Chapter 347 Recruiting Female Workers Again (4)
"Okay, let's go together!" Several people echoed.

However, as soon as Lin Xiaoyu and the others went downstairs, Jasmine and Qiangwei came to tell them that Linqingxi asked them to go with a few old grandmothers in the village, and then began to assess the female workers.

Soon, the yard of Nayuan was divided into more than a dozen blocks. Lin Xiaoyu's eight team leaders of Nayuan and Ye's four old ladies made a total of [-] people who would assess female workers. Each person was responsible for the assessment once. For twenty people, Jasmine has already prepared the needles, threads and shoe soles for them.

"Everyone outside listen, people under the age of 12 and over 40 years old, Nayuan will not accept this time, you all go back first." The vulture led the people and shouted to the people outside.

"Why not accept it? My daughter is ten years old this year, but she is good at needlework!" A dissatisfied voice came from the crowd.

"This is the rule of Nayuan. If your identities and ages are verified to be false, you will be kicked out soon even if you enter Nayuan. So leave first if you don't meet the requirements." Vulture continued with a serious face. said loudly.

"Mother, what should I do?" A little girl asked, pulling her mother's hand vigorously.

"Girl, it seems that we can't get in, let's go back!" The woman who was pulled by the girl said disappointedly.

Soon, some people left the gate of Nayuan, but more people were still pushing forward.

In Nayuan, Lin Xiaoyu and the others are also seriously assessing the people who come in. There are too many people and the places are limited. Although they can't bear it, they still keep the best needleworkers and let those who are slightly worse leave.

"Girl, please, please keep me! Please!" Among the unqualified female workers, some kowtowed in front of Lin Xiaoyu and the others, hoping to stay in Nayuan.

"There's nothing we can do, you'd better go back!" Lin Xiaoyu also said in embarrassment after asking the people next to him to lift up the kneeling man.

"Please, please!" There was a choked sound in the pleading voice.

"No, you'd better go!" It's not that Lin Xiaoyu is cruel, but that she gave the person in front of her a chance, which is equivalent to depriving others of the opportunity first.

Situations like this kept happening in the subsequent assessments, making Lin Xiaoyu and the others feel that they had committed a huge crime. They used to think that it was a particularly honorable thing to assess female workers, but now, they feel that they are like a bad guy.

Linqingxi stood on a three-story attic in the rice garden, and could see the long dragon outside the gate of Nayuan from a distance, as well as Lin Xiaoyu's assessment of the new female workers in Nayuan.

Yan Yun was standing beside Linqingxi, he had already guessed that the Nayuan would be overcrowded if it recruited female workers again, so he secretly sent someone to monitor everyone who entered the Nayuan.

Sure enough, among these people, a few suspicious people were found. If he guessed correctly, these people included people from Wei Zizhen and people from the Wu clan. from the creek.

"Do you really want to keep them?" Yan Yun has already told Lin Qingxi about the situation, as for how to do it, she should have her own decision.

"Well, since Wei Zizhen and Wu Fenger sent people to the door automatically, I have no reason not to accept them. They can be Wei Zizhen and Wu Fenger's spies, or they can be my 'talking tube'. Don't worry, I won't let them stir up trouble in Nayuan , Their masters haven't bitten dogs yet, so how could I kill them?" She even wanted to take the opportunity to enter her garden, so she showed Wei Zizhen and Wu Fenger who was whose pawn.

"As long as you are sure. My people have already found the Aunt Xiangxu and Tongsheng you mentioned, and with them is the former leader of the Demon Cult, Motian, but he is already a useless person with no martial arts. " Yan Yun said to Lin Qingxi.

"Where did you find them? How are Aunt Xiangxu and Tongsheng doing now?" Lin Qingxi asked anxiously.

Two days ago, Mrs. Mu was still talking about Xiangxu. The two had long been good sisters. Linqingxi was very happy to hear about Xiangxu and Tongsheng now.

"Originally, Motian took his wife and daughter to live in seclusion in a small fishing village in Chu State. If Shangguan Huining hadn't sent people to hunt them down, my people would not have found their traces and rescued them." Yan Yun said.

"Shangguan Huining? Why did she kill Aunt Xiangxu? Doesn't she like Xin Moyang? Aunt Xiangxu is Xin Moyang's mother!" Lin Qingxi was full of doubts.

"The Empress Dowager Wu believed that Xin Moyang was not of the royal family of Wu, so she forbade Shangguan Huining to marry him, but wanted to send Shangguan Huining to Qixuan Kingdom for marriage. Shangguan Huining might think that if Xin Moyang's biological parents were killed, no one would marry him." If Xin Moyang's true identity can be determined, then she can still marry Xin Moyang." Although some are Yan Yun's guesses, he feels that Shangguan Huining, who has practiced evil skills and even has his mind turned into a demon, is now a crazy woman.

"It's ridiculous! The world knows that Xin Moyang and Aunt Xiangxu are the biological mother and child, but there are many people. Could it be that she will kill all of them? Besides, the Empress Dowager of the Wu Kingdom is clearly using Xin Moyang's identity as a cover, even if Xin Moyang is really the royal family of the Wu Kingdom With her blood, she will still send Shangguan Huining to Qixuan Kingdom to marry him." Lin Qingxi said angrily.

"You're right, but Shangguan Huining doesn't think so, and Xin Moyang has already known about it. He voluntarily gave up his status as a young prince and is planning to come to Chu to find his family." What happened to Shangguan Huining made people pay close attention to what happened to Xin Moyang.

He knew that another woman had appeared beside Xin Moyang, and that woman was taking Lin Qingxi's place in Xin Moyang's heart, which was good news for him.

"Then where are Aunt Xiangxu and Tongsheng now?" Lin Qingxi asked anxiously.

"On the way to Yunzhou! Xi, have you decided to let Motian's family live in Linjia Village?" Yan Yun asked.

"I know that Aunt Xiangxu has always had feelings for Motian. I am very happy that their family can be together happily. Moreover, now that Motian has no martial arts, he is no longer the leader of the Demon Sect, and Xin Moyang is not Wu. Shangguan Huining is chasing them again, although the world is big, where can they go.” Lin Qingxi had already told Xiangxu that Linjia Village was her home, and Tongsheng and her were her Linjia village. Qingxi's family.

"However, if they stay here, it means that your troubles will be even greater." Yan Yun said with a smile.

"Hehe, Yan Yun, you forgot that Shangguan Huining and I have a grudge against each other. She once cut off one of my father's palms, and I not only want her to pay back with her life, but I also want her to lose all hope, otherwise... Solve the hatred in my heart." If the Motian family wants to go to other places, Linqingxi will also arrange for them to leave, but she wants to keep Shangguan Huining in Chu State forever.

"Shangguan Huining has already practiced evil skills. Although you have deep internal strength, you have not practiced other martial arts moves since you came out of the valley of the three realms, and Wu Feng'er's sorcery. Your current martial arts alone cannot deal with it. Just in case, starting tomorrow, I will teach you a sword technique to resist Shangguan Huining's evil art, and an inner strength method to break Wu Fenger's evil art."

(End of this chapter)

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