Chapter 373 Being Calculated by Others (1)
Lin Nianyu only wore this cotton-padded jacket this time. For many years afterwards, he treasured this cotton-padded jacket and cotton pants. left to his grandson.

The time quickly turned from September to October. Wu Guo's Anxin Clothing and Spinning Selection opened on the 26th of this month. Before the opening, Wen Fei had already rushed back to Yunzhou to pick up the clothes and shoes to be sold at the opening.

"Girl, what's in these boxes? Why are they packed so tightly? Is the outer layer a tarpaulin?" Wen Fei asked.

Wen Fei thought that to come to Yunzhou, he only needed two carriages, but he didn't expect to need twenty carriages at once, and more than a dozen of them were packed with big boxy wooden boxes.

Each box was well wrapped with a tarpaulin, and the boxes were very light. Even if the ship really sank into the Guanjiang River, the contents of these boxes would not be a problem.

"You will know what the things in the boxes are when they arrive in the capital of Wu State, Wen Fei, the things in these boxes are more important than those clothes and shoes, you must take good care of them, I will send another team to take care of the secret Protection, remember, these boxes must be waterproof and fireproof, as for how much the things inside will sell for, after you hand over the letter I wrote to Han Xiao, he will understand after reading it." Lin Qingxi warned carefully.

"Girl, don't worry, this subordinate will work hard to ensure that these things will be delivered to the capital of Wu State safely!" From Lin Qingxi's words, Wen Fei heard the importance of the things in these boxes.

In the middle of the night on October 24th, Wen Fei arrived at Fugui Street in the capital city of Wu State without any danger along the way with twenty carriages of goods.

Fugui Street is the widest and longest street in Wu Kingdom. The goods sold on both sides of the street are all expensive, rare and rare items. This street does not restrict anyone, but ordinary people voluntarily avoid this street. Because people who come and go on this street are either rich or noble, I heard that the emperor and queen also came here in ordinary clothes.

If the common people bumped into the nobles accidentally, they would be asking for trouble, and besides, they couldn't afford the things sold on this street.

Rich families like to compare, and the royal relatives are also competing here. Therefore, although Fugui Street looks a bit deserted with not many people, there are no shops on this street that do not make money.

Three months ago, two adjacent shops on Fugui Street were bought by Mr. Han, and people in the capital of Wu State heard that Mr. Han was Han Xiao who was kicked out by the imperial merchant Han's family.

After nearly two months of renovation, the two shops have become one. In the past two days, a gold-plated plaque has been hung, and the four characters "Anxin Yifang" are written under the red silk.

After the Han family heard about this incident, they even opened a ready-made clothing store opposite, named Jinxiulou, clearly against Mr. Han.

Han Xiao is not afraid either, ever since he returned to Wu State to do business, the Han family already knew that he sold himself as a slave, and the dignified businessman's son was willing to be a slave. Although Han Xiao is no longer from the Han family, at least he used to be. The old man of the Han family was furious and ordered that he must be hit hard.

An Xin Yifang had found a strong enemy for himself before it opened. Han Xiao had written to Linqingxi long ago about the Jinxiu Building, and he promised in the letter that he would never let Anxin Yifang's business be affected by Han's family. affected.

It is true that everyone in the Han family is a businessman, but if they wanted to use this to humiliate him, they underestimated him, Han Xiao, and even underestimated his current master.

"My lord, I'm back!" Although it was late at night, the backyard of An Xin Yifang was brightly lit, and those little guys sent by the Han family who wanted to inquire about the news were also dealt with by the people sent by Han Xiao in the dark.

"So many goods? I thought there were only two or three carriages!" Han Xiao was also taken aback. If An Xin Yifang's backyard was not big enough, these carriages might not be able to stop at all.

"I thought so too at the beginning, but the girl said that the things in these dozens of carriages are more valuable than the clothes and shoes we are going to sell." Wen Fei felt itchy all the way, just wanted to know what was in the boxes , but without Lin Qingxi and Han Xiao's orders, he couldn't open it, it was really tormenting him.

"Did the girl not reply to my letter?" Han Xiao also thought in his heart, what is in these wooden boxes?

"Yes! If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about it!" Wen Fei smiled "hehe", and quickly took out the letter hidden in his arms to Han Xiao.

Han Xiao walked into the room with the letter and opened it to read, but Wen Fei saw that his brows, which had been furrowed because of the disturbance at Han's house opposite, suddenly relaxed, and even laughed out loud.

"Han Xiao, what did the girl say in the letter?" Wen Fei asked curiously.

"Look for yourself!" Han Xiao directly handed the letter to Wen Fei, this time he wanted to let those self-righteous Han family members taste the humiliation.

"Such a good thing can be found by the girl. She is really amazing. Cotton? I have never heard of it on the positive continent, and this is the only thing embroidered with Hunan embroidery. If I want to buy it again, but It will take a year." Wen Fei said excitedly.

"Young lady is right. Rare things are more expensive. Good things like this are hundreds of times better than kapok. Buyers are the most indispensable thing on Fugui Street. Wen Fei, you will go to the back houses of the rich and powerful families tomorrow." There was a rumor from the inside, saying that An Xin Yifang has good things, and you will regret it if you don’t come!" Han Xiao said with a wicked smile.

The good news is yet to come, he wants to make An Xin Yifang the most prosperous shop on Fugui Street!
"Okay, just look at me!" Wen Fei was gearing up, wishing it would be dawn in a blink of an eye.

As the saying goes: "Meng Dong is cold, so you need to add clothes." October 26 is on Meng Dong's tail. Although the sun is shining, the cold is overwhelming.

If it hadn't been for hearing that there was a newly opened store on Fugui Street today, and Mr. Han Xiao personally served as the shopkeeper, those charming ladies and famous ladies would not want to take this trip.

The news of Mr. Han Xiao's downfall as a slave had spread throughout the capital city of Wu State two months ago, but this still did not damage his image of a noble tree in the hearts of the women in the capital, but instead made them feel a little more pity and sympathy for him for no reason.

At the end of the hour, there were bursts of firecrackers outside the Anxin Clothing Shop, and the crackling sound added a lot of joy to today's opening. The plaque hanging on the high door frame was torn off by Han Xiao. The big red silk cloth read, "Anxin Clothing "The four big characters gleamed.

"Mr. Han, can we enter?" A woman in fox fur gave Han Xiao a shy look. She came to see him today.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please come in. Today is the first day of Anxin Garment's opening. There will be a small gift in our store. Please—" Han Xiao personally stood in front of the store and greeted these ladies and ladies.

(End of this chapter)

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