Chapter 488 The Unexpected Arrival of the Tianyunzi Trio

In the primordial universe, in the depths of the distant starry sky, a few meteors pass by from time to time.

At the edge of this dimly lit universe, the space suddenly fluctuated, a transparent teleportation beam lit up, and three strong human races of different shapes walked out of the teleportation light.

"Phew, I have finally come out of that terrifying world. That damned Hongjun has restricted us for so many years. If it wasn't for the Lich War that shattered the Great Desolate Continent, that guy relaxed his vigilance against us for a while, we're afraid He will put him under house arrest until the prehistoric world is completely reduced to chaos!" A man in a black robe with a distorted face sighed with fear.

"Okay, Voldemort, don't be emotional, let's first understand which world this is!" A man in a black warrior robe next to him opened his blood-red eyes with an expression of impatience.

"Captain Tianyunzi, what do you think? You said before that you should first go to the prehistoric world to practice and then go to the newly opened Great Thousand World. Now that it has been so long, it is estimated that the Great Thousand World will even have a strong person who is suitable for the Dao." They are all out, shall we still complete this task?" Voldemort looked at the white-robed old man in front of him with a gloomy expression, if it wasn't for this old guy's bad idea, they would not have been under house arrest by Hongjun until now .

"Don't worry, I've already told the deputy chief about our situation, and he has canceled our previous mission!" Tian Yunzi looked at the two teammates around him with a smile, and there was no sign of persistence on his face .

"The mission has been cancelled? That's great! Now we can relax here for a while!" Voldemort was stunned for a while, and then his face showed ecstasy, "I have already smelled the question of the soul, this cosmic plane I have already smelled the delicacy hidden in the depths of my soul, and I can't take it anymore, I'm going to have a full meal!"

"Wait!" Looking at Voldemort who was trembling and about to fly to the nearest planet, Tian Yunzi hurriedly stopped him.

"Why, I haven't eaten for hundreds of millions of years, are you going to stop me?!" Anyone who is disturbed to eat when hungry will probably run away. At this time, Voldemort's body is surrounded by black mist. Strength permeates the whole body, it seems that the next second will be an endless battle!

Uchiha Madara stood aside and watched coldly, as if he didn't care about the infighting among his teammates at all, and whether he died or not had nothing to do with him.

"Just now, the deputy director sent a message!" Tian Yunzi's expression became serious, and when the deputy director was involved, he could no longer maintain that bewildered smile.

Voldemort restrained his momentum, and asked with a livid face, "What order did the deputy chief send?"

"Why, do you have a problem with the deputy chief?" Tian Yunzi asked with a cold face.

Voldemort's expression froze, "Don't dare, I'm just listening to the orders of the deputy chief!"

"Mr. Deputy Director just sent an order. There are a few guys in this universe who came from other worlds. Our task this time is to eliminate them. When necessary, we can summon Mr. Deputy Director to come!" Tian Yunzi smiled. , it seems that this mission that can summon the deputy chief to come, makes him very happy.

"Can you summon the deputy chief to come when necessary?" Madara Uchiha looked stunned for a moment, and then analyzed: "It seems that these intruders are very strong, but it doesn't matter, no matter how strong they are, as long as the deputy chief comes, All problems will be over!"

"Phew!" Voldemort breathed a sigh of relief, "I can have a good meal now, right?"

"Okay, the planet in front seems to be the earth, do you want to change to another planet?" Tian Yunzi asked with a smile.

"No need, the souls of people on Earth are full of all kinds of evil thoughts, this kind of delicacy is the most fascinating!" Voldemort shook his head, and then came to the sky above the earth with a flash of black light.

"Ignorant and ignorant human beings, donate your souls. It will be your greatest honor to dedicate your souls to the great Dark Lord!"

One after another black rays of light sprinkled on the earth, and millions of human beings lost their souls in an instant, dying silently.

"Captain, we don't know anything about this world, so don't you worry about this guy attracting some unknown existences?" Madara said with a somewhat suspicious expression.

"It doesn't matter, it's just some ordinary human beings. If I really encounter an existence beyond our range of strength, I will immediately summon the deputy director to come down. You don't have to worry!" The deputy chief is very confident.

"You are the captain, so do as you please, but I always feel that things will not be so simple!" Madara frowned slightly, looking at the greedy look on Voldemort's face, he couldn't help feeling a trace of disgust in his expression.

The corner of Tian Yunzi's eyes keenly caught the look of disgust on Madara's face, and the smile at the corner of his mouth seemed to be even brighter. As for what he was thinking in his heart, he didn't know.

At this time, Luo Feng, who was cultivating in the magic palace, suddenly received a message from the virtual universe. The earth is currently being attacked by a mysterious strong man whose strength is suspected to be the master of the universe!
Before he had time to inform others, Luo Feng teleported away first, and then teleported to the top of the earth.


As soon as he walked out of the space fluctuation, Luo Feng took a step forward, and his figure instantly came to Voldemort's side. His whole body was wrapped in dark purple flames and he punched the enemy into the air, interrupting Voldemort's ritual of continuing to collect souls.


Divine thoughts swept across the earth, and in just a few breaths, hundreds of millions of human beings on the earth died. This huge loss made Luo Feng completely angry!

"You can easily pass through the defenses I set up. You should be the master of the universe, but even if you are the master of the universe, today I, Luo Feng, will burn your soul and burn your soul forever in the fire of hell!"

"Luo Feng?"

Looking across at the young man surrounded by dark purple flames, Voldemort, who had just stabilized his body and was still a little dizzy, raised his hand and pointed out before he could think about who it was.

"Curse of straight death!"

A black light seemed to have some sense of fate, and it came to Luo Feng in an instant.


The power of one after another space law formed a smooth mirror, which instantly sucked that ray of light into it, and then the black light suddenly shot out from the space ripples behind Voldemort, and shot into his body instantly.


Voldemort's body stiffened for a while, and then his body withered suddenly, turning into a pile of ashes within a few breaths.

Luo Feng didn't relax his expression, he suddenly turned around and looked into the void behind him, where there was a guy who was exactly the same as the ugly monster before, looking at him with resentment on his face!

(End of this chapter)

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