Chapter 263 The Opening Ceremony

"What kind of sect is Jianfeng? It has made such a big commotion, and even so many top sects have come. Could it be another big force?"

"Who knows... But our life is not easy. All resources have been taken away by these big forces, and now there may be another one... Sigh..."

"Haven't you heard of it?"

"What did you hear?"

"This Jianfeng used to be a place of trials. There was a great opportunity. Some time ago, the disciples and elders of the Snake Sect were here and were beheaded by the people of Jianfeng. This incident caused a lot of trouble. The most surprising thing is , The Snake Sect has not taken revenge until now."

"Hiss..." Many people gasped, the amount of information was too much.

The opening ceremony was held at noon, and the peak was already overcrowded with small forces chatting with casual people, while the elders or leaders of the top forces began to pay attention to Jianfeng's peak protection formation, secretly clicking their tongues, weighing Jianfeng's background in their hearts.

"Look, there is a flying dragon with a head, at least half a step into a dragon, and the dragon's power exists, it is really powerful." Suddenly there was an exclamation from the crowd, and many people looked up and were attracted to it.

Suddenly, there was a terrifying wave in the sky, at least half a step into the Grandmaster realm, a flying dragon with a body size of several tens of feet, green body, dark eyes, scales like armor, and a pair of huge wings, supporting it. A dozen or so figures loomed from afar.

Feijiao landed at the front of the crowd, and several figures came down from above, the leader was the third elder of the Snake Sect, that is, the green-haired old man.Behind him followed closely a dozen young disciples, all dressed in green robes.

"The Snake Sect is here? This is a good time to watch." Someone murmured, the Snake Sect always revenges their enemies, and their methods are sinister.

"I don't think so. Jianfeng sees that the person who blatantly killed the Snake Sect doesn't have a hole card in his hand. Maybe he can really fight with Jianfeng's people, and I heard from others that the Evergreen faction and Jianfeng The relationship is not ordinary."


A thunderous roar shook the mountains and rivers, the wind howled, and the dust flew up.Not far from the flying dragon, a male lion was roaring. It was a ferocious beast belonging to the Evergreen faction. It was golden all over, like a big sun, and its ferocious eyes were staring at the flying dragon.

"What are you Snake Sect doing here?" Elder Yun hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and asked coldly.

"Hehe..." The green old man chuckled, leaning on a jasper snake-headed cane, strolled to the side of the Changqing faction, and said, "Naturally, we will come to join us in joining Jianfeng's opening ceremony, isn't the invitation letter Did you send it to us?"

"Hmph..." Elder Yun snorted coldly. He didn't expect that the Snake Sect would really send someone here. The invitation letter was sent out just to disgust the Snake Sect's people.


The sun has risen to the middle of the day, and it is noon.The sword peak towering among the clouds suddenly trembled, and the formation protecting the peak outside it was weakening, and a big hole slowly opened between the gates at the foot of the mountain.

On the white jade steps that spread all the way up from the foot of the mountain, there was a person standing every ten feet on both sides in charge of reception. Han Zheng stood in the center holding the roster and greeted everyone with a smile.

"The opening ceremony of Jianfeng's sect is officially held... The sect's examination is very simple. Only those who are under 16 years old and have reached the sixth level of martial arts can participate. Those who climb up to five hundred floors of the white jade steps will be able to enter the door, those who have stepped on eight hundred floors will become outer disciples, and those who have stepped on one thousand floors will have good character and become inner disciples directly."

Han Sheng smiled, and said slowly, full of confidence, "Everyone who came to watch the ceremony, please take the path on the right, there will be guides, and they can help you isolate the sword intent from Jianfeng."

"Haha, for Jianfeng's opening ceremony, I, the Evergreen Sect, naturally want to show some face." Elder Yun laughed twice, and with a wave of his hand, several disciples brought up a gift list respectfully.

It seemed to be a start, and soon many sects and influences stepped forward to hand over gift lists.

What surprised Han Sheng the most was that the faction that came to give gifts, as well as people from the Bai family in the capital, was a handsome young man who was quite generous.All gifts are worth tens of thousands of dollars.

"The congratulatory gift from the Evergreen School, 30 taels of gold, 50 taels of silver, [-] pieces of Huiyuan Dan, a map of the blue sea and blue sky, and an evergreen pine."

Following Han Sheng's reading aloud, many forces took a deep breath, this is really too big.Even the evergreen pine, a special product of the Evergreen sect, was given away. After ten years of gestation, the evergreen pine can produce divine fruit, and it is rumored that it can directly improve the cultivation level of the Houtian realm.

It has always been the foundation of the Evergreen Sect. When they heard the word "Eternal Green Pine", the members of the Snake Sect squinted their eyes slightly, and there was some movement.

"Tianyuan Sect's congratulatory gift, 5 taels of gold, a divine sword, and an earth spirit pill."

"A congratulatory gift from Haizong, three high-level formation maps, three first-class exercises, and three earth spirit pills."

"Congratulatory gifts from the Bai family in the capital, 100 million taels of gold, [-] celestial trees, one share of supreme skills, and one share of supernatural powers." Han Sheng's voice suddenly paused, and even he couldn't believe it, the gift from the Evergreen Sect was very heavy. He was expected, but what happened to the Bai family in the capital?
Han Sheng froze for a moment, then looked at the boy strangely, a little puzzled.

"Say hello to Mr. Jiang for the younger generation." This young man is none other than Bai Ming, whom Jiang Bai met by chance in Qingshan Town.

Bai Ming is the young master of the Bai family, and many forces naturally recognize it, and they even think about it when they hear this.

"Is there any connection between the Bai family and Jianfeng? The old man of the Bai family is a master!"

"Who knows, although the Bai family is a family, in terms of strength, it is no worse than those top sects. It seems that the Snake Sect really has to think twice this time."

The scene was slightly turbulent. Although everyone was puzzled, they still quietly remembered it in their hearts.

The third elder of the Snake Sect also frowned slightly, a little hesitant.

"Third Elder, do we still provoke Jianfeng?" A Snake Sect disciple stepped forward and asked indecisively.Looking at this Jianfeng now, it is really not simple.

"Hmph... If the Bai family really wanted to support Jianfeng, they wouldn't have sent a child here." The third elder of the Snake Sect snorted coldly, with cold eyes, and flicked his sleeves to order thousands of disciples in front of him to present gift lists.

When the disciples of the Snake Sect stepped forward, Han Sheng was still a little vigilant, and carefully took the gift list. The atmosphere around him also became subtle, and many people also quietly watched.

"Congratulations from the Snake Sect, a couple of snake venoms..." Han Sheng frowned slightly, a little angry.Who gave poison at the opening ceremony?
"Hehe... Junior, don't look down on my snake venom. This old man concocted it with all my heart. It only takes one or two, and it will surely make your peak master drink it and let go of the world." The third elder of the Snake Sect sneered. Feng's opening ceremony could not go on.

"You!" Han Sheng clenched his fists, but he still calmed down. He is really making a fool of himself by making a move now. He is not completely the opponent of the elder of the Snake Sect.

"Third Poison, you are going too far." Elder Yun of the Evergreen Sect snorted coldly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stared at the third elder of the Snake Sect.

"What's the matter? It's rare to give gifts, so you must give gold and silver? Snake venom is a specialty of my Snake Sect, can't it? And the old man gave Jianfeng a gift, what does it have to do with your Evergreen Sect?" The third elder of Snake Sect snorted coldly, looking imposing Awe-inspiring look.

"The gift is good, but I'm afraid it's not as effective as you said." At some point, on a boulder at the foot of the mountain, there was a scruffy old man with a full beard and a flagon.

"Do you have a place to speak here?" A disciple of the Snake Sect, his face darkening, directly scolded.

"Little thing, is it your job to deliver the message here?"


As soon as the words fell, everyone didn't react, and they saw a black shadow passing by in front of their eyes, and the disciple of the Snake Sect was sent flying by a palm, flew upside down for dozens of meters, and hit the big guard formation of Jianfeng , already half dead.

"This..." The many forces watching the ceremony were all shocked. Who is this person, aren't they afraid of turning against Jianfeng?
"Old man Kunsheng, the Great Elder of the Zhenshan Sect, argued with the old man that you are not worthy of letting the old poison of your Snake Sect come." Elder Kun stretched his waist, and glanced at the third elder of the Snake Sect. don't care.

The third elder of the Snake Sect clenched his fists slightly, but he didn't dare to get angry. The Great Elder of Zhenshan Sect was notoriously reckless. Although he only had a mid-innate cultivation base, he once fought against half-step masters, and his strength was unfathomable.

"I came in a hurry and didn't bring a congratulatory gift. Let's take this jug of wine as a congratulatory gift. In fact, the old man just came to eat, so how is Meng Boy?" Elder Kun walked up to Han Sheng and handed over the jug to Han Sheng Health, asked.

"Mr. Meng is all well, and his cultivation is improving very quickly." Although Han Sheng didn't know Kun Sheng, he knew Kun Sheng's kindness, so he quickly answered.

"This is the snake venom you refined?" Kun Sheng flickered his hand, and unexpectedly took out a small porcelain bottle from the arms of the third elder of the Snake Sect. Without saying a word, he opened the lid and swallowed the snake venom. Smash it, smash it, mouth it.

"It's tasteless. I said that your Snake Sect is not as good as the next generation. What kind of things are you refining? You have the nerve to give away this shit." Elder Kun sneered, he didn't care about the people of Snake Sect. Good influence, "It's better to bring some snakes next time, but I haven't eaten snake soup for a while."

"Kunsheng! You are cruel..." The third elder of the Snake Sect squinted his eyes. The Bai family in the capital, the Zhenshan Sect, and the Evergreen Sect are all standing on the side of Jianfeng. If you want to continue to move Jianfeng today, I am afraid it will be impossible. He shouted angrily, "Let's go!"

Although everyone in the Snake Sect was outraged, they still got on the flying dragon and prepared to leave.


From the top of the sword peak, a black shadow flew over, and when it got closer, it turned out to be three giant dragons, with a menacing aura.The leader is a golden dragon, and the other two are naturally the incarnation of Chaos Dragon and Algeta.

Everyone has been stunned by shock today, so there is no big reaction, but Elder Kun squinted his eyes in surprise, and murmured: "Longwei? Could it be that he is close to Hualong?"

Three giant dragons blocked the way of Feijiao's departure, and the dragon's power was rolling.

A burst of golden light suddenly erupted from the golden dragon's body, quickly subsided, and turned into a human form. Geraint had already put on a set of dark alloy armor, his long golden hair fluttered in the wind, and he was holding a divine sword in full bloom.

"The shape of a ferocious beast? How is this possible? That is the supernatural power of a fifth-order ferocious beast!"

"No, maybe this ferocious beast has its own chance. He hasn't reached the fifth-order realm yet. The background of this sword peak is really extraordinary." Elder Yun shook his head, secretly startled.

"What do you Jianfeng want to do? Can't you fight with my Snake Sect?" Cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the third elder of the Snake Sect. He was not sure about one against three.

"Hehe, I think it's your Snake Sect who looked down on me, Jianfeng. You came to attend my Jianfeng's opening ceremony, and you left as soon as you said you would leave. You didn't even send a congratulatory gift. Wouldn't it be contemptuous? This junior just came here on purpose. Just a reminder, lest Jianfeng be sent gossip."

Geraint didn't expect that there would also be a scene of chicken thieves. He came to my Jianfeng to make trouble, of course he had to pay a price before he could leave.

"You!" The veins on the forehead of the third elder of the Snake Sect were bulging, but he still endured it. He waved and took out the space bag at his waist and threw it to Geraint. "There are one hundred thousand miles of gold and ten snake pills, enough Come on! Let's go!"


The snake sect made a big joke, but it did not affect Jianfeng's opening ceremony.

Han Sheng continued to read aloud the congratulatory gifts from the major forces. Fortunately, except for the congratulatory gifts from the Evergreen Sect and the Bai Family in the capital, the congratulatory gifts from other factions are quite normal, but adding them up is not a small gain.


There was a sudden roar in Jianfeng, and ten spaceships came.These are all Jiang Bai exchanged from the elf princess Nairwen in the "Dragon Nest" plane.

"Hiss...flying magic weapon..." Many people raised their heads to watch the ceremony, couldn't help swallowing, and said in surprise.

Ten spaceships came from afar and landed slowly at the foot of the mountain.From each spaceship, four soldiers from Hulaoguan came down and made a gesture of please.Everyone hesitated for a moment, Elder Yun of the Evergreen Sect also came to his senses, withdrew his surprised gaze, and stepped on the spaceship first.

The three elders of the Snake Sect, as well as many forces, hesitated for a moment, and followed the Evergreen Sect.

"In this sect assessment, the top ten disciples will all get a divine sword handle, the top three disciples will get a magic weapon forged by the peak master himself, and the No.1 disciple can enter the fourth floor of the Gongfa Pavilion and choose one part of the skill."

Seeing that the forces watching the ceremony had almost left, Han Sheng shouted to the disciples of many families below.

The background of the previous ten large flying magic weapons, coupled with the support of so many top forces, has shocked many people, so many people have made up their minds and walked out of the crowd.Han Sheng smiled lightly, not in a hurry.

Jianfeng's assessment standards are already harsh. According to Jiang Lao's words, they only seek excellence and not excess.

"Junjie who wants to participate in the assessment, please come here to test your age and cultivation." Han Sheng motioned slowly, raised his hand, and led hundreds of people to a registration place at the foot of the mountain. After sufficient preparation, the assessment can begin .


 A chapter of [-] characters.

(End of this chapter)

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