Chapter 496 Hauge Trapped in Sichuan (Chapter 15)
Hauge was still immersed in the sweet dream of becoming the emperor, even with a smile on his face, but when the piercing sound of cannons resounded outside, he was so frightened that he immediately sat up: "What happened! "

"Master, it's not good, the Ming army has come in, let's retreat quickly!"

At this time, one of Hauge's servants ran in, and while dressing Hauge, he told him about the situation outside.

"When did the Ming army come here? I'm so mad! Before I even had time to sleep with a woman, these guys broke in, but there is nothing we can do right now. Immediately gather our people and leave the city immediately! "

Hauge was in a depressed mood and brought hundreds of Manchurian cavalry to the outer city of Chengdu to fight, but finally he broke out and gathered his own stragglers all the way to Shunqing Mansion.

At this time, the vanguard battalion of Zhou Zebu had arrived in Shunqing Prefecture.

The city of Shunqing is now in the hands of Hauge, Prince of Manqingsu, and Tong Tuge, the leader of Hauge's command, personally guards it with [-] Manchurian cavalry, [-] Han troops and the Green Battalion.

But at this time, Tong Tuge didn't know that Zhou Ze had formally rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, so when Li Yongxing, the vanguard battalion, arrived in Shunqing Prefecture, Tong Tuge had no vigilance at all.

"Tong Canling, the next official is Li Yongxing, the commander of Zhou Zhitai's vanguard battalion, the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi. He was ordered by Prince Su's general to go to Chengdu to support him. Please also ask Tong Shenling to open the city gate quickly."

Li Yongxing shouted with a smile.

"It seems that there is such a thing," Tong Tuge thought for a while, and immediately shouted: "Open the city gate!"

Therefore, Li Yongxing's vanguard battalion entered Shunqing Prefecture smoothly.

"You dog slaves, the speed is too slow. The prince has ordered you to come to support for a long time. You have only come here now. Why are you still here? Why don't you go to Chengdu to work for the prince! Don't think about it! Yet?"

Tong Tuge insulted Li Yongxing disdainfully, but Li Yongxing suddenly grabbed Tong Tuge's neck with his arm and threw him outside:
"Shunqing mansion, I really don't want to leave, I'm ashamed to call my master in front of me! You don't even ask who your uncle is!"

After Li Yongxing finished speaking, he jumped up and slashed at Tong Tuge.

In a moment, Tong Tuge was cut in half, and blood splashed out directly.

"Kill all the Qing troops, open the prison doors, release the imprisoned Han people, seal up the silver and food in the warehouse, close the city gates, and wait for Zhou Zongbing!"

Li Yongxing took the bloody knife and killed the other officers and soldiers of the Qing army who were still in shock.

All of a sudden, the entire Qing army in the city of Shunqing was killed one after another. In the end, only about [-] people escaped from the city of Shunqing and ran towards Chengdu.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yongxing and other officers and soldiers from the Vanguard Battalion of Zhou Zebu began to cut their braids in Shunqing Prefecture, and asked the people in the city to end the act of shaving their hair and changing clothes, and severely punished the gentry who took the initiative to shave their hair and change clothes.

At this time, Hauge had just fled into Shuntian Mansion with Yu Yong, a remnant soldier. After meeting the officers and soldiers he had retreated from Shunqing Mansion, he learned that Zhou Ze had returned to the Ming Dynasty and rebelled against the Qing Dynasty.

"Zhou Ze, this dog slave, has harmed me!"

Hauge was so angry that he vomited three mouthfuls of blood on the spot, wishing to tear Zhou Ze's body to pieces.

Hauge couldn't help being angry. He never thought of coming to Sichuan to claim the throne, but Zhou Ze gave him hope and conquered half of Sichuan for him. That's why he led the main force of the Zhenglan Banner into Sichuan.

Even because of this, he was very grateful to Zhou Ze and felt a little guilty towards Zhou Ze, otherwise he would not have sealed Zhou Ze as soon as he ascended the throne in Chengdu, but he did not expect that he would be tricked by Zhou Ze, and it was very miserable. First of all, he didn't expect that the Ming army was already near the Chengdu mansion, and secondly, he didn't expect that Zhou would rebel and all the roads out of Sichuan would be blocked by this rebellion.

He Haoge can either go out of Sichuan now or go to Chongqing or go to Shunqing, but now Shunqing is in the hands of Zhou Ze's people, Chongqing is in the hands of the Ming army, and even Jiading and Xuzhou, the gateways for fleeing south, are also in the hands of the Ming army.

Hauge had to admit that he had been trapped in the Chengdu Plain by Zhou Ze and the Ming army.

But in the end, Hauge still led the troops to kill in the direction of Shunqing Mansion. Now this is his best choice. First of all, Shunqing Mansion is in the north of Chengdu. Only after leaving Shunqing Mansion can he return to the north smoothly. Secondly, he now also hopes to capture him alive. If Zhou Ze is killed, Zhou Ze will be hacked into pieces.

"Zhou Ze, you dog slave, come out to me!"

As soon as Hauge arrived at the city of Shunqing Mansion, he started shouting.

Zhou Ze had already changed into the Ming Dynasty Hanfu, his hair hadn't grown out yet, and he couldn't tie a crown. He only wore a brocade coat and a helmet, and holding an embroidered spring knife, he stood on the city wall and shouted:

"Haoge, when you are about to die, you still treat yourself as your master. You don't take a pee and take a picture of yourself. Look at how stupid you are. You were teased by Dorgon before and lost the emperor's throne. Let a six-year-old doll You took away the emperor's position, and now you are being played by Zhou to become a wild boar trapped in a cage. If you directly draw your sword and kill yourself, how can you have the face to scream here!"

When Zhou Ze said this, he looked at Hauge as if I was just playing tricks on you, as if you had nothing to do with me.

The Ming army present laughed loudly, while Hauge was about to grit his teeth in anger.

"Shoot guns and cannons to scare this stupid pig, and at the same time let the brothers from the south know where Hauge is now."

After Zhou Ze said this, countless cannonballs in Shunqing Prefecture began to fire shells towards Hauge.

Seeing this, Hauge could only hold back his anger and withdrew the remnant soldiers to the territory of Chengdu Mansion.

At this time, the various departments of the Seventh Army of the Guards had already entered the territory of Chengdu Prefecture, and dispersed into many small groups to search and suppress the scattered soldiers and bandits in various counties and villages within the territory of Chengdu Prefecture. Gunshots rang out everywhere, and those Qing soldiers and Sun Kewang's rebels who had planned to loot and massacre in Sichuan were all executed.

Li Yan, governor of Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty, Liu Zhaoji, commander-in-chief of the Seventh Army of the Guards, and Liu Wenxiu, governor of Sichuan, entered Chengdu.

Sichuan General Li Dingguo came out to greet him in person, and Li Yan couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Dingguo salute him:

"Mr. Li, you don't need to be polite. Now you and I are ministers in the same palace, we should kill the thieves together with one heart and one mind! Now that the remnants of the Qing army in Haoge's department have not been wiped out, I have to ask Mr. Li to take more care."

Li Dingguo was quite embarrassed, he and Li Yan both made their fortunes by making a fortune against the Ming Dynasty, but now because Li Yan joined the court before him and became his boss, he had to obey him.

Li Dingguo couldn't help but feel that these might be fate, so he accepted Li Yan's leadership calmly: "Don't worry about making Taiwan, the lower officials have sent people to search and suppress."

"I have seen Marshal Liu! I don't know if Yan Yingyuan, the deputy marshal under the command of the Marshal, is here?"

Li Dingguo now also knows the rules of the Ming army system. Although he and Liu Zhaoji are both commander-in-chief, the guards are senior officials, so he has to salute Liu Zhaoji. Li Dingguo doesn't mind this, after all, he He was originally a defeated general, but he was very interested in Yan Yingyuan. After all, in his opinion, such a turning point in his fate was due to the appearance of Yan Yingyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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