Chapter 55
After seeing Lin Qingxi and Wei Xuan, Zhang Xian suddenly smiled and said to them: "Xi'er, Xuan'er, do you have any good ways to turn this ominous purple soil into a good soil?"

As soon as Zhang Xian said the words, Lu Zhiming and Linyuanshan all looked at them in a blink of an eye. One of these two people is smart and precocious, and the other is extremely wise. Maybe they can really come up with a good solution.

Regarding the issue of purple soil, Lin Qingxi had thought about it a long time ago. In her opinion, "purple soil is ominous" is a kind of "slander" to the land, and she must justify its name.

But now is the ancient times of feudal superstition, and the ancients did not understand any scientific principles. When encountering difficult problems, they would rather burn incense and pray to Buddha, pray to God, and would not find a more practical solution.Therefore, it takes a lot of hard work to make these old-fashioned people regard the ominous purple soil as good soil.

Seeing that Linqingxi was thinking seriously, Linyuanshan's heart was also active. Whether he wanted it or not, the [-] mu of purple soil had already fallen into Linqingxi's hands, and now he had to come up with a perfect plan.

"Girl Xi, just tell me what you have!" Linyuanshan is also very confident in his little granddaughter, but he still has a lot of worries about Zitu.

"Grandpa, father, master, uncle, do you think this is okay? Since the ominousness of purple soil is a legend that has been passed down for thousands of years, then this legend has a beginning and an end. Let's create another story about purple soil. Wouldn’t it be enough to be a local legend?” In modern times, many groundless things are regarded as facts, some lies passed through the mouths of different people, and finally they may be regarded as the truth, Lin Qingxi thinks this method can be tried.

"Xi'er, tell me in detail!" Lu Zhiming wanted to hear what Lin Qingxi's idea was.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Linqingxi didn't hide it, as if he was retelling the story he had heard: "The ominous legend about Zitu is well known. The demons and ghosts that harm the world are suppressed in the world, and if someone plants something on the purple soil, disaster will happen. Let's take this as the first half of this legend, and it should have the second half..."

Lin Qingxi spoke a little mysteriously, Lin Qingfei thought of the old man Lin Qingxi had met, and then asked anxiously: "Sister, what is the second half?"

"Well... the second half should be like this: the Buddha cared for the common people, and influenced the demons with Buddhism, hoping that they could find the seven treasures of human nature that had been lost, namely love, kindness, benevolence, harmony, virtue, humility, faith, and the gods In order to educate the people, the empress also used the fairy method to transform the seven god gems representing 'love', 'goodness', 'benevolence', 'harmony', 'virtue', 'modesty' and 'faith' into one. The purple seed, and sprinkle this seed in the world. As long as someone has the seven treasures of humanity and finds the purple seed, then he can plant sweet things on the purple soil, and prolong his descendants, and get the blessing of the gods, and Le Ankang.” When Linqingxi was very young, I remember that every weekend an old lady would come to the orphanage, not only bringing them a lot of delicious food for orphans without parents, but also telling them about The stories, and Lin Qingxi only knew these stories after she grew up, were all fabricated by the old lady herself.

So, now she also imitated that old lady and started to make up fairy tales by herself. Anyway, she couldn't study it carefully, so she naturally didn't know the truth or falsehood.

But the other people present didn't think so. They wondered if Lin Qingxi's words were contagious and convincing. Almost the moment she finished speaking, they all felt that what she said was true, as if there should be some legends. The other half looks like it, and the second half is really like what she said.

"Xi'er, how did you come up with these things?" Lin Qingxi's intelligence surpassed Zhang Xian's perception, so when he calmed down, he began to doubt that Lin Qingxi, such a smart farm girl, really existed in the world?

"Uncle, I didn't come up with this, it's...I heard an old man say it once, and then you suddenly asked, and these things popped into my mind." Lin Qingxi's voice was a little timid She timidly said, this old man is the same as the myth she made up, anyway, it all came from her mouth, and no one in the world can verify it, so she is not afraid of cheating.

"Who is this old man?" Wei Xuan didn't know that everything Lin Qingxi said "come from" an old man.

"I don't know, it seems that I met in the mountains before. It's just that I was young at that time and I can't remember it. Later, I was broken by Cao Agou. I can't remember what the old man looked like, but Some of the things he taught me and the words he said to me became clear." Lin Qingxi said to Wei Xuan.

People in the old Lin family knew about this for a long time, and Lu Zhiming and Zhang Xian also knew about it, but they didn't think too much about it before. After all, it's normal for some outsiders to appear in the deep mountains and old forests. They all thought it was Linqingxi was lucky to meet such a person.

But looking at it now, the identity of that old man may not be that simple, maybe he really is an outsider, have to believe in everything about gods and Buddhas, and you can't believe it all, but now they all believe it a little bit.

"It would be great if the whole legend was as Xi'er said. Not only would the auspicious purple soil turn into good soil, but even the people who planted the purple soil would use 'love', 'goodness', 'benevolence', 'harmony', 'Virtue', 'modesty', and 'faith' reflect on themselves. In this way, the purple soil can be reclaimed on a large scale, and the output of purple sweet potatoes will be greatly increased. On the other hand, it will also educate the people. It really serves multiple purposes. "Zhang Xian didn't care too much about where the things in Lin Qingxi's mind came from. The most important thing was that she came up with a good idea.

Lu Zhiming also thinks so: "Brother, you are right, and the rumors that the purple soil is cursed by Chu State will not be defeated. On the contrary, Chu State has regained the blessing of Buddha and God, and bestowed the purple seed on me. country, and let Xi’er be planted, the people will naturally think that the Seven Treasures of Humanity, the Holy One, has moved the heavens and blessed the Chu country.”

"But will anyone believe this?" Lin Zhongguo also believed what his daughter said, not to mention that Zhang Xian and Lu Zhiming also said that this idea is very good, but they are half-believing, there are so many people in the world, they will Do you believe it?

"You two uncles, leave this matter to Xuan'er!" Wei Xuan took the initiative to take the order, and it was easier and more effective for him to do this than others.

Zhang Xian and Lu Zhiming also felt that Wei Xuan was the best candidate so far, but they had to go back to Beijing to discuss this matter with their teacher and the Holy Master.

Seeming to see the two people's thoughts, Wei Xuan said again: "Two senior uncles, don't worry, I will go back to Beijing tomorrow, and after I have seen my father and senior teacher, I will discuss it with my senior uncle."

"Okay, Xuan'er, this matter has to be done quickly! Xi'er, don't be in a hurry to open up wasteland for your ten thousand acres of purple soil, wait until your senior brother has finished this matter, and then start to do it. You are talking nonsense, there are not enough manpower, I will find a way!" Lu Zhiming still believes in Wei Xuan's ability, and he also believes that as long as the Holy Majesty and his mentor intervene, this matter will be resolved quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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