Chapter 378 Taking office in Bingzhou (1)
As long as she thought of Chu Xuan and Lin Qinghe fighting bloody battles in the frontier, and the result in exchange was to give her own city to her enemy, she felt equally sad and angry.

Hearing Lin Qingxi's righteous words, the three people in the room were all shocked, a peasant girl has such a backbone, it really makes the big man a little ashamed.

"Lin Qingxi, do you know that it is a capital offense for you to say this!" Chu Huai said, looking at Lin Qingxi with a livid face.

"Reporting to the emperor, the daughter of the people knows, but these words are what the daughter of the people thinks in her heart. If she wants to be killed or cut, it depends on what the emperor said. But the words of loyalty are harsh, and the daughter of the people thinks she is right. Alone in the East China Sea, holding the spring thunder. Enduring to see the color of the picture change, willing to make the country pay the ashes. The turbid wine does not relieve the tears of worrying about the country. When saving, we should use the talents of the people. Fighting for a hundred thousand heads and blood, we must save the universe.'Men Daughter He is from Chu, the blood on this body is also Chu's blood, and this bone is also Chu's bone, the emperor is the king of a country, and women of the people are not afraid of capital punishment!"

Isn't this Chu Huai just afraid that his heart is for people from other countries?In order to save her life, she should show her loyalty first. Although she said it sonorously, Lin Qingxi is not fully sure. If Chu Huai really wants to kill her, she can escape, but what will her family do? Woolen cloth?

"It's a good one. 'Dirty wine does not drown the tears of worrying about the country. When you save it, you should use your talents. You must save the world with all your strength.' Lu Zhiming, you, a farm girl apprentice, are really well-find, well-find Hahaha..." Chu Huai suddenly laughed.

However, both Lu Zhiming and Wei Ming couldn't figure out whether Chu Huai was really happy or whether he was laughing angrily, so they just kept their heads down and didn't speak.However, Lin Qingxi's final words shocked their hearts greatly.

After Lin Qingxi finished speaking, she lowered her head, and she didn't know whether Chu Huai was satisfied with her answer, or if he really couldn't listen to anything bad about him.

"Linqingxi, since you said that the blood and bones on your body belong to our country of Chu, then you should sprinkle your blood on the land of the country of Chu, and bury your proud bones in the loess of our country of Chu." Next, I will make you a first-rank female agricultural official, in charge of the agricultural affairs of the Chu State, and inspect and manage all the agricultural-related affairs of the Chu State for me, and then I will give you the Heavenly Dragon Sword, which can be beheaded first and then played. Corrupt officials. If you do nothing, I will not only kill your Lin clan, but also destroy your nine clans." Chu Huai directly blocked all the back roads of Linqingxi.

He really can't be called a wise king, but he doesn't want to be a foolish king. Since she is brave and resourceful, and talented in farming, then give her a chance to give full play to her talents, and give Chu State a chance. A chance to turn things around.

"Your Majesty, no! She is just a poor man, and she is also a woman, so the officials with such great power will definitely not accept it." Wei Ming said hastily.

This Lin Qingxi is not only Lu Zhiming's apprentice, but also King Wei's junior sister, and even her daughter's rival in love. If she is allowed to be a first-rank agricultural officer and get the supreme Tianlong sword, then the people under him will suffer. of.

Lin Qingxi didn't say a word. When she was in Yunzhou, she helped Wei Ming, and she also heard that Wei Ming was a good official. How could he become greedy for profit after becoming the prime minister?This Wei Ming was always at odds with his master, and he wanted to win Chu Xuan over with all his heart.

"Lin Qingxi, did you hear Wei Zaifu's words?" Chu Huai ignored Wei Ming, but smiled slightly at Lin Qingxi who was kneeling on the ground.

"Report to the emperor, my servant knows! Presumably Wei Zaifu is also worried about Minnv, but Minnv believes in the emperor's decision, and even more believes in her own ability. However, Minnv still has a question." Some things are better to ask clearly, To avoid troubles in the future.

"What's the problem?" Chu Huai listened to Lin Qingxi's voice, she agreed to be a farm lady of this rank, she was a smart one, and she couldn't refuse at all.

"I would like to ask, is it possible that with the Heavenly Dragon Sword, besides the emperor, the civilian girls have the most power in this world? Even if the minister commits a crime, the civilian girls can kill the minister first and then play it?" Lin Qingxi smiled deliberately and looked up at Wei Wei. bright.

"It is true to say so, but if you kill people without conclusive evidence, I will also punish you. Remember that you will not die alone, but your nine clans will suffer with you." Chu Huai smiled. He was very friendly, but Lin Qingxi underneath was itchy with hatred.

"The daughter of the people bows to the Holy Grace!"

Wei Ming was so afraid that she would be a first-grade agricultural female official, but she still wanted to do it. Although Chu Huai planned and forced her, it was a good thing to help her master.

The majestic and majestic palace gives Linqingxi a deep sense of oppression. No matter how strong his own ability is, even if he has a sense of superiority as a modern person, facing the majestic emperor of ancient times and this silence for thousands of years still makes people feel oppressed. She felt a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of her heart.

The lives of the nine clans now depend on the emperor's words, kill as soon as they say, let go as soon as they say, and she has also been pushed to the forefront. Even if she was just the most ordinary peasant girl before the imperial edict, but now an imperial edict has been announced to the world, She became the first female agricultural official who became famous in the entire Zhengji Continent, and she was a dignified one, and she even held the Tianlong Sword.

"Xi'er, master didn't expect that the emperor would appoint you such a great official. You are going to take up the post immediately, do you know what's in your mind?" Lu Zhiming and Lin Qingxi came out of the imperial study room together holding the imperial decree. They walked slowly towards the gate outside the palace.

"Master, the emperor asked me to be an official because he valued my farming ability, and at the same time used me to contain your opponents and balance the forces in the court." Lin Qingxi said in a low voice.

Lu Zhiming was startled, Lin Qingxi had thought of all this, yes, the emperor did have this intention, in recent years, Wei Ming's power has developed too much, and the officials in the DPRK and China are almost one-sided. personal.

"Xi'er, since you have seen the emperor's intentions, you should also know that it is not easy for you to be a first-rank female official. There are many obstacles ahead, and the master can only help you as much as possible in the capital. Everything is up to you when you go outside. "The first place Linqingxi is going to inspect is Bingzhou Mansion, which is the most chaotic, poorest and most dangerous place in the entire Chu Kingdom, beyond Lu Zhiming's reach.

"Master, I understand that it is not easy to be a first-rank female official. Although I am inspecting agricultural affairs in various places on behalf of the emperor, the emperor gave me the Heavenly Dragon Sword to let me take care of everything. I know it well."

Lin Qingxi didn't think that Chu Huai was confused for entrusting such a great power to a peasant girl who had only met once. He had been monitoring and observing her for ten years.

Now that the ten-year inspection period has passed, he is ready to use her. It has to be said that Chu Huai is really a deep-minded emperor.If Chu State hadn't been besieged by big and small powers because of three years of severe drought, or because its soldiers were not strong enough, then Chu Huai would really have become an eternal emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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