Chapter 400
"Are you telling the truth? In fact, you have always liked your senior brother Chu Xuan, right?" Yan Yun had also walked behind the two of them, staring coldly at Lin Qingxi's back Back, "Linqingxi, look at me, I want your truth!"

"Yuan Yun, don't make trouble with me, why do you force me!" Lin Qingxi yelled at Yan Yun helplessly, couldn't he see that Chu Xuan was the most vulnerable and helpless at this time?

"I never forced you, it was the man in front of you who forced you! Do you really think he is looking for death? Stupid woman, you were deceived by him, and he is using despicable means to keep you by his side." Lin Qingxi was blinded by emotion and couldn't see it, but Yan Yun could see it clearly, and every man is naturally sensitive to his rival in love, Chu Xuan in front of him was simply trying to win Lin Qingxi's sympathy.

"Yuan Yun!" Lin Qingxi glared at him angrily.

Even if Chu Xuanzhen is as Yan Yun said, Lin Qingxi will not blame him, because now he really needs someone to accompany him, the last time he turned white all night, this time Lin Qingxi does not know what he will become .

"I'm really bored and busy!" He is also a person with a temper, and he is also a man with five emotions and six desires. At this moment, Yan Yun is no longer as calm as before.

Seeing the back of Yan Yun turning away angrily, Lin Qingxi felt uncomfortable. She didn't want to hurt either of these two men, but there were some things she couldn't help herself.

Helping Chu Xuan back to the room to lie down, Lin Qingxi forcefully stuffed the pill into his mouth, then sat on the side and sulked.

"He's right, I really want to keep you by my side!" Chu Xuan said while sitting on the bed, clutching his chest and looking at Lin Qingxi.

"I know!" Lin Qingxi glanced at him lightly.

"Are you mad at me, or at him?" Chu Xuan stood up, went to the chair beside Lin Qingxi and sat down.

"I'm both angry!" Lin Qingxi glared at Chu Xuan.

"I'm sorry!" Chu Xuan lowered his voice and apologized.

"Brother Weixuan, I don't care whether you really want to die or fake it, before you let others hurt you, can you think that if you get hurt or really die, someone will be sad for you. Don't Forget, you are not only the uncle of Xingyao, the prince of Chu, you are also the commander of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and the hope that the people of Chu rely on. You can't make fun of your own life, do you understand? " Lin Qingxi said loudly.

"I understand! Xi'er, it's just this one time, it's not an example!" Hearing that Lin Qingxi was willing to die with him, Chu Xuan felt that he would be willing to be slapped twice by Yan Yun again.

Next, Lin Qingxi stayed in the Palace of Wei in the capital for two more days to accompany Chu Xuan to heal his wounds. Fortunately, with the life-saving pills of bamboo fragrance on his body, coupled with Chu Xuan's own true energy to heal his wounds, soon his body will be fine. up.

After Chu Xingyao's funeral was over, Chu Xuan also left Beijing and returned to the frontier. Although he and Linqingxi were heading in different directions, he knew that distance would never be an issue between him and her.

Back in Bingzhou again, just in time for the sowing of autumn sesame seeds, because Leng Mingyang and several county magistrates personally handled the matter, and the people responsible for planting sesame seeds were also selected by them for a long time, so no secrets were leaked .

"Master, you're finally back, and my subordinates will be annoyed to death by that bastard Leng Mingyang!" Zhu Xiang complained when she saw Lin Qingxi coming back from the capital.

"What's wrong? In just a few days, the 'Master Leng' in your mouth has become 'that bastard Leng Mingyang'. During my absence, he bullied you?" Lin Qingxi was in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion. There was no sign of Yan Yun.

"That's not true. He just came to ask if you came back every day, and said that if Bingzhou didn't have you in charge of the overall situation, he would have no idea." Zhuxiang said.

"Is he clueless or has no wine in his stomach? Forget it, send him the jar of chrysanthemum wine!" Isn't it just thinking about her wine, Lin Qingxi knows this person somewhat, "Yes Didn't you see Yan Yun?"

"Master, didn't Mr. Yan Yun go to the capital with you?" Zhu Xiang remembered what Yan Yun said when he left, didn't he go?

"Did he not come back?" Lin Qingxi asked strangely.

"No, since he said he was going to the capital that day, the subordinates haven't seen him in Bingzhou!" Zhu Xiang said.

"Okay, I see!" Is he still angry with her?But he was indeed a bit harsh on Chu Xuan that day, if not, she wouldn't be angry with him.

Although she didn't think Yan Yun was such a stingy man, she kissed Chu Xuan in front of him after all, and the relationship between the two of them was not discussed, but she knew that he liked her, and he also knew that she had him in her heart.

It would indeed be embarrassing for two people to meet now, so it's better to calm down for a while, and let's talk about the future!

After figuring this out, Lin Qingxi began to focus on Shui Ling Cream. In order to make Shui Ling Cream with different fragrances, Lin Qingxi specially mixed some floral fragrances with Zhuxiang. These floral fragrances will not damage the Shui Ling Cream effect, and make the taste of Shui Ling Ointment more fragrant and diverse.

"Zhuxiang, have all the shops in Bingzhou Fucheng been renovated?" Lin Qingxi went back to the room to wash up briefly, and then began to get busy with business.

"Master, it was finished two days ago, and the Shui Ling paste was brought to the backyard of the shop, waiting for you to come back to open it!" Zhu Xiang poured Lin Qingxi a cup of hot tea, but found that she didn't drink it immediately.

"The emperor has just lost his grandson and unborn son. It is not appropriate to open a store with great fanfare at this time. Besides, Shui Ling ointment is expensive, and there may not be many people buying it in Bingzhou. I am afraid that there will be more people buying in large quantities, so you Bring more people to boil some Shui Ling ointment." The price of Shui Ling ointment is planned to be higher in Linqingxi, so Bingzhou is only a delivery place, and the real sales are in some prosperous places.

"This subordinate knows!" Zhuxiang replied.

"City Lord, there are two foreign businessmen outside the gate of the mansion begging to see you!" The guard reported from outside the gate.

"Did they say who they were?" Merchant?Who is the one?

"One of them said he was the third young master of the Rong family, and the other said he was the third young master of the Qi family." The guard replied.

Isn't the third young master of the Rong family his third elder brother Lin Qingfei, but who is this third young master of the Qi family?Lin Qingxi thought suspiciously.

"Ask them to wait in the lobby!"


When Lin Qingxi walked to the front hall, he saw a handsome man sitting on both sides of the hall. The one on the left was dressed in white and had a baby face. He smiled before saying anything. He looked like a "smiling tiger" in a shopping mall.

The one sitting on the right is wearing a silver mask and a light blue dress. Just looking at his eyes, Lin Qingxi knew that it was her third brother Lin Qingfei.

(End of this chapter)

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