Chapter 290 Dream Remembrance Hammer

"Master, master, I'm here to help you."

In the jungle not far away, a faint flame lit up. Mitutoyo waved his hands here and there, holding the small flame condensed by the Lizi spell in his palm, but this flame is probably useless except for lighting.

"It's you, I finally saw you." The fox demon who was fighting Jiang Bai, his expression froze for a moment, and he opened his arms and threw himself at Sanfeng.

"Sanfeng, be careful!" Jiang Bai's face changed suddenly. He didn't expect that Sanfeng would come suddenly. He was still a little far away from Sanfeng, and it was obviously too late to rescue.If this fox demon really came here for Yang Yan, he might succeed.

"Fox demon, do you dare to hurt this old man's disciple?" In desperation, Jiang Bai could only shout loudly, raised his palm, and the powerful zhenqi in his body formed a milky white giant palm, and slapped directly towards the fox demon.

"Ah~!" Sanfeng was also taken aback. Although he was brave, he was only five or six years old when he saw the fox rushing towards him.After finally summoning up the courage, she fell to the ground in fright, closed her eyes and only covered her head with her hands!

"Fox..." Jiang Bai's movements stopped, and the raised palm stopped in mid-air, and it did not fall for a long time.He was also shocked by the scene in front of him. Not only did the fox demon not hurt Mitutoyo, but he hugged him tightly, almost crying with joy.

"Finally... I finally saw you again." The fox demon hugged Sanfeng tightly, the corners of his eyes were already moist, and he kept looking at Sanfeng's face.

"Girl, did you admit the wrong person?" Sanfeng was also a little confused, and looked at his master Jiang Bai in astonishment, wanting to know the answer.

"What's the situation?" Jiang Bai also shook his head, frowned slightly, and used the system's detection function to lock on to the fox demon, and the system prompt sounded in his mind immediately, which made him even more surprised.

"Ding, name: Jiu'er, occupation: fox demon, the target is one of the lucky characters on the plane, age: [-] years old, cultivation level: comparable to the early days of innate, skills: fire of nine yin, the body of the nine-tailed fox demon .”

"Luck... character?" Jiang Bai murmured in astonishment, recalling Long Sanyuan's information, it seems that this is the heroine?But it seemed that Sanfeng didn't know her at all, but this Jiu'er knew Sanfeng.

Jiu'er smiled bitterly, looked at Sanfeng's immature cheeks, shook his head, and said, "How could I have misunderstood you, what is your name in this life?"

"My name is Ah Feng... No, no, you can call me Sanfeng, this is the Taoist name given to me by the master." Sanfeng heaved a sigh of relief. Anyway, this Jiu'er seemed to have no malice, so he hesitated , still seriously said.

"Well, you can call me Jiu'er." A smile appeared on the corner of Jiu'er's mouth, as if he had just reacted suddenly, and turned his head to look at Jiang Bai quickly, becoming cautious and serious, "Ugly Taoist priest, let's continue the trick! "

"Since you are not for the sake of Yang Yan, then you don't have to do it. Old man, I can trust you now. Girl, please forgive me, everything is for Sanfeng's safety." Jiang Bai shook his head. He has not yet Sort the whole thing out.

Jiu'er snorted coldly, as if he was very dissatisfied with Jiang Bai, but every time he turned his head to look at Sanfeng, he would show a charming smile again.He couldn't wait to ask, as if he was looking forward to being alone with Mitutoyo.

"Mitutoyo, what are you going to do next?"

"Me? It's getting late, I should go home... Otherwise, my fiancée will be in a hurry." Sanfeng rubbed his head in embarrassment, feeling very uncomfortable with Jiu'er's sudden closeness.

"Fiancee?" Jiu'er's figure suddenly froze in place, her face darkened, and she didn't say anything more.

"That's it, Miss Jiu'er, I'll go first." But Sanfeng, who was still young, couldn't notice this subtle change. Seeing that the matter seemed to be over, he felt relieved and waved his hand at Jiang Bai , bowed respectfully, "Master, this disciple is retiring."

Jiang Bai nodded slightly to show his permission. He looked at Sanfeng's back that was gradually moving away, and then glanced at Jiu'er's wood-like figure. He seemed to understand something.

"Men, none of them are good things!"

As soon as Sanfeng moved away, Jiu'er shouted to vent his anger.Clenching his fist, he punched an ancient tree beside him, and the whole ancient tree broke suddenly.

"Ahem..." Jiang Bai coughed in embarrassment, why did it become a range attack, he was shot while lying down.

"Girl, do you have a relationship with my apprentice?" Jiang Bai also guessed in his heart. After all, he has also come into contact with such bloody things, such as Senior Xu, but his partner is a snake demon.

"Obviously, in the last life, I made an agreement with me first, but in this life, I have a fiancée again." Jiu'er seemed to have vented her anger, and sat on the ground, full of resentment.

"In the past and present, love and hatred, who can explain clearly..." Jiang Bai shook his head, no one can control this kind of thing, and the person concerned can only deal with it.Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Jiu'er's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Hey, ugly Taoist priest, are you still accepting disciples?"

"Girl, haven't you planned to give up yet? Maybe if you miss it, you miss it. If you go on like this, it will only hurt you deeper." Jiang Bai frowned slightly, and reminded him kindly. He understood what Jiu'er meant, and she just wanted better close to Mitutoyo.

"What are you talking so much about? I just asked you if you would accept me as an apprentice or not. I want to be a teacher!" Jiu'er said angrily with her waist in the air, with a look that could not be refuted.

"How can you look like a teacher?" Jiang Bai shook his head helplessly, "At least give the old man some face?"

"Oh, master, please be respected by the disciple." Jiu'er agreed with a blank face, and bowed to Jiang Bai weakly, "Is it okay now?"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for harvesting good apprentices, detect the target, and it is a plane luck character, reward a luck gift bag, and reward experience value of [-]."

Jiang Bai covered his forehead, he really didn't know what evil he had done, he didn't know why, when he heard the system prompt, he regretted accepting Jiu'er as an apprentice, "From..."

Jiang Bai's hand stopped in the air, because he hadn't helped Jiu'er before the other party got up by himself.

"Forget it, this is for you." Jiang Bai sighed, remembering something, the ring on his fingertips flashed slightly, and there was a small wooden hammer in his hand, and he handed it to Jiu'er.This is the Dream Remembrance Hammer he obtained before, from the plane of the fox demon little matchmaker, it can help people recall the memories of their previous lives.

"This is, the hammer?" Jiu'er took the small wooden hammer in a daze, not understanding what Jiang Bai meant at all.


(End of this chapter)

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