Chapter 447 Song Yingxing Opposes Peace

Ruan Dayue, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, sneered. In the current cabinet, he does not have any assistants, but he has the support of Emperor Zhu Youjian, so he is not afraid of these civil officials who regard him as a traitor.

Ruan Dayue didn't wait for Gao Hongtu to open his mouth: "Ruan did not agree to negotiate a peace, not to mention that Jiannu is the loser now, even if it was my Daming who was defeated before, I, Da Ming, did not agree to negotiate a peace, Ruan only believed in one sentence. : The traitors are not at odds with each other, and the king's industry is not partial to peace!"

Gao Hongtu couldn't help but blush when he heard Ruan Dayue's words, but at this time Liu Wanchun from the household department laughed: "Mr. Ruan Ge is saying that we live in peace? I would like to ask, does negotiating peace at this time mean partial peace? Don't think that we don't know what you're thinking, King Ding is now performing his duties in the First Army of the Guards, you want to make King Ding more meritorious, just say so, why bother to be so high-sounding."

Because of the 17 years since Chongzhen, the political situation in Ming Dynasty has been in constant turmoil, but in just four years, the cabinet has been changed twice. The meeting directly dismantled the other party's stage, without hesitation about the other party's face, and made the old-school officials like Hua Yuncheng and Gao Hongtu on the side see it and wonder what to do.

"Old Liu Ge, please make it clear, what is Ding Wang, I, Ruan Dayue, am a courtier of His Majesty the Ming Emperor, and I am only loyal to His Majesty the Ming Emperor. Where did Ding Wang come from? Don't think that you are the Minister of the Household Department and a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion Then you can frame the ministers of the court! Just wait, tomorrow there will be a censor in the Metropolitan Procuratorate to impeach you!"

Ruan Dayue yelled at Liu Wanchun loudly, and Liu Wanchun realized that he had made a slip of the tongue. Some words could not be said clearly, otherwise he would be accused of maliciously provoking party disputes. Now he can only argue forcefully: "I, I didn't mean that."

"Okay, today's cabinet meeting is about peace talks, what are you arguing about, let's vote with a show of hands." Gao Hongtu patted the table, and asked the five great scholars and ministers present to raise their hands.

"I agree with peace talks!" Wang Siren from the Ministry of Rites raised his hand first.

"I agree too!" Hubu Liu Wanchun also raised his hand.

"I don't agree with the negotiation!" Ruan Dayue from the Ministry of War finished speaking and looked at Hua Yuncheng from the Ministry of Officials.

"I agree." The official Hua Yuncheng smiled slightly, and Ruan Dayue stood up angrily on the spot: "You, you!"

However, Ruan Dayue couldn't say anything. Although he was blushing with anger, he also knew that he was relatively isolated in the cabinet, and he couldn't find many people to support him.

Gao Hongtu also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, thinking that at last he didn't need to express his opinions clearly, and most of the cabinet ministers supported the peace negotiation.

Ruan Dayue saw Gao Hongtu's complacent look, so he asked Gao Hongtu suddenly, which was equivalent to forcing Gao Hongtu to take a stand: "Shoufu, you are not in favor of peace negotiation like them, are you?"

Gao Hongtu didn't know how to answer Ruan Dayue's question, and he secretly became angry: "There are already three votes in favor of negotiating a peace, so what's the use of my opinion."

"It's still useful. If Elder Song Ge doesn't agree to negotiate a peace, your cabinet minister has one vote equal to two votes." Ruan Dayue smiled slightly and said in his heart, "You old fox wants to be a turtle, there's no way!"

Gao Hongtu saw that Ruan Dayue was always arguing with him, and he hated Ruan Dayue so much that he gritted his teeth, but after all, he was not someone with little official experience like Liu Wanchun and Wang Siren. Although he hated him in his heart, he still smiled like a spring breeze on the surface, and asked Song Yingxing beside him: "What does Elder Song Ge mean?"

The elders with flowing water and the Ministry of Industry with iron, this is the internal affairs phenomenon in the middle of the Chongzhen era.

Song Yingxing was No. 1 in science and technology in Ming Dynasty, and he won the trust of Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian. Therefore, no matter Fan Jingwen formed the cabinet or Gao Hongtu formed the cabinet, Song Yingxing was appointed Minister of the Ministry of Industry. The prosecutor severely punished Fan Jingwen and a large number of civil officials, and released Song Yingxing.

No way, Daming could live without Fan Jingwen, Shi Kefa, Qi Biaojia, Liu Zongzhou, but Song Yingxing could not.

However, Song Yingxing is only a man of Juren background. Although he was granted a Jinshi background, he is still not a common man in the eyes of civil officials. In addition, Song Yingxing is in charge of the relatively technical Ministry of Industry and mainly focuses on scientific research, so he is in the cabinet market. Just sit on the bench.

Song Yingxing would only say a few words whenever the first assistant asked him personally.

Song Yingxing raised his head when Gao Hongtu, the chief assistant of the cabinet, asked himself: "Just now Liu Ge said that he agreed to negotiate a peace for the livelihood of the people, but the lower officials don't think so.

Only by negotiating peace and delaying the Northern Expedition will it affect people's livelihood, even seriously!
Nowadays, there are hundreds of millions of craftsmen in each bureau and factory of the Daming Ordnance Institute of the Ministry of Industry, and there are millions of migrant workers and prisoners working hard at the bottom. Now, due to preparations for the Northern Expedition, the production indicators of each bureau and factory are still being adjusted upwards. , but once the Northern Expedition is not prepared, these indicators will have to be lowered, so what are these millions of people doing, can't waste food and don't work, or don't work!
There is no need for these people to waste the food that my Great Ming has accumulated for the Northern Expedition of the army.And once these people are idle, who knows if there will be troubles. Can the cabinet afford the consequences?

Therefore, I am not in favor of peace negotiations, and the Northern Expedition should be made immediately to recover the northern capital! "

Although Ruan Dayue was from Southern Zhili, Gao Hongtu could understand that he did not support the peace negotiation. After all, Ruan Dayue was more concerned with the interests of the Dingwang party, but Gao Hongtu did not expect that Song Yingxing would not agree with the peace negotiation.

"I remember that Song Ge was always from Jiangxi?" Gao Hongtu asked a question that seemed to be irrelevant to today's cabinet topic.

However, Song Yingxing also understood Gao Hongtu's meaning, and replied with a smile: "The lower officials are also from the Daming Armory Institute, and are the parents of millions of craftsmen in the Ministry of Industry."

"I am the chief assistant of the cabinet. According to the imperial decree, I have two votes to make the final decision. The final decision of the cabinet this time is to support the peace negotiation! After drafting the vote, please submit it to the supervisor of ceremonies for approval." Gao Hongtu, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was finally forced by Ruan Dayue Just put forward your own real thoughts.

But Ruan Dayue didn't look very happy, because he tried his best, but Gao Hongtu completely decided the cabinet's decision just because he was the chief assistant of the cabinet.

Generally speaking, most of the ministers of ceremonies will pass the cabinet resolutions, which means that Gao Hongtu's resolutions are often the final ones.

"If there is a chance, we must pull that old man from the position of chief assistant!" Ruan Dayue said bitterly.

Soon, the cabinet decided to go to the supervisor of rites, and now the supervisor of rites is Lu Jiude on duty.

At this time, Lu Jiude was still in a daze, and even couldn't help asking the eunuch Wan He, the supervisor of ceremonies, "Your Majesty asked about the peace talks today. I said it was a good thing to negotiate a peace, but your Majesty smiled and said that he forgot that I am from Yangzhou. What do you mean by your Majesty's words?"

"Most of the Guards are the children of Huaiyang, which is well known in the world. If you say that your adoptive father is from Yangzhou, your Majesty may regret asking you. Your Majesty thinks that your foster father may mean the same as the Guards." He laughed and handed over the cabinet resolution:

"This is the resolution of the cabinet. It is in favor of peace negotiations. Father-in-law, you are the supervisor of ceremonies, but you are only writing for your majesty. From the perspective of your son, you don't need to care what your majesty thinks. When the time comes, show this cabinet resolution to your majesty." That’s it, it’s good if His Majesty agrees, and if you don’t agree, you can’t blame Yifu.”

"That's great, but His Majesty has been making excuses for his illness, and the peace negotiation can only be left unresolved!"

Lu Jiude sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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