Chapter 453 Bai Fan Half-Destroyed the Sun Palace, Nine Princesses Recognize Their Relatives

Holding the sword, Bai Fan sank slightly.

When Chang'e saw it, she was terrified.Because of that posture and the feeling of oneness, she is very familiar with it. It was like this when the sword cut Tathagata outside the Nantian Gate.

Chang'e saw that sword in Tianhe, and it is still fresh in her memory.

Back then, Bai Fan used the sword moves that came with the Zhuxian Sword, but now he doesn't need it anymore, and can easily use it directly.For him, it was the easiest to unleash a sword move that was ten times and a hundred times stronger than before.

Cutting the Golden Crow is easy!
Chang'e also understood, so she was terrified.

Ganyu Jinwu also sensed the danger, Bai Fan's current state made his scalp tingle, and when he swooped down, he felt like a moth flying into a flame!

It seemed that he was not going to kill Bai Fan, but to die!

Impossible, is he really that powerful?
Do not!
Absolutely impossible!
However, this dangerous feeling enveloped his heart, and the feeling became stronger the moment he swooped down.

Finally approached, he was afraid, afraid, and wanted to retreat, but it was too late!
Bai Fan drew his sword, at this moment, the world seemed to become silent, and everything became slow!

Ganyu Jinwu was flying upside down, backed away in panic.But he found that the speed of his backward flying was not as fast as Bai Fan's drawing the sword. He couldn't dodge or block this sword!
will die!

He will die!
During Ganyu Jinwu's [-]/[-]th moment, countless years flashed in his head, and the shadow of death enveloped his heart, making him unable to extricate himself.

Why, I will die!
Or die at the hands of such a person!
"Master, don't kill him!"

Chang'e shouted this passage in that ten-thousandth moment, and she had exhausted all her strength and mana.

After stepping into Fusang, it was the first time she spoke, which could be heard by people other than Bai Fan.

It's just that the voice was very sharp, because she was so nervous that Chang'e broke her voice, so she could only roar and scream.She was afraid that if she was too late, she would lose her third brother!
A majestic sword, still cut out!

Ganyu Jinwu watched as Jian Guang slashed past him and landed in the Sun Palace in the distance, cutting half of the Sun Palace in two!


Looking back at the power of that sword, Ganyu Jinwu felt chills down his spine. If this sword fell on him, he would definitely be cut in two, and there was no possibility of surviving!

The other demigods stopped forcibly, and when they saw the half-destroyed Sun Palace behind them, they also gasped, their eyes horrified.

Bai Fan's sword half destroyed the Sun Palace.

The buildings and restrictions in it have been reduced to ashes and ruins under Bai Fan's sword.

Countless Sun Palace disciples were startled, and they flew into the sky one after another, looking this way, terrified.

Those elders who had been watching the excitement before all also flew into the sky, exuding a powerful aura and locking Bai Fan.

At this moment, the Sun Palace was alarmed.

Countless masters radiated divine thoughts one after another, and locked on the culprit Bai Fan!
Bai Fan smiled lightly, and those divine thoughts collapsed one after another.You can't lock him at all, you can feel his existence at most!

The gods were shocked, and the elders watched in horror.


With the Zhu Xian sword back in its sheath, Bai Fan became calm and composed again, and the sharpness on his face had disappeared.

Ganyu Jinwu still didn't come back to his senses, and when he looked at Bai Fan again, he found that his crotch seemed to be wet.He quickly dried up, trying to hide it.

The followers found out, but no one dared to laugh, because many of them were also so unbearable.

That sword wasn't aimed at them, but it frightened them out of their wits. If they wanted to use it instead, it would probably be thousands of times stronger, but it wouldn't be able to stop it.

Chang'e's chest rose and fell, and she frantically breathed out, obviously very nervous.

"Thank you, master."

She knew that Bai Fan's sword was originally intended to kill Ganyu Jinwu, but because of her, the direction was changed.

Swish swish! !

Facing the elders of the Taiyang Palace who were swarming all over the sky, Chang'e was a little nervous, lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Master, I caused you trouble."

Bai Fan said: "They are not troublesome."

Immediately when he was about to take out the green vines and kill all these people, Ganyu Jinwu suddenly yelled, "What are you all doing? Back off!!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, including the elders, who were also stunned and said: "Why did your Highness say that? Such lunatics ruined my Sun Palace. They deserve death and should be taken down."

Gan Yu Jinwu snorted coldly: "Didn't you all hear what I said? Everyone back down!"

The disciples were stunned for a moment, then looked at the elders, saw them waving their hands, and retreated one after another, but they were also looking at this side from a distance.

But if there is something wrong, you have to kill it again.

However, more than 20 elders did not retreat, but surrounded Bai Fan with frowns.

Ganyu Jinwu also looked at them, with a cold face, said: "Why, my words are no longer useful to you?"

The elders also frowned, and said: "Your Highness is joking, this person cannot be let go. Since His Highness is brave and invincible, we should unite and take him down."

Ganyu Jinwu said: "I can't afford to lose this person."

Bai Fan spared his life, if the siege continued, he felt that he would die of shame.

The elders ignored him and wanted to do something.Although none of them can beat the Golden Crow in a single duel, they are numerous and powerful.

There are more than 20 extraordinary heavenly saints, but they can't beat even one person?

Bai Fan watched indifferently, and he planned to tell these people with practical actions that they really couldn't beat them.

"My friend, thank you for helping me earlier."

Ganyu Jinwu would never forget that it was Chang'e who asked for mercy, and Bai Fan changed the direction of attack, otherwise he would have died.

Therefore, he cupped his fists in salute and thanked him.

Seeing that the third elder brother who loved her so much in the past was so polite and didn't recognize her, Chang'e couldn't help crying.

She took off the veil, revealed her true face, exuded her unique aura, and cried, "Third brother, I miss you so much."

When Ganyu Jinwu saw her face, he was stunned for a moment, he hadn't seen her for hundreds of thousands of years, so he almost couldn't recognize her.But when the breath came out, he recognized it completely!

My cutest nine younger sisters!
Gan Yu Jinwu's eyeballs widened, and tears welled up in her eyes.

He flew over, hugged Chang'e in his arms, wailed loudly, and said, "Jiumei, you're finally back, brother, I'm so worried!!"

Chang'e also cried loudly, and the two embraced each other and cried loudly!
Bai Fan looked at it, and smiled lightly, with mist in his eyes.

He is used to seeing life and death, and he has seen this kind of scene a lot.But every time he looks at it, he feels very warm.

However, there are always people who love to break the warmth!

"Princess Nine!!?"

"It's the nine princesses, how can you step into the land of Fusang!!?"

The twenty or so elders were united by the elders of the various deans, and the one who spoke was Xiang Tiange, the chief elder of the law enforcement dean.

He was already an octogenarian, and when he saw Chang'e, his face was ashen, as if he had been greatly humiliated!

(End of this chapter)

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