Chapter 238 Jiangshan Fu [fifth update]

Wang Daozi writes in running script, and his essays are natural.

But after a while, he wrote an eloquent "Ode to Climbing High and Looking Far Away".

When everyone saw it, they immediately applauded and applauded, even Zhang Junbao couldn't help marveling at it, a master is a master, with such writing, he is actually a master.

Wang Daozi put away his pen and ink and left the copybook. Hearing the compliments from everyone, his face was full of arrogance.

He may not be as good as others in the cultivation of spells, but in the field of calligraphy, he thinks that he has never lost to others, at least on Zhulong Island, no one is invincible.

More and more people gathered around, and they even forgot that they were bartering, and came to watch the excitement.

When they saw the copybook, they were all amazed, and someone even made an offer on the spot, "Grandmaster Wang, can this calligraphy be bought from me with the Eighty God Stone?"

After all, not every piece of Wang Daozi's writing is particularly valuable, and his current fighting spirit works are only [-]% to [-]% of his usual level.

"Eighty is enough courage to speak up? This picture shows the old man the demeanor of Wang Guanzhi, the former calligrapher. I offer three hundred sacred stones, and hope Grandmaster Wang can sell them to me."

"I give 350!"

"Four hundred, I'll pay four hundred!"

Everyone bid one after another, and those who said that the copybook was worth only ten sacred stones shut up.This is the ability of calligraphy masters. If you buy this kind of copybook, even if you can't use it to understand the spirit, you can still give it away.

After all, even the copybooks collected by the Jade Emperor and Guang Chengzi are definitely sought after by thousands of families.

And the bidding of these people also made those Taiyi True Immortals and Taiyi Celestial Immortals who had never seen the world exclaim in amazement, this is the world of the rich.

Those who can come to Candle Dragon Island are somewhat wealthy.Those masters, nothing else, have collected some divine stones. The real trade conference has not even started, and they are fighting for a picture.

In the end, a Da Luo Tianxian offered a price of [-], which made Wang Daozi very satisfied, and he nodded in agreement, letting that person buy it.

Da Luo Tianxian, who bought the copybook, was overjoyed. He is an elder of a certain sect, and he planned to buy it and take it back for the head teacher to observe.

His knowledge is different from that of ordinary people. This kind of master's works, if observed thoroughly, can strengthen the spiritual power, and even have an effect on the primordial spirit.

This is also the reason why Wang Guanzhi, the sage of calligraphy, is sought after. It is rumored that after reading Wang Guanzhi's works, he can realize the Dao when he is in the scene.

It is rumored that the book sage left a word [Sword] for a swordsman to comprehend, and it actually improved the swordsman's swordsmanship by [-]%, which is quite amazing.

The Elder Da Luo Tianxian was holding the copybook, very proud, and said: "This handwriting definitely has the demeanor of a calligrapher, and it is worthy of being the master of Wang Daozi, haha..."

He once again praised Wang Daozi, which made everyone envious and made Wang Daozi even more flustered.

At this time, everyone seemed to have forgotten Bai Fan, and praised Wang Daozi one after another.

But Wang Daozi will not forget, because he still wants to slap Bai Fan in the face.He dared to rob his own chance to leave his name in history, he deserved to be damned.

He decided to ruin Bai Fan's reputation.

How dare you talk nonsense even if you are number one on the list?Seeing that the old man does not fix him with demonic obstacles in his heart, he will not give up.

Wang Daozi said loudly: "Bai Fan, do you dare to make a fu?"

All the people came to their senses, Bai Fan was still competing with Wang Daozi, and they laughed at each other.A mere young man, who probably just started to learn the art of formation, thus learning calligraphy, dares to compare with the master of calligraphy.

Nishang was not worried, she was even a little proud, how could these ignorant people know how powerful Bai Fan was.

If Bai Fan can possess spirits in painting, then Bai Fan must also be able to write calligraphy.

Looking at Bai Fan at this time, Zhang Junbao also had some expectations.

Bai Fan pointed out his morality with a single word, and he could also say Long Xing Calligraphy, a name that fits his state of mind very well.He felt that Bai Fan must have real skills.

Therefore, he wanted to see Bai Fan's ability.

In the crowd, unknowingly, there were a few more people.

Cuiwei and the two daughters of Shaoyao looked around in the crowd, they had already collected the herbs, and they saw Bai Fan competing with Wang Daozi.

They have been watching for a while, but did not come forward to say hello.

The main reason is that they don't want to distract and worry Bai Fan, and they also think that Bai Fan is probably not as good as Wang Daozi.If they showed up, they would see the scene of Bai Fan losing. They thought it would embarrass Bai Fan, so they didn't show up.

In the same mind, there was another group of people, the people from the Xuannv Palace who wore white hats, and the leader of the Xuannv Palace, the Mistress Xuanji. She looked at Bai Fan's back with cold eyes, and was in a daze.

For some reason, she actually thought that Bai Fan would win.

However, even her disciples all know that Wang Daozi is the master, and Bai Fan's practice is already very monstrous, it is impossible for calligraphy to be so powerful.

If he has a sect, then the elders of the sect will definitely not let him waste time on calligraphy.

Many people squeeze time out to practice calligraphy in their spare time unless necessary.

Calligraphy, Bai Fan can do it! ?

Faced with Wang Daozi's questioning and everyone's ridicule, Bai Fan chuckled, took Zhang Junbao's Four Treasures of the Study, and then took the pen away.

The word is Taixing method, and the text is Jiangshan Fu.

It is rumored that the book sage Wang Guanzhi had an article "Traveling with the Master in the Taihang River and Mountains", which was widely spread all over the world.However, it is a pity that after that article became extinct, there is still no one to write about it.

There were also calligraphers and essay masters who wanted to help write Fu, but he refused them all, because Wang Guanzhi said that, except for his teacher, no one could know his state of mind, let alone write Fu for him.

After countless people heard about it, they felt sorry for it.

Over the past 10 years, Wang Guanzhi has disappeared, and later generations have continued to contribute to his articles, but they have not been recognized by most people.

Bai Fan eloquently wrote [-] words and put forward "Jiangshan Fu", which perfectly matched the legendary work "Taihang Jiangshan and Traveling with Teacher".

Although the original can't be found now, many people who practice calligraphy read this article first, so they already know this work by heart.

Eight out of ten people present have seen it and understood it.

Looking at Bai Fan's "Jiangshan Fu" at this time, they felt how fitting the artistic conception was.

All of a sudden, everyone was astonished. Looking at the text of "Jiangshan Fu", it turned out to be Taihang calligraphy, and it gave them a sense of lofty artistic conception and immersive feeling.

Everyone is immersed in Fu, unable to extricate themselves.

It took a long time to wake up, and at the same time, I was astonished as a heavenly being, extremely horrified.

When they looked at Bai Fan again, their expressions changed from amazement to complicated, and then amazement!
Wang Daozi's complexion is already extremely ugly, let alone him who has the ability to appreciate others.His appreciative ability is definitely one of the best in the audience, and that's what made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Because he could see that his work was like shit in front of Bai Fan's "Jiangshan Fu".

Sure enough, at the beginning, the Elder Da Luo Tianxian, who snatched Wang Daozi's calligraphy with six hundred divine stones, had an extremely ugly face and always felt that he was being tricked.

He wished he could slap himself a few times. This was Wang Daozi's calligraphy that he bought for six hundred after his head was kicked by a donkey.

Compared with Bai Fan's words, it's really shit.He wished he could tear up the copybook in his arms! !
 Please vote for me both the monthly pass and the recommendation ticket, and I will repay tomorrow at six o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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