Chapter 359
"How did you know each other? How could you have such a big son? The man in the painting never said that he had a wife and son." It seems that I still have a lot of questions to figure out.

"Can you tell me first, who are you?" She also asked someone to find this man, but there was no news, how could she find him with only one name.

"He is my third brother, can you tell me now?" Lin Qingxi walked up to Fu Yinger and said with a smile.

"Are you... What about him? I want to see him! I want to see him!" Fu Yinger's tears were already streaming down, her lips began to tremble, she was so excited.

"He's not at home, and he may not come back for several months. Please calm down first. Only by telling me more about the things between you, can I be sure if you are my third sister-in-law, and if your son is my nephew." Lin Qingxi said softly, and comforted Fu Yinger to sit down.

Hearing that Lin Qingfei was not there, Fu Yinger tried hard to control her emotions. She told Lin Qingxi that she used to be the daughter of a wealthy family, and when she followed her father to work in the country of Wu, she met Lin Qing, who was tricked into taking aphrodisiacs. Saburo.

At that time, Fu Yinger fell in love with Lin Sanlang at first sight, no matter who he was, she gave Lin Sanlang herself as an antidote. Afterwards, she returned to Chu State and found that she was pregnant.

The parents were furious and asked her to abort the fetus, but she refused to live or die, preferring to be kicked out of the house and give birth to the child whose father is unknown.She believes that the man will keep his promise to marry her, although he may not know her identity.

In fact, Lin Qingfei really didn't know Fu Yinger's real identity at the time. When he went to find Fu Yinger again, Fu Yinger had already left, and the two finally passed each other in Wu Guo.

Fu Yinger always thought that the Lin Sanlang she was talking about was from the country of Wu, and Lin Qingfei also regarded her as a person from the country of Wu, just like that, no one could find anyone.

"Then how did you come here all these years?" Lin Qingxi lamented that fate was tricking people, and she also admired Fu Yinger, a woman who was very brave to give birth to a child with an unknown father without being married.

"Although my parents blame me for being an unfilial daughter, they still feel sorry for me. They often help our mother and son secretly, and have sent people to Wu country to help me find people many times. Unexpectedly, San Lang is also from Chu country!" She was crying, but there was already a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Ying'er, you should be the daughter of the lord of Dongdu City! However, my third brother is just a farm boy. Although he is doing a small business outside now, he is from a humble background, and I am afraid that he is not suitable for you." Qingxi said deliberately, and she didn't know if Lin Qingfei told the girl her background at that time.

"I don't mind who he is. When I saw him for the first time, I knew he was a good man. Even though he came from a peasant family, I'm still an ordinary woman who was kicked out. Not with him." Fu Yinger said sincerely.

Although she has only stayed in the rice field for half a day, she already knows that this is not an ordinary farmhouse, and that the Linqingxi in front of her eyes may not be as good as her in terms of words, deeds, demeanor or temperament.

She, Fu Yinger, may not have other skills, but she does have the ability to judge people, otherwise she would not be so resolute in giving her innocence to a strange man.

"Sister Ying'er, don't say that! However, the identities of you and Nianjun are not known to my family for the time being. It would be a waste of joy for each other. Let's talk about it after my third brother comes back. Don't worry, I have sent people to find him quickly Come back, after a while, you will be able to see if he is the Lin Sanlang you mentioned." If you want to confirm the truth of this matter, you can only wait for Lin Qingfei to come back.

"Okay, I'll wait!" She can wait five years, let alone a few months, even if she waits another five or ten years, she, Fu Yinger, is also willing.

"Xi girl, this girl is..."

Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Mu looked at Fu Yinger carefully. They didn't understand why Linqingxi brought a strange woman home early in the morning, and there was a child behind the woman, but the child had been hiding behind and couldn't see clearly. .

"Grandmother, mother, this is sister Yinger, she is my friend, she came from Dongdu City, this child is her son named Nianjun. I have planned to let their mother and son live in the rice garden, Yinger Sister said she would come to say hello to grandma and mother." Lin Qingxi smiled and pulled Fu Yinger to walk in front of Ye Shi and Mu Shi.

In fact, Fu Yinger's mother and son have lived in the rice garden for a few days. Yesterday, Lin Qingxi received news to confirm that what Fu Yinger said was true, and that Lin Qingfei had indeed been to Wu State back then. With a flat face, the doubts in his heart are getting less and less.

"Yinger pays homage to Grandma Ye and Aunt Mu." The ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws. Although she was once the daughter of a high-ranking city lord, and the two in front of her are just ordinary peasant women, Fu Yinger only feels uneasy and nervous. Ye and Mu don't like her.

"Miss Ying'er, you don't need to be too polite. Get up quickly. You can see that the girl is from a rich family. Our farming family doesn't have so many rules. Since you are Xi girl's guest, you are also my guest. Please sit down." Seeing this Fu Yinger, I like it very much, and this woman's ladylike temperament is obviously different from that of ordinary peasant women.

"Nianjun, come and meet Grandma Zu and Grandma." Fu Nianjun hadn't adjusted to the unfamiliar environment when he first arrived, but he kept Fu Yinger's teachings in mind and knelt on the ground politely to Ye Shi, Mrs. Greetings, Moe.

"Nianjun has met Grandma Zu and Grandma." Mother said, she will soon see her father, and these people in front of her are her family members, he finally has other family members besides Mother.

Fu Nianjun's voice was soft and waxy, which made people feel soft when they heard it. Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Mu hurriedly asked him to stand up, but when he raised his face to look at them, both of them stood up abruptly. He looked at Fu Nianjun in disbelief.

"This...this can he be so similar to Saburo?" Ye Shi was so surprised that he stuttered when he spoke.

"Mother, you really look like Saburo, exactly the same. Girl Xi, what's going on?" Mrs. Mu got up and walked to Fu Nianjun, and asked Lin Qingxi who was beside her.

"Grandma, mother, sit down first and listen to me slowly!"

Therefore, Lin Qingxi told Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Mu what happened to Fu Yinger, and also expressed her guess.Of course, she deliberately omitted some things in the middle.

"Xi girl, there is nothing uncertain about this. Miss Yinger knew your third brother as Saburo that night, and the child looks exactly like your third brother. There is no need to doubt, this is my grandson, haha!" She happily pulled Fu Nianjun over to watch carefully. Finally, she didn't have to worry about the marriage of her third son. Now she not only had a daughter-in-law, but also a grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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