Chapter 293 Three Thousand Ancient Buddha Scrolls with Blue Lanterns, the Supreme Buddha Dharma Illuminates the Underworld [First Update]

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva told him all the news he knew.

"After the invasion of strange demons, the three sects attacked the nine sects in the demon world. It seems that they were trying to seize the holy relics of the demon sect, but they failed in the end. I don't know if they succeeded."

"As for my Buddha's hibernation, after the Western religion went into hiding, he was born again to be Buddhism. At that time, my seniority was not enough, and I didn't know much. It seems that Amitabha and all the ancient Buddhas believed that the world would be in chaos. So hide away."

Bai Fan looked at him and said calmly, "Is it that simple?"

Ksitigarbha said: "If the Buddhist master thinks he doesn't know enough, he can ask the ancient Buddha."

Bai Fan frowned, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Ksitigarbha didn't dare to disturb him, and he didn't even dare to vent his breath.

"No useful news at all."

Bai Fan had a headache and said: "It seems that I need to find time to go to Lingshan and talk to the reclusive ancient Buddha. If I am not cultivated enough to enter that place, I would like to go directly to Amitabha for a chat. gone."

He doesn't trust Sanqing and his two disciples, so it's hard to reveal his identity, but he trusts Amitabha Buddha very much.

After all, he has been with Amitabha Buddha for 10 years, and he can know that he is a pure person, just to study Buddhism.

Even if his own cultivation had broken through, he felt it was an obstacle, so he committed suicide for it.

His disciples and followers, Bai Fan knows best, but when Bai Fan is strong, they will be loyal and even die for him.

But if Bai Fan is weak, it is really unknown what they think.

After all, when Bai Fan led them, he didn't limit their thoughts, nor did he curb their desires.

As long as there is desire, it is dangerous.

This is also the reason why Bai Fan has not met them so far, unless he thinks it is reliable enough, he will disclose his identity.

Bai Fan has a spiritual contract of listening to the truth, and he has an absolute kindness with King Ksitigarbha.

He also led Ksitigarbha for a period of time. This person is also a pure person, who does not enjoy incense in the human world or the Buddhist world, and is aloof.

Instead, he came to the ghostly underworld, only thinking of "hell is not empty, and he will never become a Buddha".

This kind of person, he is really influenced by Amitabha Buddha, he only wants to study Buddhism!
Bai Fan was quite at ease with such a pure person.Even if it doesn't work, he has double insurance.

If Ksitigarbha had any dissent, his most trusted Di Ting would immediately bite off his neck!

Fortunately, Bai Fan did not misread the wrong person.

Ksitigarbha King was full of guilt and said: "I am really sorry for Master Buddha, and I can't help you. I also ask Master Buddha to forgive me."

"I don't blame you." Bai Fan waved his hand and said, "You were still young at that time, and I didn't expect you to know anything. This clue is enough for me to ask the ancient Buddha."

Ksitigarbha King was delighted at this time, he found that his own rules and regulations had been broken in sevens and eighties after seeing Bai Fan.

If you don't rejoice with things or feel sad for yourself, it will be completely broken!
Bai Fan listened with his arms in his arms, and suddenly smiled and said, "Let me explain the Dharma to you again. This hell, if it is not necessary, I will not come again."

As soon as this remark came out, Ksitigarbha was not happy, but sad.

As a result, it may take a long time for him and Bai Fan to meet each other, or even for a lifetime.

He will not leave the underworld easily, otherwise he will violate his oath.And Bai Fan didn't want to come to the underworld, otherwise he would break his oath.

All in all, a sad decision.

Di Ting was also very sad, rubbing back and forth in Bai Fan's arms to show his reluctance.

Bai Fan said a few words of comfort, and then he began to recite the Dharma, and it was the Supreme Dharma, which he had never taught before.

The rain in the sky has never stopped, but it seems to have turned golden.

On the side of the Buddhist hall, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, slowly spreading.

The ghosts from hell were gradually purified, and their ferocious faces became serene.The lonely and wild ghosts are transformed, beyond life and death, and enter the six reincarnations in place.

Gradually, the entire Fengdu city was illuminated by Buddha's light, and this Buddha's light was still spreading, spreading to the surrounding lands.

Evil ghosts are transformed, and good ghosts are detached in place.

If you have kind thoughts in your heart, you will be at ease.

The evil fruit is stored in the brain, and the Buddha's light burns the body.

The light of Buddhism illuminates the underworld, and this day is destined to be remembered.

Many ghost emperors and ghost cultivators practice in the underworld, and their hearts are already dark. At this time, they feel such Dharma, their minds are clear, and they feel extremely comfortable, and their practice is advancing day by day.

This is also one of the reasons why Ksitigarbha is especially respected in the underworld, just because his Dharma can keep those ghost practitioners from losing their true nature.

The Dharma shines universally for three days without interruption.

Bai Fan left behind three volumes of scriptures, all of which are supreme Buddhist teachings, which do not belong to the Buddhist inheritance, but are enlightened in his heart.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was ecstatic. This is a treasure that even Buddhism does not have. If he realizes it, he will be at ease, or he will be able to empty the hell one day.

Bai Fan left the Buddha Hall, and Li Bai was waiting for him on the Huangquan Bridge.

"Let's go, let's go to heaven."

Bai Fan chuckled and climbed up to the sky first.

When he left, many people were looking at his back in a daze.

The Lord of the Ten Palaces and a kind of Judge Yin Soldier all had complex expressions.They didn't know that this Buddha light was made by Bai Fan, but they understood that they could not avenge the revenge left by Bai Fan.

The Ksitigarbha King was also sending off Bai Fan respectfully, and until Bai Fan disappeared, many ghost cultivators and ten hall masters came to visit him one after another, but they were declined one by one.

"The poor monk discussed Buddhism with Bai Fan as a benefactor, and was attracted by his Dharma. He planned to retreat for a period of time without seeing any visitors."

The original words of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva are so, when they spread, many ghost cultivators were shocked.

Bai Fan actually understands the Dharma, and even the eminent monk Ksitigarbha is willing to bow down to him! ?
What happened to this world?
Then Tonghui came to ask for an audience, bowed devoutly outside the door, and became the door boy of the Ksitigarbha King, and was able to spread the Dharma.

These are not listed.

Bai Fan and Li Bai have ascended to heaven and returned to the Ninth Tianhe Water Division.

Li Bai got acquainted with everyone and opened up with Tianpeng, and the two of them were fine.But seeing that Nishang has become Bai Fan's maid, Li Bai still feels distressed.

Then a bunch of sour poems came out, almost making Bai Fan think that he had done something rebellious.

Bai Fan ordered them all to prepare to improve their cultivation, and at the same time let Chang'e start to select the talented disciples of the mortal Baidi Sect as soon as possible to ascend to the sky.

As for him, he went to Taihang Tianxuannu Palace with Wukong and Yuenu.

Those women couldn't handle their own sect, and Goddess Xuanji was also isolated, so Bai Fan had to go and see.

Those people who dare to move his power don't want to live anymore! !

He even temporarily put aside the matter of going to Zizhiya!

Not wearing the neon clothes made the girl sad for a while, but she was also determined to become stronger, and she had to work hard to become stronger.

As for Bai Fan, Wu Kong, and Yue Nu, they climbed to the sky all the way, and soon reached the boundary of the Xuannv Palace in Taihang Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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