Chapter 188 Talking About Business (Third Change)
Dongfang Feng and Bai Yuling hugged each other, not to show their affection, but to have forgotten to separate.

The deafening explosion was still echoing in their minds.Their gazes seemed to be fixed at that moment, and the scene of Master Yuan's body collapsing kept replaying in their eyes.

The two felt each other's trembling, looked at each other, and found that the other's complexion was extremely pale.

"Is Enaixiu ready?" Lin Xuan said lightly.

This sudden sound startled the two of them, they suddenly came back to their senses, and their eyes fell on the lazy young man.

There was no confidence and indifference in the eyes of the two of them that "everything is under control", nor did they have any disdain and contempt for Lin Xuan, a "scumbag".Because, their eyes were filled with almost substantive shock!
The more they thought about the events before and after the contact, the more fearful they became.

This young man who didn't look too strong first shattered Bai Yuling's killing situation and took away five world-class snipers in an instant!Furthermore, Master Yuan invited by Dongfang Feng, who once defeated three masters, also fell under his hands!
The last and most important point, the punch he beat Master Yuan was beyond description. Just the breath of that punch made their hearts constrict and almost stopped beating!

How can a person have such a powerful force?

They can't understand!

"You are not warriors after all." Lin Xuan looked at the two of them, sighed, with a sneer in his sigh, and said expressionlessly: "If you are warriors, you will know that my ability to destroy the double kings alone is yours. Can't afford it!"

Bai Yuling looked at Lin Xuan, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, moreover, he was still powerless.

In the business world, she is not afraid of anyone in terms of skill and calculation.

But these things she was proud of were so powerless in front of Lin Xuan.

Dongfang Feng patted Bai Yuling's shoulder, took a deep breath, a handsome smile suddenly appeared on his heavy face, and said in a slightly trembling but elegant voice: "Mr. Seeing it, I apologize for our previous rudeness. Now, I sincerely invite you to become our partner."

Lin Xuan ignored the latter words directly, and his sharp eyes fell on Dongfang Feng.

"Rude? Is it just rude to take my life?"

Dongfang Feng's smile was a little stiff, and he said, "Mr. Lin, I apologize."

Lin Xuan smiled, looked at Dongfang Feng, and said, "Then I'll kill you, and then apologize to your corpse, okay?"

Dongfang Feng's smile suddenly faded, his face became gloomy, and he said coldly: "Mr. Lin, are you getting too powerful?"

Lin Xuan said with a half-smile, "Do you think I will mercifully let someone who wants to kill me go?"

After all, Bai Yuling calmed down, took a long breath, put on a smile that didn't look like a smile, and said, "King Xuan, you have to think carefully. Behind us is the Dongfang family, and the White King. The White King is about to come out." Guan, the realm is very likely to surpass the master!"

She paused, and a flash of confidence flashed in her eyes again, "Do you think you can bear the price?"

The corner of Lin Xuan's mouth raised, revealing a cold smile, "Are you threatening me?"

Dongfang Feng smiled faintly, "It's not a threat, it's just helping Mr. Lin analyze the pros and cons. If you are willing to compromise, wouldn't everyone win?"

Lin Xuan nodded, his smile subsided instantly, and a murderous aura burst out suddenly, icy cold like a sharp blade, covering the two of Bai Yuling.

The couple felt cold all over their bodies, their hearts seemed to stop beating, and the tide of fear flooded them.

They, almost suffocate!
After about a few seconds, Lin Xuan withdrew his killing intent. Both of them knelt down on the ground, gasping for breath. They raised their heads inadvertently, and seeing Lin Xuan's cold eyes, their figures couldn't help but tremble!
He really can kill!
This is the conclusion that the two of them came to because they were only one step away from the gate of hell!

"No matter how powerful the forces behind you are, remember one thing." Lin Xuan's face was expressionless, and his voice was cold, "Your life is in my mind!"

Even though the two were unwilling, they really didn't dare to provoke Lin Xuan anymore, so they could only nod silently.

"Actually, what you said is correct. If I kill you, the two major forces will definitely spare no effort to retaliate against me." Lin Xuan touched his chin and said casually, "Although I am not afraid, but I have relatives and friends, I am not willing to Risk their safety."

Hearing his seemingly compromised words, the two of them still didn't dare to belittle them.

Lin Xuan smiled, and said again: "So, I can still give you a way out."

Dongfang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that this person was not too mad after all.

Bai Yuling, on the other hand, had a look of worry in his eyes.She has experienced many battles in the business world, and she has seen the smile on Lin Xuan's face countless times at this moment. It is to kill them to doubt their lives!

"what do you want?"

If possible, Bai Yuling really didn't want to ask this question.

Lin Xuan thought for a while and said, "Let's start with you. I heard that Ms. Bai is a business prodigy, and her company is well-organized."

Bai Yuling was not happy with the other party's praise, and his complexion became even uglier.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I want all the equity in the most profitable company."

Bai Yuling was taken aback, her face was as frosty, she stared at Lin Xuan and said, "Aren't you afraid to hold on?"

Lin Xuan waved his hands and said, "Don't be afraid, I have a big appetite."

What else can Bai Yuling do, don't give it?Now, she doesn't doubt Lin Xuan's character of killing as soon as he says it.

She finally sighed and said, "Okay, I will notify you after the formalities are completed."

Dongfang Feng looked at his girlfriend, whose face was as pale as paper, and was ready to be slaughtered.

Lin Xuan looked at Dongfang Feng, only to make the latter's expression stiff, as ugly as constipation.

Lin Xuan smiled, "I heard that you are the best member of the third generation of the Dongfang family?"

Dongfang Feng nodded.

"Then your right to speak should be very high."

Dongfang Feng nodded again.

"I want your Dongfang family's absolute cooperation with King Ming!" Lin Xuan said, "You are not allowed to hinder Wu Ming from doing anything. On the contrary, you must provide all the help you can."

After all, the Dongfang family is one of the four major families. If they can get their support, the development of Wu Ming's forces will go smoothly.

For friends, Lin Xuan has never been stingy.

Dongfang Feng smiled wryly and said: "Mr. Lin, although I have some right to speak at home, after all, I am not the only one who has the final say."

Lin Xuan said lightly: "Then go back and convince everyone, I'll wait for your reply."

Dongfang Feng looked happy and was about to nod when a cold and heartless voice suddenly entered his ears.

"I don't want to kill you, it's not that I don't dare, so don't perfuse me."

Dongfang Feng paused, and finally nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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