Chapter 301 It Was You (3)
"Silly boy, there is no cat in the world who doesn't steal, and there's no man who doesn't touch flowers. In the past, it was because of your father's face, but it's different now. You are Mrs. Zaifu, and the boss of Zaifu's mansion It can't be the two of you all the time. If you are like this, how can I let my uncle deal with himself in front of all the officials, and all the officials will laugh at his Lu family for cutting off children and grandchildren, and laugh at his family for raising a jealous wife." Huang persuaded earnestly.

"Mother, how could my daughter ever be jealous! My husband and I are in love with each other, and our love is the same as before. Is it my daughter's fault that I don't have children? My husband said that he doesn't want other women. I am enough for this life. I believe he didn't lie to me." Huai also wanted to be a good wife and mother before, so after marrying Lu Zhiming, she also persuaded him to take a concubine, but Lu Zhiming refused.

Later, the two had no children, and Huai mentioned the matter of taking a concubine for Lu Zhiming, and even personally sent the woman to his room, but Lu Zhiming let the woman come out without change, and even scolded her. pause.

He said that even if he had no children in this life, he would not want another woman, which made Huai's idea stop.Huai also figured it out, since she has no fate for descendants, then she and Lu Zhiming will stay together for the rest of their lives.

But now, her own mother forced her husband to be a woman. She couldn't accept it no matter what, even if Huang's starting point was for her own good, she couldn't accept it.

"You child, why are you so stubborn now? Mother is doing this for your own good. Even if you hate mother, mother must think about your future. The four girls outside were taught by mother herself. Whoever of them gives birth to a boy, that child will be raised by your side and become your legitimate son, and that's it." Seeing that Mrs. Huai couldn't make sense, Mrs. Huang didn't waste her words anymore, got up and left after speaking.

"Mother—" Shi Huai was angry and wronged, and after Huang Shi left, she lay down on the bed and cried bitterly, Xia Rong was always beside her to comfort her.

At this time, Lin Qingxi and Yan Yun were hiding on the roof of Huai's bedroom, listening to all the conversations between Huang and Huai, and hearing Huai crying made her feel uncomfortable.

Just when Lin Qingxi was about to go down to see Huai Shi, Yan Yun suddenly pulled her away, and then the two of them entered the private room of a teahouse.

"Why are you pulling me back?" Lin Qingxi originally planned to use force, but this "scumbag" guy Yun Yun tapped her acupuncture points one step ahead of her.

"It won't change anything even if you rush in like that, why don't you find a quiet place and think of a way." In order to appease Lin Qingxi, Yan Yun took out two pieces of paper from his arms.

"What is this?" Lin Qingxi saw the names of many Chinese medicines and acupoints written on the paper.

"It's a way to help your teacher's mother, but I can't guarantee that it will be successful." There was no wine in the teahouse, and Yan Yun poured Lin Qingxi a cup of hot tea.

Lin Qingxi glanced at Yun Yun suspiciously, then picked up the two pieces of paper he put on the table and looked carefully, she could memorize prescriptions originally, and learned a little bit of medical skills from the old man in the three realms, and many acupuncture points were also Can understand.

"Is this a prescription for conceiving a child? But neither my master nor my wife is sick. Both the imperial doctor and the miraculous doctor have shown them. Does your prescription work?" Lin Qingxi asked uncertainly.

"You know medical skills, and you should also know that the old man in the three realms has superb medical skills. I'll have someone check the pulse of your teacher's wife and master, and prescribe the right medicine. This prescription should work." Yan Yun said.

"What! When?" Lin Qingxi asked quickly.

"The day before you arrive in the capital, I'm sorry, it's too late to inform you!" Yan Yun promised Linqingxi that she would notify her before helping her every time, but the first time it happened suddenly, the old man in the three realms only agreed. Appeared in the capital of Chu State for an hour, and Linqingxi had not yet arrived in the capital at that time.

"Is this the prescription prescribed by the old man of the three realms?" Lin Qingxi looked at Yun Yun again and asked.

"That's right!"

"Then why don't you give this prescription directly to my master and my wife?"

"I don't know them. I'm just bored. Let my friend feel their pulse. As for the prescription, you will feel at ease if you see it!"

What Yan Yun said as a matter of course made Lin Qingxi feel helpless, angry and dumbfounded. Sometimes when he does things, she really can't figure it out, but Lin Qingxi is very grateful for his kindness.

If this prescription really works, then Huai and Lu Zhiming won't have to worry so much about their offspring.

At night, Lin Qingxi and Yan Yun came to Huai's room in Youzaifu's mansion again. When they arrived, they heard Huai's still sobbing, and Lu Zhiming sighed beside him.

"Husband, why don't you take those four people into the house as mother said, it's better than the Lu family without incense." The Huai family thought for a long time, and now they are no longer in a small place like Fu'an County. Lu Zhiming It is no longer Qipin county magistrate, everything is different.

"There is no incense in the Lu family, and I, Lu Zhiming, will not change what I said. I will not want another woman in this life. Who said that I, Lu Zhiming, have no children, and Xi'er is my daughter. Even if she is gone, I, Lu Zhiming Zhiming is not a childless person." Lu Zhiming was forced to sit on the position of Chancellor, and for the stability of the Chu Kingdom, he had to stand up.

"But, but mother..." Huai couldn't help crying again.

"Master, is what you said true or false?" Lin Qingxi asked suddenly.

"Of course it's true!" Lu Zhiming replied directly, but after he finished speaking, he became alert. The question just now didn't seem to be asked by Mrs. Huai.

"Who is it?" Lu Zhiming looked around vigilantly.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Seeing that Lu Zhiming's expression became tense, Huai quickly wiped away her tears and asked.

"There is someone in the room!" Lu Zhiming had practiced kung fu, and his hearing was amazing, but he couldn't detect the person who was talking to him. It can be seen that the martial arts of this person is superior to his.

"Who, who is it?" Huai also looked around.

"Master, mistress, don't be afraid, it's me!" Lin Qingxi walked out from behind the screen in Huai's room with a smile.

"Xi...Xi'er?" Lu Zhiming and Huai were shocked when they saw Linqingxi appearing in front of them at night.

"It's me, Xi'er has seen Master and Mistress!" Lin Qingxi approached the two of them, and winked at them deliberately.

"Xi'er, it's really you, you're not dead!" Huai hugged Lin Qingxi, and the tears that had just been wiped away flowed down again.

"Master, I'm not dead, I was rescued!" Lin Qingxi also hugged Huai.

Next, Lin Qingxi told Lu Zhiming and Huai what happened after she fell off the cliff, but most of them were about recuperating at the bottom of the valley. About who caused her to fall off the cliff, and what happened in the next two or three years, she kept everything simple. skip.

(End of this chapter)

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