Chapter 383 Lawlessness (1)
"So urgent? I'm afraid it will be difficult!" Leng Mingyang frowned.

"If it wasn't difficult, I wouldn't ask a professional like you for help. Leng Mingyang, I don't have much time to waste. The emperor asked me to solve the problem of food and clothing in Bingzhou within a year, and even more so by the end of the year. Hand over 500 million catties of grain, do you think the current Bingzhou can complete the task entrusted by the emperor?" Lin Qingxi looked at Leng Mingyang and asked determinedly.

"One year is too short. Even if there are only 10,000+ people in Bingzhou now, everyone is hungry. How can you let them work hard for a year to farm and collect grain!" Since he decided to assist Linqingxi, Leng Ming Yang was no longer that confused county magistrate, and became shrewd and capable.

"So, I want you to find out the whereabouts of the imperial grain as soon as possible. Once the imperial grain is found, the hearts of the people in Bingzhou will be at ease, and the upcoming spring plowing will not be delayed, so that I can further help them in farming. I will investigate the case and decide the case." I'm a layman, but I'm good at farming and plowing the land. As long as the officials and the people work together, I guarantee that the people in Bingzhou will never go hungry again." Linqingxi's eyes were shining with confidence.

"But I'm just a seventh-rank county magistrate now, and I have no right to investigate the case of Huangliang's disappearance." Leng Mingyang also wanted to help, especially after hearing Lin Qingxi say that she was a farming expert, he wanted to be a civil servant since he was a child The good official who asked for his life told him intuitively that everything is possible with Linqingxi.

"My master has thought about this a long time ago, so he asked the emperor to give me a secret order. I, a female inspector of the first-rank agricultural affairs officer, has the right to appoint officials below the fifth-rank in Bingzhou. Now your county magistrate is temporarily handed over to your master. Responsible, and you have been promoted to a fifth-rank inspector to help me find out the case of Huangliang's disappearance. I have the Tianlong sword in my hand, so you don't have to be afraid, just go and investigate." Lin Qingxi directly took out a topaz seal from his arms , that was given to her by Lu Zhiming, and she gave it to Leng Mingyang.

The officialdom in Bingzhou is dark, and the prime minister Lu Zhiming knows it, and the emperor Chu Huai also knows it. That's why they gave Lin Qingxi such great power, hoping to use her hands to get rid of the scum in Bingzhou. Of course Linqingxi only knew about this after the fact.

Leng Mingyang did not expect that Lin Qingxi would trust him so much, and even gave him the topaz seal of the fifth-rank inspector directly. This kind of trust made him determined to solve the case within seven days no matter what. The Cao brothers also did the same. It's been a long time.

On the second day after meeting Leng Mingyang, Lin Qingxi changed into slightly tattered clothes, and asked Zhu Xiang to make her look simple and easy, turning into a beggar. Ye Hou and Xue Ying were the same as her, also Dressed up as beggars, the three began to patrol the fields in Bingzhou.

There are ten counties under Bingzhou, and more than 100 towns and towns. Linqingxi first inspected Huanglai County, the poorest county in Bingzhou. It is said that during the worst famine, the people in this county ate bark Grass roots make a living.

The withered and yellow weeds on the endless plain are dancing with the cold wind of early spring. As the sun rises higher and higher, the revived land is gradually revealing its new green clothes.

However, the fertile fields were gone, and the ground as hard as rocks could not be plowed deeply. Moreover, there was no farmer in the fields, and all they entered were bleak weeds and lonely trees.

"My lord, I went to check the surrounding areas. The nearby villages were all in ruins, and there was no one there." The night monkey that had just disappeared in the field reappeared at a faster speed.

"Did the people here move away with their families, or did they all die?" Lin Qingxi's eyes were gloomy. It has been ten years since the three-year drought, why is this place still deserted?
Just now, she took the dagger she carried with her and dug deep into the land here, and found that the soil under the hard soil is still very soft. If she plows deeply with an iron plow, then weeds, fertilizes and irrigates properly, then there will be a good harvest this autumn. Shouldn't be a problem.

"Most of them died, and the rest fled here and went to other places." Night Monkey found a small village with people after a lot of hard work, and then asked about the surrounding situation.

"Spring plowing is just around the corner, so don't waste time. You follow me to the county government in Huanglai County." The laws of Chu state state that unowned fertile land will be nationalized, and it is not known whether the current owner of this large piece of land is the people or the state. .

However, after a few people walked less than five miles away, they found many beggars like them in an abandoned ruined temple, and they were driven out of the ruined temple with the old and the young.

"Old man, what happened? Why did those yamen servants drive you out?" Lin Qingxi approached a hunched old beggar and asked him to support him.

"'s nothing, you are a foreigner, go away, go away!" The old man glanced in horror at the yamen servant who was shouting loudly in the ruined temple, and pushed Linqingxi away.

Linqingxi was feeling surprised, a yamen servant glanced at her, walked up to them cautiously, and asked viciously: "Are you from this ruined temple? Why didn't I see you just now!"

Just when Lin Qingxi was about to answer, the old man suddenly grabbed her hand and said nervously to the yamen servant in front of him: "This official, this is my little nephew, he went to help me find food nearby just now. That's right, we just came back. Let's go now, let's go now!"

The old man pulled Lin Qingxi and left, but at this time the yamen servant pulled out the big knife in his waist to block the way of several people, and asked everyone with a sullen face: "Is he really this old man's nephew?"

"Yes, sir, his name is Xiao Gouzi, he is Uncle Qing's little nephew. The rest of Uncle Qing's family members are dead, so this is the only relative left. Please do me a favor, my fellows, let's leave now." .” A thin middle-aged man with disheveled hair and haggard face said loudly.

At this time, the people around him also nodded, fearing that the yamen servant would catch Lin Qingxi and the others.

"Then what about these two people?" The yamen servant glanced at Ye Hou and Xue Ying lightly again. He always felt that the eyes of these two people looked at him coldly, which gave him a chill down his back.

"Officer, these are the two friends of Xiaogouzi. They are the only two young people left in our neighboring village. One is called Liansheng and the other is called Lianwa. Everyone in their village is dead." A woman in her 20s with a nursing baby in her arms.

Seeing that everyone knew these three people, the yamen servant became impatient and urged them to leave as soon as possible.

"Uncle, where are we going?" It was obvious that everyone wanted to protect themselves, Ye Hou and Xue Ying. Before they figured out what happened, Lin Qingxi temporarily acted as Uncle Qing's little nephew "Little Gouzi" ".

"There is a mountain called Huanggu Mountain ten miles away. There is a big cave in the mountain. We are going there. My child, don't ask too many questions, just follow along." Qing Bo patted Lin Qingxi's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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