Chapter 270 Generous

small gift?
Although it is a small gift, but the Lord of Sword Peak, a strong man suspected of being a master, would he be stingy?
For a time, the eyes of many power leaders fell on Jiang Bai. The identity of the young master of the Bai family is here. They dare not make any crooked ideas, but it is good to open their eyes.

Bai Ming, who had been depressed all the time, froze for a moment on the edge of the explosion, and looked up at Jiang Bai.Gift?
"This is a magical weapon that I made myself in the old days. It is powerful enough to break the true energy of a strong master. Although it is slightly flawed, it can be used for self-defense." Jiang Bai smiled lightly, and there was a sharp sword in his hand , the whole body is golden.

Under the rendering of the sun, the sword body glowed with phosphorescence, and the slight aftermath rippled on the sword body, which looked extremely magical.

Can it break the true qi defense of a master-level powerhouse? ? ?
As soon as this remark came out, many people gasped, and at the same time cast doubtful gazes over.Because apart from its gorgeous appearance, there is nothing strange about this sword, let alone a trace of sword intent.

The divine sword forged by the majestic Sword Peak Lord doesn't even have sword intent?After observing carefully for a while, many people shook their heads secretly.Naturally, they would not think that it was the Lord of Sword Peak who was bragging in public, but they just lamented that they couldn't see the strangeness of this divine sword.

Jiang Bai's face was indifferent, and his reaction to everyone was not surprising.This divine sword is actually the flaming sword he obtained from the plane of "Super Seminary", and it is thousands of times different from the refining method of this world, so it is naturally incomprehensible.

"Elder Jiang, why bother to shut up the younger generation, we fellows also want to open our eyes." Elder Yun hesitated for a moment, then smiled lightly and asked while cupping his fists.

He always thought that Mr. Jiang was a strong man at the level of a great master, but he didn't expect that he was very likely to be a master of crafting.The former is invincible in force, while the latter is not only powerful, but also proficient in one-handed weapon refining, capable of growing a whole land!
"This sword is called the Flame Sword. The name is a bit vulgar, but it is very appropriate. The refining material is the essence of the sun, ten thousand years of volcanic lava... every inch of flame iron needs to be melted with a drop of blood essence of a third-order beast... "Jiang Bai stood with his hands behind his back, and explained swearingly, anyway, he was bragging, so naturally he exaggerated how to say it.

As for the leader of that group of forces and others, they were even more bewildered.

What kind of essence of the sun, what kind of lava from a ten-thousand-year volcano, and what kind of blood essence of a third-order ferocious beast.The latter is okay, at least they understand it, and they have never even heard of the previous material.

With so many materials to refine an Excalibur, is this a refinement or a waste of money?The corner of Elder Yun's mouth twitched slightly, did he think too much.

"This sword has just been completed, and it needs to be practiced again to strip its sword intent. Otherwise, it is easy to be affected by the sword intent of the swordsman for a lifetime, but it is not good for his own path." Jiang Bai made up another reason casually, and put the sword of Lie Yan The fact that the sword has no sword intent has flickered past.

"Then what is the use of this sword?"

Bai Ming curled his lips, and he also wanted to understand that Mr. Jiang was using him to build Jianfeng's prestige just now.Such embarrassment, he couldn't suffer in vain, so he asked directly.

"Hehe, don't worry... you try to guide the flame sword with true energy?" Jiang Bai laughed loudly, as if he was amused by the junior, his eyes were full of kindness, and he handed the flame sword to Bai Ming.It made Bai Ming suddenly feel like he had punched cotton.

Bai Ming rolled her eyes, she couldn't explain it this time.He simply looked at the flaming sword in his hand, and with a half-doubtful operation of his skills, he drew out a trace of true energy and poured it into the sword.


The flame sword has undergone a systematic transformation, changing the driving energy from dark energy to true energy.In an instant, a cluster of strange flames ignited from the sword body, and the raging flames lasted for a long time.

"Is this a fire stick? Mr. Jiang, you are too stingy." Bai Ming frowned and looked around for a long time, but he didn't find out where the magic of the flame sword was.Thinking about Jiang Bai's kind sunshine just now, he asked cunningly, wanting to get some more benefits.

"Don't be too greedy." Jiang Bai shook his head helplessly, and pointed like a sword, hitting Bai Ming's head directly, "Try with a sword."

"Try it and try it. If it's really mediocre, Mr. Jiang, you have to send it over again." Bai Ming shrugged, and under the gaze of everyone, he waved his hand towards an open space.In an instant, a half-arc flame shot out from the blade of Raging Flame Sword, splitting the air directly.

The air is rolling because of the scorching heat.A rockery not far away shattered directly.


The sword intent kept trembling, and in that rockery, there happened to be a magic weapon hidden.An ultimate second-tier magic weapon, a good sword that the acquired powerhouse yearns for day and night.It seemed to feel the provocation of the flame sword.

The sword intent of this second-tier divine weapon exploded completely, trying to resist the air.But everything was in vain after all, the flames and swords passed by, and everything was split in half.Flame-class weapons, but even spaceship-class spaceships can be cut in two.

"Hiss..." Elder Yun gasped.A second-tier magic weapon was instantly defeated, that is to say, Bai Ming could break through the true qi gauze of the Houtian fifth-level powerhouse with a single blow with this weapon.

Because white tea is too strong?This is absolutely impossible. Most of them know the basics of Bai Ming's current cultivation.The various forces naturally have eyes and ears for each other, and this information can still be detected.

The reason must be because of this sword!

This time, even Bai Ming was stunned, this is Jianfeng, everything has sword intent, the power of his strike is really terrifying.

"The strongest part of the flame sword is its indestructible characteristics and strange flames." Jiang Bai chuckled, obviously the effect of the flame sword has been achieved.He took out this weapon just to let the people of the whole dragon pattern, let these powerful people know the background and strength of Jianfeng.

"Ming'er, you are not strong enough now, and it is one out of ten that the power of this divine sword cannot be exerted. It will not be difficult for you to break through the innate ability to break through the defense of the master-level powerhouse."

Jiang Bai spoke slowly, and the remaining forces were already stunned.

This is a divine sword that can compete with the master-level powerhouses. In the Dragon Mark Empire, there are only a dozen or so master-level powerhouses.Greedy orange lights glowed in many people's eyes, but they restrained themselves abruptly when they remembered the name of the Bai family.

"Thank you, thank you, Mr. Jiang."

Bai Ming clasped his fists and said, hesitating for a long time, but this gift was too heavy, so he still thanked him sincerely.

His Bai family has been able to be proud of the Dragon Mark Empire for so long because his grandfather has reached the grand master level.Now that this divine sword is in his hand, who would dare to provoke the Bai family? This is really scary.


(End of this chapter)

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