Chapter 317 Improving Life (4)
Mandala Villa is very strong from the inside to the outside, unless tens of thousands of troops attack it together, it will be difficult for outsiders to enter.But even so, Linqingxi must be foolproof.

"My subordinate understands!"

"Also, let the white wolf store more food in the villa, and then tell Dongqing that all the land in the villa and the secret garden will be planted with spring wheat next spring. Besides these, we should also prepare more salt." Lin Qingxi said .

If the country is unstable, prices will inevitably rise, and the war is happening so fast and fiercely, if many things are not stocked up, it may be very troublesome at that time.


After the jade fan went out, Jasmine came in again. She came to deliver the account book to Lin Qingxi.

After casually flipping through it, Lin Qingxi looked at Jasmine and asked, "How much money is available now?"

Shan Ying and Jasmine are the two "financial stewards" of Linqingxi, but one is for internal affairs and the other is for external affairs, and the two people's management is not related to each other.Now, Jasmine is mainly in charge of the silver in the Nayuan, the villa and the rice field.

"Returning to the girl, in addition to the original 50 taels of silver, there is also 10 taels of silver." Jasmine said all integers.

"You find a way to exchange the 50 taels of silver bills into 20 taels of silver and 30 taels of gold, and then move them secretly to the back room of the villa. Don't let too many people know about it. You and Yushan will do this together." Things. Remember, when exchanging money, don’t be in just one bank, and don’t attract anyone’s attention, understand?” A bank note is a piece of paper, and if the bank goes bankrupt, the bank note is worthless. To be on the safe side, Lin Qingxi decided to exchange all the bank notes for real money.

"Your subordinate will do it now!" The serious expression on Lin Qingxi's face made Jasmine realize that something big was about to happen, so she also became urgent.

Next, Lin Qingxi got up and went to look outside the gate of Nayuan. She saw the white mist formed by the cooking smoke from a long distance, and heard the sound of lively laughter outside the gate before she got there.

The current Lishui Bay is still a place full of songs and laughter. Maybe it won't be long before such a peaceful and peaceful place will be forced to be involved in the war.

"Little aunt, little aunt!" Lin Nianshui ran out from the road from Linjia Village to the gate, and met Lin Qingxi face to face.

"Nian Shui, have you finished martial arts training so early?" Lin Qingxi saw that with the appearance of Lin Nian Shui, many children from the village ran over behind him.

"Well, Master said, my little aunt said that today is the new year, and every family should worship the Kitchen God, and we will also come to see the Kitchen God, so that next year we don't have to worry about starvation." Lin Nianshui said with a smile.

Two days ago, when the Sun family was preparing to steam steamed buns, Lin Qingxi happened to be helping at the side, and the women talked about everything in the sky and earth, and when they were laughing and making noises, she would tell them Played up some New Year's rules in modern times.

Like eating Laba porridge on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. She told the women in the village that the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month should actually be regarded as a small year. On this day, she would sacrifice to the Kitchen God and make sugar melons and sugar cakes for the Kitchen God. She also told a few people about the kitchen stove. The fairy tale of the prince.

Not only that, but she also sang "The Song of the Last Moon": "23, Tanggua sticky; 24, sweep the house; 25, grind tofu; 26, cut the meat; 27, butcher the rooster; 28, make the dough; 29, steam the steamed buns "Stay up all night at thirty nights, twist and turn on the New Year's Eve."

Maybe it's because Lin Qingxi's words are too convincing, maybe it's because the women also find such New Year's rules very novel, maybe everyone wants an excuse to drive away the bad luck and bad luck of the year, and then happily and hopefully New year.

In short, Linqingxi's "Song of the Last Moon" and the stories she told began to spread among the villagers and the people outside. In less than two days, all the children could sing "Song of the Last Moon".

In the end, the patriarch Lin Renyi discussed with several elders and decided to celebrate the new year according to the Linqingxi song, because they knew that Linqingxi was someone who had been to the fairyland, and maybe she had really met the Stove Lord maybe.

And for so many years, the people's life has been unsatisfactory, perhaps because there is no offering to the Stove Lord on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month every year.

Not only they think so, but all the people who started to know the story of Lord Stove and "Song of the Last Moon" think so, so they are especially devout when offering sacrifices to Stove.

Since then, offering sacrifices to stoves on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month has become the most important event for the people.

Yan Yun walked at the end of all the children. Among the crowd outside the door, he saw Lin Qingxi making fish balls by herself, and her hands were red from the cold.

"Let me do it!" Yan Yun gently pressed Lin Qingxi's hands, then took the mallet from her hand, and began to smash the fish meat into fish paste.

"It's okay, I can do it!" Lin Qingxi is not a weak little girl now, she has plenty of strength.

"Let's leave the hard work to the man, you can add fish to it for me." Yan Yun looked at her and said with a smile.

Although the stone mortar is very deep, in order to produce more fish paste, it is necessary to constantly put some cleaned fish meat into it.However, Lin Qingxi felt that this work was too untechnical, so she still preferred to use a mallet.

"Adding fish can be done by Nian Shui. I'd better help my mother make fish balls. Nian Shui, come and help your master add fish!" Lin Qingxi directly called her little nephew Lin Nian Shui, she He wouldn't really have to squat on the side and add fish to Yan Yun, at worst, he would do something else.

Yan Yun just looked at her and smiled, although he wanted to be alone with her, but now he and she are in the busy and noisy crowd, and there are many eyes watching, especially his future brother-in-law Lin Qinghao.

At this time, Lin Qinghao looked at Yan Yun as if he was afraid that Yan Yun would abduct his beloved sister, and Yan Yun really wanted to abduct Lin Qingxi, but he also knew that , it was not she who was abducted, but himself.

"Sister-in-law Hui Lan, the fish balls you make are really fast and good!" When Mrs. Zhao walked into the wooden room, she saw that there were many round and many fish balls on the chopping board, and they were all made by Mrs. Mu alone.

"Hehe, is that right? I can help with this too!" Mrs. Mu said happily.

"Mother, who said, you can help too much!" Lin Qingxi also walked in afterward.

"I've seen the lady from my boss!" As soon as Lin Qingxi came in, the other women who were busy in the room rushed to give her blessings.

"Don't be too polite, I'll help too!" Lin Qingxi sat down beside Mu Shi.

"Girl Xi, go get busy, your mother, your aunt grandson and I will take care of you here!" Lin Qingxi is now a person who does big things, and Mrs. Zhao thinks it's good to leave these small things of cooking to them.

(End of this chapter)

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