Chapter 108

That wrestler was arrogant and domineering, with a haughty attitude, pointing at Bai Fan and yelling at him.

"Don't be shameless, I'm from the young master Wu Hua of Jushen Mountain. Do you know the young master Wu Hua? He is a person who is going to be an official in the heavenly court. "

Speaking of this, he became even more proud and looked at Bai Fan with his nostrils.

Bai Fan looked at him without speaking, but Lao Mo was already trembling with anger.Where did this bum come from, to have such a sense of superiority.

"Your master will not enter the list, but he will enter the underworld."

Bai Fan turned around calmly and said, "He will not become an official in the heavenly court, but he will become a dead person."

As he turned around, and the plain words reached Lushi's ears, Lushi immediately became angry.

But the wrestler got angry and exploded, the whole person exploded!

The wrestler was directly fried into meat paste, and the old devil deliberately swept his flesh and blood away, like sweeping garbage, in order to prevent his flesh and blood from splashing on Bai Fan's body.

Then the old devil took a step forward and said in a low voice: "Master, let me go and destroy that shit giant mountain."

He has become addicted to destroying people all over his family recently, and plans to destroy the Giant God Mountain!

Bai Fan ignored him, Lao Mo's eyes gradually brightened, and then he felt his body go cold, as if falling into a cellar of ice, and instantly stepped back half a step, lowering his head and following at every step.

He forgot that Bai Fan said, don't make up your own mind about things you don't tell him.

He almost made a big mistake, Bai Fan didn't say anything, if he dared to act recklessly, he would die, a terrible death!

The two went to the Moon Palace all the way, and they arrived in about an hour.

The Moon Palace is very close to the Heavenly Court, while the Dasheng Mansion is not far from the Heavenly Court.And Bai Fan's speed is very fast, they will arrive in an hour.

From a distance, you can see the lights and festoons outside the Moon Palace.

Outside the moon palace, it is dim, with the brilliance of the bright moon illuminating the road.

The two of Bai Fan came here on the moon. At the door, they saw many moon cars coming in and out. They needed to go to the Ten Thousand Realms to illuminate the night sky.

There are already maids guarding the door, entertaining the people who come, but many of them are not allowed to enter.

It seemed that the people who came were not what Aunt Yue said, there were only a few people, and there were at least a dozen people waiting at the door, but they were not allowed to enter.

"Hey, who is that, do you understand the queue?"

Bai Fan was about to go in when someone behind him grabbed his sleeve.

The old devil almost ran away, the cold breath on his body locked on the man, turned his head and stared at him coldly, making the man let go of his hand unconsciously.

"You're really fierce, are you so arrogant in jumping in line now?" the man said not to be outdone.

The others also chimed in, saying: "That's right, didn't you see that we have been queuing here for a day and a night? How about you, you want to go right in when you come? You are so beautiful!"

Bai Fan stopped and looked at the person behind him. He was a middle-aged man with a mole on his chin and a hair. He was wearing a brocade and gilt robe, and he looked very rich.

The man poked his neck and said, "What are you looking at? Do you still want to hit me?"

Others were also pointing and pointing, and some even scolded: "Be quick, go to the back and line up, or it may be your turn the day after tomorrow."

Bai Fan didn't move or get angry, and said calmly, "Why are you queuing up here?"

"This old man is the elder of the Yeyi Sect. He was specially ordered to visit Miss Yue. I have been waiting for a day just to be received by her." The man with the mole said proudly: "We have something to do with Miss Yue. You You'd better be careful and don't jump in the queue, otherwise when I see Miss Yue, I'll give you a word, and you won't see her for the rest of your life."

Bai Fan was stunned and said, "Old man? Aunt Yue is just a brat, so is she considered an old man?"

Then he murmured to himself: "That's right, after a few hundred thousand years, she can be considered an old man, and if she doesn't make a breakthrough, she will be very old."

Thinking of this, he secretly sighed.

The others stared at him as if they had seen a ghost, and then became angry, "You young man is talking nonsense, nonsense. Old lady Yue is in her prime, how do you say she is old? More, more Presumptuous, what a brat!!"

Speaking of the latter, these people became angry and even wanted to join forces to punish Bai Fan.

The elder Hei Mo stared and said: "What's your name? You dare to be so arrogant and presumptuous in front of the Moon Palace. If the old man can enter it, the Moon Girl will punish you."

"Hehe, I, the Heavenly Sword Sect, have already made a decision. I will visit your elders afterwards." A middle-aged man at the back said coldly.

He was wearing a training suit, embroidered with a big knife, and a knife pinned to his waist, probably a third-grade fairy weapon, really extraordinary.

The middle-aged man is the Moonlight Saber, the suzerain of Tiandao Sect. He just wanted to see Yuegu and asked for some elixir, which is suitable for him to practice during the full moon and strengthen his sword skills.

At this time, when he opened his mouth, he immediately inspired others, as if he had found a way to curry favor with Aunt Yue.

At the same time, some people regretted that they said it too late. Now that there are several Yue'e fairies watching at the door, they probably have to pay attention to the situation here, and it is time to express their loyalty directly, which is the time to win favor.

Bai Fan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, you're probably going to be disappointed."

Moonlight Knife snorted coldly: "Why, are you afraid? If you are afraid, follow me to apologize in front of a few Yue'e fairies. You kneel at the door to apologize to Miss Yue, and slap yourself."

Bai Fan frowned and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, but that you probably won't be able to reach my elders."

He was born and raised in his previous life, and the universe is his elder.Although there are elders in this life, he has practiced for a hundred years, and the old man has already passed away.

Therefore, he said so.

The Moonlight Knife hit the snake with the stick, directly accused it arrogantly, and deliberately loudly reprimanded it, just to let the fairies of Yue'e hear it.

Sure enough, several Yue'e fairies looked over and frowned slightly.

They already knew that these people had waited for a long time to see Aunt Yue.But tonight is impossible, after all, we have to receive some very important guests, especially an adult named Bai Fan!

The dinner party was set up just for Mr. Bai Fan!
When they looked over, they saw a group of people pointing at one white and one black, pointing and uttering evil words at the same time.

They didn't take it seriously, there was a lot of right and wrong in front of the nobleman's door, they had already seen through it.

These people gave advice to Bai Fan, but Elder Hei Mo, who had scolded Bai Fan for jumping in line earlier, stopped talking and even frowned.

He asked Bai Fan to report his family name earlier, and said that he wanted to point him out, just to scare Bai Fan, he is not qualified to make Yuegu's decision.

It's just that Bai Fan became the target of public criticism at this time, and he really felt sorry, so he said: "Everyone, don't talk about it for the next time, this kid must have lost his way, why bother to worry about it, let him forget it himself."

Moonlight Dao, the suzerain of Tiandao Sect, snorted coldly: "You can forget it? When did my Tiandao Sect give you face in Yeyi?"

Others also ridiculed and ridiculed. Bai Fan looked indifferent, but Lao Mo became calm. In his eyes, these people are just dead.

 Add more updates today, and there are two more at dinner time.Everyone votes a lot, so that I am motivated to update more!

(End of this chapter)

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