Chapter 491 The New Concubine of the Emperor's Show (Chapter 10)
The Northern Expedition was not a simple war, but a social innovation involving millions of people and affecting tens of millions of people.

As the emperor, Zhu Youjian naturally does not need to participate in the forefront of the battlefield.

Moreover, although the route of the First Army is the closest to Beijing, in order not to force the Manchus to withdraw from the customs early, but also to completely eradicate the northern gentry class that hinders the future development of Ming Dynasty, so the advance speed of the First Army of the Guards is not fast. .

Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian naturally didn't have to rush on his way. Now that he basically arrived in a county, he would stop and stay for a while.

In this way, he can not only see his country, but also get acquainted with the situation in the north by the way, and at the same time provide convenience for Jin Yiwei who came to report the news.

Because of this, he also brought the nobleman Qi Dexiang with him by the way.

Qi Dechun was one of the few nobles who had not been broken by him among the fifty nobles he had chosen for his concubine last time.

Nowadays, on the way to the Northern Expedition, in addition to the hard work of the case, it is natural that the company of beauties and red sleeves are indispensable in daily life.

Moreover, Qi Dexuan still maintains a youthful virginity, and has a natural charm, so that Zhu Youjian has become an emperor and has tasted countless beauties, but he also has a good impression of her, and it will naturally disappear if he is by his side. Relieve sleepiness and add interest.

When Qi Dechu greeted Xu Zhaohua and walked in with a cup of tea, Zhu Youjian was lying on his back taking a nap at the moment.

The place where he lives now is the city mansion of a big squire in Wuqiao County. It is a typical courtyard building in the north. The house is tall and spacious, and outside the square windows are only well-behaved magnolia and crabapple plants in the courtyard. .

"Your Majesty, you want the maple dew tea brewed by my concubine."

Qi Dechu stood in front of Zhu Youjian with his head bowed, his slightly protruding breasts were wrapped under the rosin-colored one-piece skirt, his white jade hands were exposed at the wide cuffs, and water droplets seemed to drip down his pink face with red ears. In the tiny almond eyes, there is only clear spring but no dust.

"You also know that you call yourself a concubine, sit next to me."

Zhu Youjian patted the cushion beside him, then tugged at Qi Dechen's sleeve.

Qi Dexuan nodded and sat obediently on the soft cushion beside Zhu Youjian, still holding the tray carved with gold and plum blossoms in his hand, and a white porcelain covered bowl and official kiln teacup dangled as if he was about to spill the tea Come out average.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Zhu Youjian asked with a smile. He didn't expect that he would be so intimidating, and he couldn't help but look at himself through the diorama opposite, with thick eyebrows and phoenix eyes, short beard and thin face. As for being hideous like a ghost.

"No, no, the concubine has been serving the tea for a long time, and His Majesty still hasn't taken the tea."

Qi Dechou said something with resentment, pursed her lips slightly, and felt that she had made a slip of the tongue, but she didn't know how to explain it. Seeing those eyes staring at her like a wolf, she felt as if she was going to be killed. The food is average.

"Ah", Zhu Youjian took the teacup, thinking that it was his own fault, and took the tea with some embarrassment: "Put it down."


Only then did Qi Dechun put it on the tea table beside him, and then walked back facing Zhu Youjian: "The concubine will leave."

"Who told you to back down, come here, sit back where you were, I'll talk to you, don't be afraid, I won't eat you, and I won't do anything to you, you have to know that I'm the emperor now, if I I really want to do something to you, and you will not be perfect until now."

Zhu Youjian was quite speechless. The two sisters, Huang Yuanzhen and Huang Yuanjie, wished they could stay by their side for a little longer, and they would not let go until they squeezed themselves until their waists were thin and their legs were weak. Now Qi Dechen saw that he was like a mouse meeting a cat, It is clear that he has an impeccably beautiful face but an extremely shy heart, which makes Zhu Youjian have to take the initiative to ask Qi Deci to follow his own ideas every time.

Qi Dechen had no choice but to sit down, and Zhu Youjian asked, "I'm asking you, I didn't take the tea just now, so you planned to keep holding it like this, and I don't know how to put it on the coffee table aside."

Qi Dechu'e raised his eyebrows slightly: "The concubine doesn't know."


"Well, I'll ask you again, do you think I'm ugly?" Zhu Youjian asked.

"No, no, Your Majesty is Longyan," Qi Dexuan shook his head hastily.

"Then why don't you dare look up at me!"

Zhu Youjian asked sharply, and Qi Dexuan quickly raised his head: "I saw it, I raised my head."

"Do you think you are beautiful?" Zhu Youjian asked again.

"No, the concubine is very ordinary, and the concubine is not beautiful." After Qi Dechen finished speaking, Zhu Youjian threw his teacup on the ground: "Then why did Han Shoujing lie to me? I wanted to kill him and chose someone who was not beautiful." Come be my nobleman!"

Qi Dechen was so frightened by Zhu Youjian's sudden action that his face paled: "No, don't kill him, Your Majesty, all concubines are beautiful, concubines are beautiful, concubines are beautiful!"

"Since I am not ugly and you are beautiful, do you think you and I are both good-looking men and women?"

Zhu Youjian looked at Qi Dechu with a smile: "Raise your head, look at me squarely, and answer my question seriously."

It was the first time for Qi Deci to look up at Zhu Youjian, and to see a strange man other than his father. His mind went blank for a moment. After a while, he realized that the supreme man in front of him seemed to be asking himself something, so he nodded instinctively: "It's the appearance of a man and a woman, and it's a man and a woman!"

As soon as Qi Dexuan said this, he regretted it, and was even a little annoyed. His crescent eyebrows frowned slightly, his almond eyes widened, his white teeth were clenched, and his round face stared blankly at Zhu Youjian.

Zhu Youjian smiled slightly, such a lady from a famous family would be a goddess-level figure in future generations, no matter how hard he struggled in front of her, he would inevitably feel ashamed, but now in Daming, Qi Dexuan is just a person who can do it at any time. Picking flowers, I can tease her without stress or anxiety.

This allowed Zhu Youjian to experience the pleasure of being an emperor. Seeing Qi Dechun's look of helplessness, he felt as if he had eaten honey, and he didn't feel tired after lunch for a while, so he just continued to ask Qi Dechun :
"I ask you, do you know who you are and what are you mine?"

Qi Dechi took a look at Zhu Youjian. If she remembered correctly, Zhu Youjian asked her the same question on the first day she saw her. She looked at Zhu Youjian like a boring idiot with amnesia. At the beginning, I started to be less in awe of Zhu Youjian. This kind of emperor who kept asking nonsense can easily make people forget to be in awe of him.

But Qi Dechu was afraid that he would suffer again from the mistake of accidentally admitting that he and His Majesty were talented and beautiful, so he didn't know whether he should answer or not.

"I asked you something, there is no one in the world who dares not to answer my question."

With an angry look on his face, Zhu Youjian moved Qi Dechen closer, only to smell a ray of fragrance from the clothes, intoxicating the butterflies and fascinated by the spring breeze.

(End of this chapter)

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