crimson sword with rubies engraved on it.Jiang Bai can feel the terrifying power on this sword.

Compared with his Dragon Burial Sword, this sword is not much different.

"The technology of Angel Nebula is really terrifying." Jiang Bai sighed, this is the current gap of the earth.The flame sword has undergone a systematic modification, and is now driven by true energy, and the cloud-forming true energy slowly pours into the flame sword.

Soon, a terrifying flame ignited on the sword, and Jiang Bai could feel the terrifying power in the flame sword. This flame was extraordinary.

If it wasn't for the fact that his Dragon Burying Sword was fused with the soul of the sword and matched him, he would really be tempted to change to another sword.But this is also a joke, from selection to cultivation of a sword cultivator's saber, changing it at will will only affect the sword intent.

"Lin'er is missing a good sword. Although the divine sword in the sword forest is good, its sword intent is too strong. With her current cultivation base, it is very likely that the divine sword will turn her back and affect her cultivation." Although Jiang Bai did not reply Qingshan Town, but he can gain experience even if his apprentice breaks through, so he naturally knows Dulin's current cultivation level.

Half a step later, after Du Lin re-cultivated, his realm increased very rapidly.

"System, let's start the second lottery draw." Jiang Bai put the flame sword into the ring, and continued to order to the system.

"Ding, start the monthly lottery draw."

The roulette is still the same, but the items on it have become various. From the most common instant noodles, there are countless magic weapons and skills of various powerful planes, but the more common items are naturally more.The chances of getting treasures will also be reduced.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining "Swallowing Starry Sky", a set of uniforms of six series, which can resist the attacks of high-level beast generals, and the remarks are equivalent to those of innate late-level warriors."

"It's really considerate... After the weapon is drawn, the combat uniform will be drawn." Jiang Bai also made a rare joke, and his expression gradually became serious.

The six-series combat uniform can withstand most of the late-innate attacks, which is really useful for him now, and he also has a whole set of exclusive Kamigawa armor in his ring.His defensive attributes can be greatly increased.

If he is fully armed, Jiang Bai is confident that he can win the battle against Xiantian in the later stage.

A set of black tight-fitting combat uniforms slowly appeared, with technological lines, Jiang Bai's thoughts moved, and the spirit clothes on his body slowly dissipated.Putting the six-series combat uniform on his body, with a turn of his true energy, the spirit clothes wrapped the six-series combat uniform again, hiding it tightly.

Jiang Bai glanced at the experience value, he has not used the experience value to improve his cultivation for a long time.Nearly [-] experience points have been saved, thanks to the rewards Zhang Chulan, Linglong, and Liya received for their cultivation.

"'s still not enough." Jiang Bai sighed, and after careful calculation for so long, he was still a little caught.

Jianfeng's opening ceremony is about to begin, Chu Lan, Geraint...Jiang Bai decided to bring them back to the Canglan Continent, each with [-] experience points, these are not enough.

"Except for Liya, Geraint, Argenta, Linglong, and Xia Ling, there are not many people who can safely leave their original world. Chu Lan and Bao'er are still chasing the Armor Rebellion, although the Linghuai Tree has not been destroyed. , but Yan Bing should be worried about Zhenhun Street for the time being, let alone Qiangwei and Liu Chuang."

Jiang Bai thought about it carefully, at least five thousand experience points must be prepared, and more will be needed in the future.

After the Xiantian Realm, the experience points required for each level up are multiplied.In the early stage of promotion, [-] experience points are required. Although after this period of practice, the progress bar has reached [-], but there is still a difference of [-].

"System, let's improve your cultivation level first." Jiang Bai said slowly. After all, before leaving the Super Seminary, he must try his best to help his two apprentices solve some troubles.

There is still a shortfall of [-] experience points, so I can only find a way in the future.

"Ding, consume [-] experience points and start improving your cultivation."

The balance of experience points dropped a lot, and an invisible beam of light suddenly fell from the sky, seemingly ignoring the matter, penetrating the deck and the wall.In Jiang Bai's eyes, this scene is magnificent, but the soldiers of the entire Juxia seem to be invisible.


The true qi in the bones surged up, rolling in the body, constantly absorbing the energy in the beam of light.

Jiang Bai's aura continues to increase, like a beast that is gradually waking up. After the innate state, the stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the magical powers of natural comprehension will be.The sword body is incarnated, and the sword intent naturally becomes sharper, and the terrifying sword intent sweeps out, but is restrained by Jiang Bai by an inch.

This is a mysterious state of cultivation, the innate mid-stage barrier is like a thin film, without any resistance, it is destroyed by the beam of light.

Like the collapse of a dam, the flood flooded thousands of miles.

The turbulent qi is rampant in the meridians wantonly, Jiang Bai has cultivated himself into a sword, and his physical body is not tyrannical and sharp.Najie kept flashing fluorescence, Jiang Bai didn't summon the Dragon Burying Sword, but the soul of the sword resonated.


From the beginning to the breakthrough, it was only an instant, but it seemed like a long time had passed.

Jiang Bai slowly opened his eyes, his eyes became as sharp as sword blades, he took a deep breath, and used experience points to improve his cultivation base, which seemed to be taking a shortcut, but the cultivation base zhenqi given by the system was not only not vain, but also condensed Incomparable.

Compared with the results obtained by his own hard training, not only is it not bad, it seems to be slightly better.

Glancing at the sky, one night's practice is fleeting, and the sky is still bright.But the sound of hard training from the Xiongbing Company has been heard outside. Of course, there may be reluctant screams and complaints, but these are all ignored by Jiang Bai.


(End of this chapter)

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