Chapter 272 Lin Wan'er?
"Five hundred floors?"

Qing Yun took a deep breath, looked up at the peak that was as high as the sky, and there was a fierce fighting spirit in her eyes.This was the first time he felt a sense of crisis. This commoner whom he despises, and that woman who doesn't know her roots, have been overwhelming him since the beginning of the trial.

He could not help but clenched his fists tightly. Although the true energy in his body had been somewhat exhausted, he still tried his best to use the exercises, raising a trace of true energy to protect the internal organs.At the height of Jianfeng, this sword intent was no longer something Zhenqi Shayi could resist.

The sword intent pierces through the genuine qi gauze, which can damage the bone marrow and five internal organs, leaving hidden wounds.That's why the Jianfeng Thousand Ladders is said to be inaccessible only after the day after tomorrow.Only when it reaches the day after tomorrow, the true energy feeds back to the physical body, strengthens the physical body, and breaks away from the boundaries of mortals, can it resist the sword intent.

"True disciples..." Ye Tian leaned against the stone wall to the east of the thousand-story ladder, and when he heard these words, he slowly opened his closed eyes.Touching the iron sword in his hand, the sword spirit outside his body was magnificent.

Compared with Qing Yun, Ye Tian seemed to be more experienced. Among the three, he had the lowest cultivation level.When he just arrived at the thousand-story ladder, he closed his eyes to recover his true energy.

"Let's start directly, you two little devils. If you can't do it, don't force it." Lin Wan'er smiled coquettishly, but she was full of confidence. ladder.



Almost at the same time, the zhenqi outside Qingyun's body became stronger and continuously lingering and rising, and with a flick of his fingers, a green zhenqi burst out.It flickered past like an arrow leaving the string, leaving a curl of green smoke on the white jade ladder in front of Lin Wan'er.

On the other side, Ye Tian also suddenly drew out his sword, and the rusty iron sword was in his hand, as if it had turned into a supreme weapon.

A sword intent vented out, extremely sharp, and after the green smoke passed, another sword intent swept across.However, it only left a black mark on the white jade ladder, which shows how strong the white jade ladder's defense is.

"Hehe, the two brats are planning to make a move." Lin Wan'er froze for a moment, showing a charming smile, stopped in her tracks, and turned to look at the two of them.

"Little ghost? It seems that you are not very old." Ye Tian snorted coldly, and responded lightly, his expression gradually became serious.Their cultivation base is much lower than this person, and it is impossible to compare their speed with him.

The only way to win is to defeat her here!
"Huh!" Qing Yun glanced at Ye Tian, ​​surprisingly silent, she acquiesced to the fact that the two joined forces.After all, the opponent's cultivation base is here, no matter how arrogant he is, it is impossible for him to think that he can single-handedly win a person in the acquired state.

"It's just this one time. After defeating her, I will settle the matter with you."

"Hehe, stay with me anytime." Ye Tian chuckled, stood side by side with Qing Yun, and said slowly, "Although it's wrong for two people to bully a woman together, there's nothing to do about it."

"You two brats, don't you think you must win? Hehe..." Lin Wan'er covered her mouth to cover her smile, and her every move was charming, "It's not easy to enter this sword peak, the two of you are not enough!" Greg, try harder."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Wan'er launched an offensive in an instant, her jade palms were lightly closed, and a burst of bright golden light rose from her body in an instant, revealing her cultivation without a doubt.

The day after tomorrow double!

"Che'er, how long has it been since we left Qingshan Town?" Jiang Bai raised his eyebrows, this time even he was surprised.It seems that Poison Scale has reached the second level of acquired cultivation in just a flick of a finger since it lost all of its cultivation.

"It seems to be three or four months. No matter how specific it is, I can't remember it clearly." Meng Che was slightly taken aback, and thought about it carefully.In the recent period, he has experienced too much, so he didn't pay attention to the past at all.

"Hehe... starting tomorrow, you will have to add another three hours to your practice time. Thanks to you being a big brother, your sister Dulin has already reached the second level of the day after tomorrow, and you are still one step behind." Jiang Bai chuckled with satisfaction. Twice, the voice seemed to be slightly accusing, but more of a kindness.

"Second level after tomorrow? Master, you mean... she is a poisonous scale... Uh, master, junior sister." Meng Che's thoughts didn't come to him for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he looked at the girl on the white jade ladder in surprise. Lin Wan'er.

No wonder, he had previously felt that this Lin Wan'er was full of obsequiousness, which made him feel familiar and shuddered.

"Let's do it together." Ye Tian said lightly, simply and neatly, before taking a step forward, he swung his sword out.The sharp sword intent pierced the blade, which was already visible to the naked eye, causing the surrounding air to squirm.

"Don't command me, if you drag me down, I can't get around you." Qing Yun retorted, but her body was still very honest.The cyan zhenqi gathered in the whole body to form a thin gauze, which was faintly visible, pointing like a sword, and together with Ye Tian, ​​they attacked Lin Wan'er from left to right.

"Qingsong Sword Art!"

On Qingyun's two fingers, a small sword emerged. Although he didn't grasp the sword's intent, the most domineering of his Qing Clan's kungfu is that it can transform true energy into form.To be able to dominate one side.

"Such a small handle is considered a sword?" Lin Wan'er chuckled, the golden light around her was like a flame, and with a flick of her sleeve, it seemed like a sea of ​​flames, directly blocking Ye Tian's sword intent.

Raising the jade hand lightly, the wisps of true energy began to take form, "Let me teach you what a sword is."

"I have already practiced transformation, this girl's talent, even the old heavenly master will be scared stupid." Jiang Bai murmured, staring at the battle on the field, the corner of his mouth unconsciously showed a curve.

"How is it possible! Transforming true energy into form is obviously a unique method of my Qing family."

Qing Yun's pupils shrank slightly, and she took two steps back in shock, even forgetting to attack.A small sword floating on the fingertips, some of which are faintly visible, remain indeterminate.

"A frog at the bottom of a well, there are far more exercises in the world that are more profound than your Qing family's."

Lin Wan'er taunted mercilessly, in the palm of her hand, the golden qi had condensed into a gorgeous sword.Yuzu nodded lightly and began to fight back.With one swing of the sword, one turns into three, and the golden true energy like three blades spins out.

"Sure enough, it's Poison Scale Master, Junior Sister. This is the Zhang family's Three-leaf Sword Art." Meng Che was more than impressed by this skill. He almost died under the Three-Leaf Sword Art, so naturally he will not forget it. .

"It's good to know, don't say anything, this girl..." Jiang Bai shook his head helplessly, feeling more and more interesting.He wanted to see, with Du Lin's current strength, and the two little guys Ye Tian and Qing Yun, what other means did he have.


(End of this chapter)

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