Chapter 335
"Just say you want to invite me to watch the sunrise. It's not your style to talk around the bush like this." Lin Qingxi looked at him with a smile and said.

"Then do you agree or not?" Yan Yun didn't deny it, but just looked at Lin Qingxi.

"Okay, I agree!" This was Yan Yun's first request to her, and she naturally had no reason to refuse.

That night, Yan Yun and Lin Qingxi set off directly from Mandala Villa, and then rode fast horses towards Bihu.

Linqingxi has lived in Yunzhou for nearly ten years. Although the Shanmei River flows out of Bihu, she has never seen Bihu, nor has she been to the edge of Bihu. It is also the first time for her to go to Yafeng.

When the two fast horses arrived at the bottom of the towering Meiya Peak, the two tied the horses to two thick trees at the bottom of the peak in the light of the moon, and then performed lightness kung fu, facing each other unyieldingly. Move to the top of the peak.

The quiet night was hazy, the gentle moonlight gradually dissipated, and the cool wind blew the ends of their hair. On the way to the top of the peak, he could see her vague figure, and she could also hear his steady voice. breathing.

The peak of Meiya Peak is different from other peaks in Bihu Mountains. It is especially steep and steep. It can barely accommodate two people standing, and standing on it has an aura overlooking the world.

Looking far and wide, Lin Qingxi felt that his chest was wide open even though it was dark.

On the sparkling green lake, it seems that the sky is full of stars, and the light that tore through the black curtain in the east seems to draw the boundary between black and white between the sky and the earth, and this boundary is becoming more and more obvious.

"It's so beautiful here!" Because the top of the peak is very narrow, Linqingxi had to stand close to Yunyun, her eyes were filled with the illusory beauty, and she was looking forward to the rising sun.

At the bottom of the other side of Meiya Peak is Qianlibi Lake. Yan Yun has long wanted to bring Linqingxi here, but she seems to have a lot of things to do every day, and he also wants to take up more of her time , but in that case, her rest time would be relatively reduced a lot.

However, this time he really wanted to take her to see it, because if it was later, the time to watch the sunrise with her would be prolonged.

Yesterday, Huolong brought the news that Chu Xuan was seriously injured in the frontier. He believed that Lin Qingxi would know the news soon. If she knew, would she leave everything here and run to Chu Xuan's side? ?

Yan Yun has always been very confident. He believes that he can beat the relationship between Chu Xuan and Lin Qingxi when they were young, but self-confidence is not enough, hard work and calculation are not enough, and one has to see the reality clearly , Only by seeing the reality clearly can one truly see a person's heart clearly.

That day, when Chu Xuan left in the heavy snow, he could hear the conversation with Lin Qingxi very clearly from behind. Even if he used some "mean" internal energy to hear the conversation between the two, he didn't feel ashamed .

At that moment, he was not a gentleman, he was just a jealous man, seeing the woman he loved was so inseparable from another man, his heart felt as if it was about to burst.

These years, Lin Qingxi has been wearing the things that Chu Xuan gave her back then around her neck. This sudden fact made Yan Yun start to realize that compared with Jing Xiu and Xin Moyang, the relationship between Lin Qingxi and Chu Xuan is more important. The deepest, and it's so deep that Linqingxi doesn't even feel it.

Did she think that if she guarded her heart well and didn't give it to any man, would she really become like this?He also thought it was like this at first, but now he doesn't think so. She treats Chu Xuan differently, and he has to admit this.

Disturbing her heart, this is the one thing he wants to do most now. When she is not aware of her feelings, he must hit him with a single blow.

"Yuan Yun, is there something on my face?" Lin Qingxi found that Yan Yun did not speak, but had been staring at her side face with some concentration, she turned her head slightly and asked.

"No, I just want to turn around, but it's very narrow here." Yan Yun made a bad excuse.

"It's not easy to turn around here, ha ha!" Lin Qingxi moved his feet a little bit out, "Be careful and use light work to jump up first, and then change positions."

"No need, the sun will come out soon!" Yan Yun looked towards the east of the green lake again. At this time, the lake seemed to be covered with brilliant light, and a round of sun slowly rose in the distance.

The brightest dot appeared between the sky and the earth, illuminating the light blue sky and the clouds, and the beautiful reflection of the rising sun on the rippling lake.

Lin Qingxi is not a woman who enjoys life too much. In her previous life, her greatest leisure was to accompany her younger brother Lin Ran to sketch in the wild. After Lin Xinan became Lin Qingxi, her time was filled with busy life.

This is the first time she has seen such a beautiful sunrise, and it is standing on the peak, as if stepping on the clouds in the sky, and it seems that the whole person is floating in mid-air. She feels that she can touch the blue sky with her hand. The sky, holding the palm, seems to be able to hide the sun in the palm of the hand.

This feeling was so wonderful, she had never been so relaxed and happy for a moment, so that she forgot that she was standing on a narrow peak with a person standing beside her.

In this way, Linqingxi, bathed in the light of the sunrise, accidentally bumped into Yunyun, and then Yunyun slowly drifted down to the green lake at the bottom of the peak like a leaf blown by the wind in the morning.

Lin Qingxi was terrified, she suddenly reached out to grab Yan Yun's sleeve, but the falling speed of Yan Yun was too fast, it was too late.

"Yuan Yun!" Without even thinking about it, Lin Qingxi also flew down.

She thought that with her advanced martial arts, she would be able to catch Yan Yun. She thought that a master like Yan Yun would be able to catch things in the process of falling to survive, but Yan Yun fell faster than she could save him. .

"Putong" and "Putong" two people fell into the somewhat cold green lake one after another, and the huge momentum caused Linqingxi to sink to the bottom of the lake in an instant.

She kicked her legs vigorously to swim towards the lake, but when she surfaced, she didn't see the shadow of Yan Yun.

"Yuan Yun! Yan Yun! Where are you? Yan Yun!" Lin Qingxi called Yan Yun's name anxiously, but found nothing.

Taking a deep breath, Linqingxi sank to the bottom of the water again, trying to find Yun Yun in the lake.

Finally, she saw Yan Yun's shadow at the deeper bottom of the lake, but when she swam to his side, she found that his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be silent.

After struggling to drag Yan Yun to the nearest lakeside open space at the bottom of the peak, Lin Qingxi found that his face was already pale and he was not breathing.

Damn, this guy can't swim!Lin Qingxi patted Yan Yun's face anxiously.

"Yuan Yun, Yan Yun, wake up! Yan Yun, Yan Yun, don't scare me! Wake up!" But Yan Yun still didn't respond.

(End of this chapter)

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