Chapter 361
"Mother, I think it's better to ask the third brother and the third sister-in-law!" After all, marriage is a matter between Lin Qingfei and Fu Yinger, and they should also participate.

Although Lin Qingfei was born in a farming family, through these years of experience, he has long since become the frightening Rong San Shao. Perhaps his family members don't know Lin Qingfei's status in the world, but Lin Qingxi knows it all.

"Mother, don't worry, Qingqing and I will hold a make-up wedding at our house. I can take care of the affairs of Qingqing's natal family by myself. I will not let my wife have no support from her natal family." Lin Qingfei swore, always One day he will let Fu Yinger return to Dongdu City in a glorious manner, and make the city lord of Dongdu City regret driving Fu Yinger out.

Seeing Lin Qingfei and Fu Yinger walking into the living room, Mu knew that both of them had heard those words just now.

"Yinger, what do you mean?" Mrs. Mu looked at Fu Yinger who was standing beside Lin Qingfei.

"Mother, my daughter-in-law listens to Saburo in everything!" Fu Yinger said shyly.

She knew that her parents had no choice but to drive her out of the house. She was already very grateful that they allowed her to give birth to Fu Nianjun, and she believed Lin Qingfei's words that he was a man worthy of her trust and dependence.

"Since you have decided, let's do it this way. Tomorrow, let your grandpa and grandma choose a good day for you, and then the marriage will be arranged. You three, real girl, Ying girl, and chrysanthemum girl, take care of yourself. "The Mu family didn't force it. Fu Yinger was willing to marry into a farmer's family, and she was already very happy. These daughters-in-laws of hers were all good.

Lin Qingfei and Fu Yinger's wedding was very simple, it was the result of the two people's discussion, and after the wedding, Lin Qingfei had to bid farewell to his beautiful wife and rush to deal with the things he hadn't finished dealing with outside.

Fu Yinger also understands him. Although she broke up after she got married, her heart has a belonging, and after living in Daoyuan and Linjia Village, she feels that this kind of harmonious and friendly life in her husband's family is what she desires most.

Fu Nianjun has also changed his name to Lin Nianjun. On the second day after Lin Qingfei and Fu Yinger got married, his name was listed on the family tree, and he officially became a member of the old Lin family, along with Lin Nianyu, Lin Nianshui, and Lin Nian'an. Learn martial arts in the village.

However, there was one person who looked a little lonely when he saw the word "Happy" hanging on the gate of the old Lin's house. This person was Lin Xiaoyu.

Her birthday has already passed, but Lin Qingmu still didn't say that she wants to marry her, not only she is anxious, but Sun's is also anxious.

"Miss Xiaoyu has been acting weird for the past two days. She often looks into the distance in a daze." After the female workers in Nayuan got off work, Lincuihua and the others gathered in the meeting hall specially used for meetings in Daoyuan.

"Shh - don't you know, Brother Sanlang is married!" Lin Xiaotao winked at Lin Cuihua.

"Ah, does it mean that Miss Xiaoyu likes Brother Sanlang?" Lin Cuihua asked in a low voice.

"It's so stupid. Miss Xiaoyu has always liked Brother Liulang. Seeing Brother Sanlang get married, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to be a bride." But with He Huaihua, an "older young woman", they feel that they are still young.

"I'm not deaf!" Lin Xiaoyu came back to his senses and glared at Lin Cuihua, Lin Xiaotao and Lin Yingzi.

These people are her best sisters, but they are also the ones who often beat her, so they can't figure out how to make her marry Lin Qinghe's dead wood.

"You are all here, Ruoxin, close the door, don't let outsiders in, and send someone to guard outside." Lin Qingxi walked into the meeting hall, and sat down at the large oval wooden table in the middle of the meeting hall, smiling Command Ruoxin.

"Yes!" Ruo Xin closed the door and guarded the outside by herself.

"Sister Xi, why did you call us here so late?" Lin Xiaoyu originally thought that Lin Qingxi was going to hold a meeting for the team leader of Nayuan, but He Xueer and the other team leaders didn't come.

Now sitting at the table are Lin Xiaoyu, Lin Cuihua, Lin Xiaotao, Lin Yingzi, Lin Xiaocao, He Huaihua, Ding Xiaoru and Lin Qingxi.

"There is a big event, and it's still a very secret big event." Lin Qingxi said with a smile.

Yesterday, Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Mu talked about the marriage between Lin Xiaoyu and Lin Qingmu again, which made Lin Qingxi realize that the marriage between the girl from Linjia Village and the single female worker in Nayuan should be put on the agenda, and it is very urgent. Blind marriage and dumb marriage and no one's marriage, Lin Qingxi feels that the husband she chooses will not regret it, and of course she will investigate for them.

"What big event?" Lin Cuihua asked excitedly with a smile when she heard that she was going to participate in a big event.

"Is your marriage a big deal!" Lin Qingxi said with a narrow smile.

These people in front of her are almost all her childhood playmates and the best sisters in her life. She hopes that they can all find their own happiness.

"Sister Xi, I didn't understand, just say what you have to say!" Lin Xiaoyu was still impatient.

"Sister Xiaoyu, do you want to marry my sixth brother?" Lin Qingxi cut directly to the point.

"Think!" Lin Xiaoyu didn't feel shy at all, she just wanted to marry Lin Qingmu.

"That's good. I'll teach you a few tricks to get rid of my sixth brother right now. You guys should listen too. Don't be reserved if you like a man. Happiness is in your own hands. Sister Huaihua, you have to work hard too." , that man's heart is not easy to be moved." Lin Qingxi said to several people.

"My boss, what are you talking about! I...he..." He Huaihua's face turned red again.

"Don't be shy. As the saying goes, 'men chasing women, separate mountains; women chasing men, separate layers of yarn', as long as you take the initiative to attack and use the right method, you can succeed. However, the same method is not used in It works on different people, and it must be targeted, so in the past few days, I have specially formulated a husband-hunting plan for each of you." As he spoke, Lin Qingxi took out seven pieces of paper from his bosom, and then separated Passed it to Lin Xiaoyu and the others.

In Linqingxi's view, a woman's pursuit of a man is similar to marching and fighting, and it is not enough to have a heart of sincerity and love for that man, one must pay attention to strategy, so as to achieve the greatest effect in the shortest time.

Of course, it's not that she has much experience in love, nor is she a veteran in love, but that she has seen and listened a lot in her previous life, and she can figure out some people's hearts to some extent.

"Sister Qingxi, how do you know that I like..." Lin Xiaotao and the others have learned to read and read under the influence of Lin Qingxi over the years, so they can only read the words on the paper that Lin Qingxi gave her. The name she wrote has always been a secret in her heart, and no one has ever said it.

"Xiaotao, why didn't you tell Brother Agui that you like him earlier? Aunt Zhao is very angry because of your affairs." Lin Qingxi directly exposed Lin Xiaotao's small thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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