Chapter 295 Demon King
The person who came was a wolf demon, whose cultivation level was obviously higher than that of the pig monster. The terrifying demonic aura was rampant all over his body. Every step he took, the ground trembled slightly. His cultivation level was at least around 2000.

"Hehe, I'm not that kind of bastard, old guy, I advise you to obediently hand over your Yang eyes, or I'll tear you up and eat you piece by piece..." The wolf demon showed a cruel smile, slowly Slowly raised the wolf claws, five dagger-like nails flicked out of the gray wolf hair shawl.


A layer of purple ghostly fire was burning on the wolf's paws, this wolf demon did have the capital of pride.In a pair of wolf eyes, Jiang Bai's figure is reflected, and he has already regarded the latter as prey.

"Brother Jiang, I'll leave this wolf demon to you because of his bad words." The corner of Dragon King's mouth curled up slightly, and he looked at Jiang Bai. He also wanted to see how strong the latter was.After all, in his eyes, this arrogant wolf demon is just a clown.

"Thank you very much then."

Jiang Bai's face was indifferent, and a layer of violent white light suddenly lit up on his body, dazzling like a big sun.Wuhou Qimen under his feet slowly spun, and with a wave of his hand, it was the spell of Lizi Explosive Flame, and a terrifying fire dragon appeared out of thin air, rushing directly towards the wolf demon.

"Compared to fire? I'll take down you old guy first, and I won't worry about not being able to catch Yangyan's whereabouts." The wolf demon smiled sinisterly. It was the northern wolf king, who was born proficient in demon fire. After 2000 years of cultivation, he was defeated There are eighty if not a hundred of the "immortals" under his command.


Facing the coming fire dragon, the wolf demon didn't dodge at all, and rushed straight to Jiang Bai.The hair on the body suddenly became frantic, as if it was covered with a layer of hot iron sand, and the five claws passed across the sky, tearing the fire dragon apart, turning it into sparks all over the sky.

The spell of Lizi Explosive Flame, after all, only summons Fanhuo, and it can't do much harm to the wolf demon who is proficient in Yaohuo.

"Old guy, go to hell." The wolf demon smiled ferociously, and rushed to Jiang Bai's body, raised the wolf claws burning with demon fire again, and grabbed it head-on.

"Wolf cub, keep your mouth clean. If you lie to you, come here. Are you too stupid, or is there something wrong with your brain?" Jiang Bai smiled slightly, and the five demon fire paw prints swept across his body, and he did not move at all. .

The demon fire flitted across the faint golden light spell, but it couldn't break through the defense at all.Jiang Bai's eyes suddenly filled with hatred, and he shot directly, grabbing the wolf demon's throat.The physical body has been fed back with true energy, and the strength of his single hand can move mountains and mountains, and it is easy to cut the throat of this wolf monster.

"How is it possible..." The wolf demon's pupils shrank suddenly, and just as he exclaimed, he felt a sharp pain of suffocation.No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the palm that was made of steel and iron.

The zhenqi in Jiang Bai's palm gradually turned into a viscous white liquid, and the thunderous water quietly submerged into the wolf demon's body.The demonic aura that the latter maintained outside his body gradually dissipated, and the strength of his struggle was also continuously reduced.

"My evil spirit, what did you do..." The voice of the wolf demon was trembling, his hands became weaker, facing Jiang Bai who was protected by the golden light curse, he was full of fear, "Don't... don't kill me, I am the northern wolf king, I can..."

The wolf demon's voice stopped abruptly, and Jiang Bai had already lifted the wolf demon's figure up, his feet off the ground.The latter's struggle like a madman gradually became weaker, Jiang Bai slowly raised his hand and pressed it on the wolf demon's chest.

"If you dare to hit the attention of this old master's disciple, let you pay a small price first."


The wolf demon spit out a mouthful of black blood and sprayed it on the white light of the Golden Light Curse. Jiang Bai pierced the wolf demon's chest pain with a palm, and held a demon pill exuding black demon energy in his hand.And the wolf demon who lost the demon core is naturally bound to die.

The struggling hands slowly fell down.With a flick of his hand, Jiang Bai threw the wolf demon's body out like throwing garbage.

The white light on his body gradually dissipated, but he was still spotless, and the demon pill in his hand was still warm.Looking around with indifferent eyes, he said lightly, "Is there any fellow Taoist who wants to teach you?"

"Haha... Unexpectedly, I thought that the biggest obstacle to obtaining Yangyan this time was the Dragon King of the East China Sea. I didn't expect that there would be a strong man who attained the Tao. Humans who have only a hundred years of cultivation can cultivate to such a state. It's really rare."

In the sky, a long howl suddenly sounded, and a black shadow shuttled between the white clouds, suddenly turned into a black thunder, and fell directly to the ground.The visitor was dressed in a black robe, very human-like in appearance, with a flawless face, appearing extremely dignified.

"So the demon king, I didn't expect you to come too." The Dragon King of East China Sea narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression was a little subtle, and he recognized the identity of the comer at a glance.In the thousands of years of struggle between humans and the monster race, the monster race has always had the upper hand, and a ruler naturally emerged over time.

For a long time, the war between humans and the demon clan was led by this demon king.He didn't even care about the wolf monster and the pig monster before.This existence, even he is not sure that he can win.

"It's no wonder that group of guys failed. With only 2000 years of cultivation, they dared to provoke the Dragon King of the East China Sea. They really wanted to die. I don't know if the Dragon King can make it easier?" The Demon King obviously didn't want to fight the Dragon King. Do it, after all the two fight, the outcome is still hard to tell.

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. My little daughter is involved in this incident. This king must take care of it." The Dragon King sighed, and a terrifying evil spirit erupted from his body, showing no sign of weakness. Said.

"Then there is no discussion? But Yangyan, this king is going to decide." The demon king shook his head helplessly. If the war between humans and the demon clan had not reached the most critical period of time, he would not be so persistent. Yangyan greatly increased his cultivation base.

The dark clouds rolled in all over the sky, the crowing of eagles resounded through the sky, the sound of rushing mountains and rivers not far away, and the roar of tigers and lions spread all over the world.Behind the demon king, a whole demon army appeared.

It's not comparable to the miscellaneous demon army led by the pig demon before.

"Fellow Daoist, I'll meet this demon king, how about you stop the army?" Before Jiang Bai could speak, the Dragon King asked.

Jiang Bai raised his eyebrows, and the latter took the initiative to take the most difficult one to deal with, so he was naturally happy, and nodded with a slight smile.Huayun Jue slowly circulated in the body, one person and one dragon, blocking the thousands of demon troops.

"I've also wanted to know for a long time, how strong is the Dragon King of the East China Sea?" The demon king gave an evil laugh, black air billowed around his body, like a dark cloud covering the top, covering the sun, and the earth was plunged into darkness.

At the same time, the Dragon King also became serious, with thunder and lightning and heavy rain.


(End of this chapter)

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