Chapter 274 Heart Sword

Bursts of cyan light were released from Qing Yun's body like ripples, and the terrifying aura reverberated on the white jade ladder, and her own aura also increased at an unimaginable speed.

Martial realm tenth level!

The day after tomorrow one heavy!
The day after tomorrow double!

In just an instant, Qing Yun's aura increased by three layers, but such a huge increase, the side effects after the end are also conceivable.With Qing Yun's strength and talent, coupled with her understanding of the family's Jian Mu Tong Tian Jue.

To achieve such an effect, Qing Yun can only last for 3 minutes, and will fall into a period of weakness afterwards.In other words, if Lin Wan'er cannot be defeated within 3 minutes, there is absolutely no hope of winning.

"This is the Qing Clan's Jianmu Jue?" Several elders of Gui Haizong squinted their eyes slightly, lost in thought.

The outside world has been rumoring that the Qing Clan's martial arts are mysterious, so naturally some people will be tempted, but it's just because of the power of the Qing Clan in the court and that old man.So no one has ever done anything to the Qing family.

"Yun'er..." Qing Hong frowned tightly, he naturally sensed the strange gazes of the surrounding forces, and snorted coldly, his innate fourth-level cultivation was undoubtedly revealed, and the terrifying aura swept across the field before being completely dispelled the ideas of those forces.

"Hehe... What a Jianmutongtian, he has directly raised his cultivation level by three levels, and he is still a fledgling kid." Within Gui Haizong's sphere of influence, an old man with gray hair walked out. His skin was dry, but he was transparent. With a lustrous luster.

"I don't know how well General Qing can take on the gist of the court and understand Jianmu Jue."

The old man who spoke was none other than Gui Haizong's second elder, Lin Zheng, and his cultivation had already reached the fifth level of innate.However, it is almost dead, and after living for a hundred years, if there is no breakthrough in cultivation, it will definitely fall.

On the spaceship, two auras collided in the field, each holding two kinds of brilliance, blue and blue.Qinghong seemed to have turned into a giant tree reaching to the sky, full of vitality.And Lin Zheng is like a vast ocean, the waves are about to push down the giant tree.

"Everyone, this is Jianfeng!?" Han Sheng frowned slightly. In Jianfeng's opening ceremony, it was really contemptible to do something like this.

"Mr. Jiang, don't be surprised. It's just that General Qing wanted to learn from each other, and his hands were itchy in the next moment, so he passed two moves. There is no intention of belittling Jianfeng." Hearing this, Lin Zheng and Qing Hong looked at each other deeply. , is to stop immediately.Lin Zheng bowed slightly and explained.

"Discussion?" Jiang Bai's voice gradually became colder, and if he started at the opening ceremony, if he could let it go, Jianfeng's majesty would be greatly reduced.The effect of acting for so long before will also disappear, you must know that good people are bullied!

"Then if the old man is eager for skills, can he also make two moves with the two?"

Jiang Bai raised his hand slowly, without looking back, his eyes were still watching the changes on the white jade ladder.But the raised palm gradually fell. Jiang Bai didn't understand who the original owner of Jianfeng was, and it was very vague.

But he left Jiang Bai with three things, an unrivaled and powerful sword intent, a set of exquisite sword skills, and the peak guard formation of this sword peak.

On the entire Sword Peak, there are many corpses of strong sword cultivators, leaving thousands of copies of sword intent.These sword intents are the power of the formation. Jiang Bai mastered the formation of Jianfeng, and also mastered the sword intent of the entire Jianfeng!


On the white jade ladder on the thousandth floor, a silver-white light suddenly flashed, and Jiang Bai used the power of the wind-defending project to isolate it.

"Elder Jiang, I return to Haizong, but I have never thought of fighting against Jianfeng." Returning to Haizong's second elder, Lin Zheng.The forehead was suddenly full of sweat, after all, they all regarded Jiang Bai as a master and strong man.

Although he is only one step away from the master, the gap between the two is almost insurmountable.

"Mr. Jiang, my Qing family has absolutely no intention of offending. I am here to congratulate on behalf of the imperial court." Qing Hong also hurriedly cupped his fists to apologize, cursing himself for not being calm just now.But if there hadn't been a demonstration just now, I don't know how many people would have the idea of ​​Jian Mu Tong Tian Jue.

"The imperial court? Returning to Haizong? Are these two behemoths coming to suppress the old man?" Jiang Bai naturally understood the meaning hidden in the words of the two, his face was still indifferent, and he just replied lightly, "The old man does not bully the small with the big, Just with the two of you, make a move."

Damn old guy, he really wants to fight me!

Lin Zheng cursed secretly in his heart, but his expression was still respectful. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Since Mr. Jiang is willing to teach you, the two of us are beyond our control. Brother Qinghong, this is not the time to joke anymore."

"I understand." Qing Hong nodded.This is the Jianghu, just a second ago, the two of them wished they could fight to the death to wipe out the latter, so as to eliminate hidden dangers.Now we can join hands as brothers.

"Fall!" In the ears of the two, it seemed that they suddenly heard Jiang Bai's cold drink.

The sword intent of the entire Jianfeng suddenly trembled from a distance, as if worshiping or greeting.The sword intent condensed together and became visible to the naked eye.Both Lin Zheng and Qing Hong's pupils shrank suddenly, because they saw something insurmountable.

A pair of supreme swords condensed from pure sword intent filled the sky.Like a majestic rain of swords falling, they want to pierce their hearts with thousands of swords!
Build wood to reach the sky?At this moment, it is like a crumbling sapling!

The sea is boundless?These divine swords seem to be able to wipe out everything, and these sword intents are drawing out the knife to cut off the water!

"Ah~!" "Ah~!"

"Puff!" "Puff!"

With two screams in succession, both Qing Hong and Lin Zheng passed out without warning, and fell to the deck of the spaceship.

"what happened?"

"Not sure?"

"The two... have passed out?"

The surrounding forces all looked astonished, because it started from the moment Lin Zheng agreed to compete with Jiang Bai.Jiang Bai didn't move anymore, as if the weather was calm, but Lin Zheng and Qing Hong suddenly passed out.

"Take them back, it's just that the Dao heart is not stable. It can be recovered after a few months of cultivation. This time, the old man has given the court and Gui Haizong enough face. Otherwise, it will not be the heart sword that stabs their hearts, but the heart sword. Excalibur."

Jiang Bai's cold shout followed, and a gust of cold wind swept past, blowing the gown.

There are thousands of sword intents on Jianfeng, and different sword cultivators will comprehend different sword intents.When Jiang Bai mastered the sword peak formation, he was also surprised.This time Jiang Bai used the Heart Sword. This sword intent cannot be felt at all, but it can directly hit the opponent's heart and thoughts.

Using the power of the large formation to deal with the two of them is more than enough, but it is inevitable that they will leak their feet.This heart and sword god is unconscious, which is naturally Jiang Bai's best choice.


(End of this chapter)

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