Chapter 380 Taking office in Bingzhou (3)
Of course Lin Qingxi would not go to the post alone, she thought that Wei Ming should have informed the local officials in Bingzhou a long time ago, maybe there was something waiting for her, and she was not superhuman, so of course she needed some help.

So, the day before she arrived in Bingzhou, people sent by Snow Wolf also came to meet her. Among them were the martial arts Xue Ying, the exquisite night monkey, the excellent doctor and poison Zhu Xiang, and the former Jiang Hu The most feared female killer, Red Butterfly, now has a new name, Die Er.

These four people were rescued by Lin Qingxi unintentionally. They are senior brothers and sisters, and they are also the medicine masters of their perverted master. If it weren't for the antidote pills that Lin Qingxi begged from the old man in the three realms, the four of them would have died a long time ago .

Linqingxi not only saved their lives, but also rescued them from the abyss of pain, and gave them a new life. Now they only want to do their duty in front of Linqingxi.

"Subordinates see the master!" The four met Linqingxi in a small inn on the border of Bingzhou.

"Get up, there won't be so many rules in the future, and don't call me master when you're outside, just call me son." Lin Qingxi planned to disguise herself as a man and sneak into the city of Bingzhou.

"Yes, young master, this subordinate obeys!" The four stood up and said.

"Yehou, go to Bingzhou Fucheng to inquire about the appointment of first-rank female officials, and see what the local officials and people know."

It took one year to change Bingzhou's appearance, which is not an easy task for anyone, not to mention that ancient people valued sons over daughters, and I, a female official who appeared suddenly, must be despised by many people, maybe even more embarrassing I can say everything.

Xue Ying and the others arrived at noon, and Ye Hou came back two hours later, and they looked at him with a very bad expression.

"Night monkey, how is it?" Lin Qingxi asked while sitting on a chair in the inn room. There was no one in this inn, and even the tables, chairs and benches were very dilapidated.

"Back to your son, the people in Bingzhou just heard that a female agricultural official is coming to Bingzhou, but they are all skeptical, but those officials clearly know that you will take office in the next few days, but they are very negligent and disdainful. The reason why you are valued by the emperor is because your master is the prime minister of the court, and your senior brother is the son of King Wei and the nobles in the court, and he said that you..." Ye Hou already had killing intent in his eyes, he really wanted to kill those people with a single blow. Outspoken officials.

"What else are you talking about me?" Lin Qingxi really wanted to hear.

"You also said that you serve the emperor with color, otherwise how could the little peasant girl confuse the emperor and issue such an absurd imperial decree, and even jointly write a memorial to ask the emperor to dismiss you from office." Ye Hou clasped his hands creakingly.

"Oh! I haven't taken office yet, and they want to dismiss me as an official. They really think highly of me, Lin Qingxi." Lin Qingxi, who didn't have a playful attitude at the beginning, is now more concerned about her position as a female official. Seriously, she wanted to see how those officials bit their own tongues.

"My lord, these people's mouths are too stinky, I'm going to poison them!" Zhu Xiang couldn't bear to say that her master "serves the king with color".

"No need, you've silenced them all, who will help me with the work! Snow Eagle, Night Monkey, you go to Bingzhou Mansion and check the details of all officials, big and small." The new official took office Three fires, the first fire of hers is to attack the big and small officials of Bingzhou Fucheng, and only after subduing them can she continue to do the following things.

"My lord, there's someone!" Xue Ying and Die Er stood guard in front of Lin Qingxi at the same time.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door from the innkeeper, saying that the guests from Linqingxi had arrived.

"Guest? Who?" Lin Qingxi asked in a low voice.

"It's me!" A deep, magnetic male voice spoke instead of the shopkeeper.

"Zhuxiang, open the door!" Lin Qingxi signaled Zhuxiang, who was standing guard inside the door, to open the door.

With a sound of "squeak", the door opened, and Yan Yun, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, came in, and no one followed behind him.

Lin Qingxi asked Xue Ying and the others to go out first, and she talked to Yan Yun in the room.

"Yuan Yun, didn't you go to Wu country? Why are you here?" When Lin Qingxi returned to Linjia Village from the capital, Yushan told her that Yan Yun went to Wu country again and would not come back until the next year.

"I heard that you came to Bingzhou to take up the post, so I came here. Anyway, I'm idle. You should still lack a master here." Yan Yun said with a smile.

"You don't want to come to be my teacher, do you?" Lin Qingxi looked at Yan Yun in surprise, he should have his own affairs to be busy now, right?

"That's right, I don't want money, just take care of food, housing, and drinking!" Seeing Lin Qingxi's surprised and cute look at this time, Yan Yun said with a smile.

"Yun Yun, isn't your main task now to find the woman who killed your mother back then? I have someone here to help, so you don't have to worry." Lin Qingxi didn't want to delay Yan Yun's business.

"That woman can't be found just by looking for it. Besides, I still believe in Huolong's ability to find people. Even without me, they can help me with this matter. But you, I'm still really worried!" Yun said bluntly.

"Are you worried that I won't be able to do a good job as a first-rank female agricultural officer, or do you question my ability as a person?" It's fine if others don't believe in themselves, but why Yan Yun doesn't believe in himself, Lin Qingxi is a little depressed.

"No, I believe you will become the best female official, and you will definitely be able to solve the problems that the Emperor of Chu gave you. I am just worried that your body is too tired. In the officialdom, there are all men. Men deal with men more than women deal with men. It is easier and more direct. You can help the local people solve their food and clothing problems in Bingzhou with peace of mind, and I, the master, will help you with the official affairs. If you work together, I believe your task will be completed faster and easier." Yan Yun made no secret of his concern for Lin Qingxi, and when he said it so frankly, the atmosphere between the two of them suddenly became delicate.

"But..." With Yan Yun's assistance, things in Bingzhou would definitely be smoother, but Linqingxi still has his own concerns.

"It's nothing but, your family has already agreed, your mother said, if you don't allow me to be your master by your side, she will come over and ask you herself." Yan Yun also has a trump card.

Sure enough, as soon as these words were said, Lin Qingxi didn't dare to have any opinions. He knew that Yan Yun was cutting first and playing later, but if Mu Shi really had to follow, Lin Qingxi couldn't feel at ease.

In the early morning of the next day, several people dressed as merchants entering Bingzhou Fucheng, and rented a shop with a backyard on Fucheng Street.

After tidying up a bit, Lin Qingxi and Yan Yun sat together in the living room of the small courtyard. It has just entered the first month of the new year, and the city of Bingzhou, which is located in the north of Chu State, is still very cold. the stove.

(End of this chapter)

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