Chapter 2 Preface
"The Shepherd Boy's Fantastic Journey" is a work of symbolic significance, and it is very necessary to explain it a little bit, because it is different from the non-fiction work "The Sorcerer's Diary" (also translated "Pilgrimage").

I spent 11 years studying alchemy.The thought of turning iron into gold, or of discovering the elixir of life, was such a fascination that I never thought of studying witchcraft again.Frankly, the elixir of youth fascinates me even more.Before realizing and feeling the existence of God, it is very depressing to think that all things will perish one day.Therefore, when I learned that it was possible to obtain a serum that would prolong my life for many years, I decided to devote myself to the refining of this serum.

The early 70s was an era of great social change. At that time, there were no serious publications on alchemy in China. I used my meager funds to buy imported books. Like a character in this book, I spent a lot of money every day. Time to study the complex symbol systems of alchemy.I tried to consult two or three researchers in Rio de Janeiro who were really devoted to alchemy, but they refused to see me.I also made the acquaintance of many self-proclaimed alchemists who had their own laboratories and offered to teach me the secrets of alchemy in exchange for paying them large sums of money.I realize now that they were trying to teach me things they didn't understand themselves.

Despite my best efforts, nothing came of it.Phenomena that the Alchemy Handbook asserts in unintelligible terms to occur simply do not occur.The handbook is filled with countless symbols, dragons, lions, suns, moons, and mercury, and I've always had the feeling that I've been led astray, because symbolism is so open to misinterpretation.I was extremely disappointed because things had not progressed, and in [-], I did a very irresponsible thing.At that time I was employed by the Mato Grosso State Department of Education to teach theater courses in the state, and I decided to use my students in the theater lab class.The subject of the experiment is "Emerald Board".This behavior, coupled with several times of falling into the quagmire of magic tricks, in the second year I realized firsthand the true meaning of the saying "If you sow melons, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans."All my efforts were in vain.

For the next six years I was skeptical of everything that was said about the mystical realm.During this period of spiritual exile, I learned many important things, such as: what was initially rejected from the bottom of my heart is now accepted as truth; that one should not run away from one's destiny; that God can be harsh at times, but also infinitely generous.

In [-], I came into contact with the Ram sect and met my master, who later guided me back to the path designed for me.While he trained me in his own way, I began to delve into alchemy on my own.One evening, during a conversation after an exhausting telepathic training session, I asked why the language of the alchemists was so hollow and complex.

"There are three classes of alchemists," said my master, "those who speak in vain because they do not understand what they are saying; reason."

"And what about the third category?" I asked.

"They never heard of alchemy, but found the 'philosopher's stone' in their lives."

From then on, my master decided to teach me alchemy.He belongs to the second category of alchemists.I found that the symbolic vocabulary of alchemy, which irritated and bewildered me so much, was the only bridge to the soul of the world and what Jung called the "collective unconscious."I discovered "Mandate of Heaven" and "Miracles of God," but my rational reasoning refused to admit their truth, because they were too simple and naive.I found that obtaining "Yuan Jing" is not a matter for a few people, but the goal of all people in the world.Evidently, the essence does not always come in a vial, in the form of eggs soaked in liquid, and there is no doubt that we can all feel the soul of the world.

Therefore, "The Shepherd Boy's Fantastic Journey" is a symbolic work.Going through its chapters, besides paraphrasing everything I've learned, I've tried to pay homage to great writers like Hemingway, Blake, Borges (who used Persian history in his short stories), Marba Tahan , they succeeded in understanding the "language of the universe".

To bring this lengthy preface to a successful conclusion, and to illustrate what my master meant when he spoke of the third type of alchemist, it is worth recalling a story he himself told me in his laboratory.

The Virgin, holding baby Jesus in her arms, decides to come to earth and visit a monastery.The priests were all very proud. They lined up in a long line and went to the Virgin Mary to express their respect.A priest recited wonderful poems, another priest showed the colorful illustrations he had drawn for the Bible, and the third priest recited the names of all the saints...the priests presented to the Holy Mother one after another in this way. Pay respects to baby Jesus.

At the end of the line was a priest with the most humble status in the monastery.He never studied the wisdom scriptures of the time.His parents were ordinary people who worked in an old-fashioned circus nearby, and all they had taught him was juggling with a ball thrown in the air.

When it came his turn, the other priests wanted to call an end to the reverence, since the one-time juggler had nothing important to say and risked tarnishing the monastery's image.However, deep down in the priest's heart he also had a strong desire to offer something to Jesus and the Virgin.

Noticing the condemning gazes of his fellow apprentices, he shyly took out a few oranges from his pocket and started juggling.Tossing oranges in the air was the only thing he was good at.

Just then, Baby Jesus laughed and started clapping in the arms of Our Lady.So, the Virgin stretched out her arms to the priest and asked him to hug baby Jesus.

(End of this chapter)

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