Chapter 499 Capture Hauge Alive (Chapter 18)
Hauge, Prince of Manqingsu, didn't know that there was still a guard following behind him.

Now he was extremely exhausted lying beside a river valley panting for breath.

The three Ba ​​Yala beside him did not dare to lie down, but squatted beside Hauge, ready to block bullets for their master at any time.

Hauge chewed the last handful of chili into his mouth, the spicy taste stimulated his tired body to recover slightly, but the hot mouth made him feel very uncomfortable, so he had to turn over and walk to the edge of the river valley, squatting on the ground River water, he was too lazy to order his servants.

Hauge gulped a few sips of water until he made his belly round before he stopped pouring water. He couldn't help but look at himself reflected on the water surface through the clear river water.

His short and light black hair was covered with mud and dead grass roots, his clothes were already filthy, his face was also filthy, and he didn't have the dignity of a former Qing prince.

Hauge couldn't help crying with his headache in his arms.

"Woo! I want to go home! Mother!"

Hauge didn't know how long he hadn't called his mother-in-law. He never thought that he would be so miserable, nor did he think that he would live in such a mess on this land.

He began to hate this place now, hated this place called the Land of Abundance, he felt that this was not a Land of Abundance at all, but a huge cage that trapped him here.

Naturally, Hauge would not know that in another time and space, it was he who led the Eight Banners soldiers into Sichuan and brought serious disasters to this fertile land, causing only two households in one county.

Hua Chunlong, a soldier of the guards, gave Hauge humanitarian care. He did not rush to kill Hauge and the three Ba ​​Yala beside him. .

With the popularization of chemistry and biology in Ming Dynasty, the food industry in Ming Dynasty also developed. Many high-density compressed and anti-corrosion microbial fermented foods appeared, and many of them were confiscated as military rations.

What Hua Chunlong prefers is not these beautifully packaged compressed dry food, he prefers marinated dried fish, which is also a must-have food that guards officers and soldiers often carry with them.

The reason why pickled dried fish is not only because it is not easy to perish, but also because it can supplement salt and meat protein. Of course, salted dried fish was not a cheap food before the salt tax reform, but now with the implementation of the salt tax reform, the price of salt With a sharp drop, dried fish became a common food in the Ming Dynasty and was purchased in large quantities by the Guards.

It is also because of the massive purchases of the guards that the drop in the price of salted fish has not affected the fishermen's income.

Less gossip.

Just after Hua Chunlong replenished his food, accumulated enough energy, drank a bamboo tube of water, and urinated, Hauge and his three Ba ​​Yala servants had almost rested and began to relax their vigilance. The Ming army will not appear again.

But after Hua Chunlong shot out suddenly and knocked down a Ba Yala, Hauge and the other two Ba Yala realized that there was actually a Ming army chasing after them.

At this time, in their eyes, the Ming army was like a ghost. They basically ran forward subconsciously after hearing the gunshots.

While Hauge and the other two Ba Yala were fleeing, Hua Chunlong fired another shot, killing one of them.

At this moment, there is only Ba Yala left beside Hauge.

Hua Chunlong stopped shooting, and he had to find another opportunity to snipe. After all, he didn't have many bullets on his body now, and the barrel of the gun was also very hot. He started to jump into the river, and after staying for three to five minutes, he cooled the barrel of the gun. And after bringing a bamboo tube of water, he chased after him.

Seeing that it was already afternoon, it would be dark in about two hours.

Hauge was hungry again.

Hauge glanced at the Ba Yala beside him, and he suddenly felt that having this servant by his side no longer had any protection value, only the value of food.

He hasn't had a full meal for a long time.

I haven't eaten meat for a long time.

Hauge stared at his Ba Yala like a hungry wolf, rushed over, and directly stabbed the dagger in the neck of this Ba Yala:

"Good slave, my lord will remember you! I will eat you to get out alive!"

Hauge frantically put his dry mouth on the neck of this Ba Yala, sucking the blood of this Ba Yala.

This Ba Yala looked at Hauge unwillingly, he never thought that his master would eat him.

At this time, Hua Chunlong shot and hit Hauge's ankle.

Hauge screamed, jumped up instinctively, and then sat on the ground holding his feet: "My king's feet, my king's feet! Huh!"

The Bayala whose neck was pierced by Hauge saw this scene before he closed his eyes and lost consciousness. Seeing Hauge being shot, he couldn't help smiling, and died immediately.

The instinct to survive urged Hauge to continue to grit his teeth and walk forward with a limp. He was terrified.

Hua Chunlong was not in a hurry to beat him to death, he had already changed his mind, he wanted to capture such a Manchu prince alive, hand him over to the Military Law Department, and let him go to Nanjing to receive the Lingchi punishment!Because this man is so cruel, so cruel that he wants to drink the blood of his subordinates, and he is also his most loyal subordinate!
Hua Chunlong followed Hauge closely, and suddenly saw the opportunity and fired a shot, aiming directly at Hauge's eyes.

Hauge let out a scream and felt severe pain in his eye sockets.

In order not to beat Haoge to death but to make Haoge blind, Hua Chunlong just shot Haoge's right eye from the side.

Hauge covered his right eye and continued walking.

Hua Chunlong shot again from the side suddenly, hitting Hauge's right hand as well: "Ah, my right hand!"

Hauge was in great pain.

Hua Chunlong saw the opportunity again and shot Hauge in the left eye.

Hua Chunlong was very excited, he didn't expect his marksmanship to be so proficient.

And Hauge didn't dare to stretch out his hand to cover his eyes anymore, he just turned around with difficulty, revealing a bloody face, and knelt down on the ground collapsed:
"Please, please kill me directly!"

"do not move!"

Hua Chunlong came over, checked Hauge's body, and after confirming that he was free of any weapons, he came closer, wrapped up Hauge's eyes with gauze, and tied Hauge's eyes with a rope. Be strong.

"Come with me, remember to tell me when you're hungry!"

As Hua Chunlong said, he pulled Hauge along and fired guns into the sky, so as to attract the ideas of other Ming soldiers to meet him.

But Hauge nodded hurriedly at this time: "I'm hungry, I'm hungry now!"

Hua Chunlong had no choice but to crush the dry food and put it into Hauge's mouth.

After eating half of Hua Chunlong's dry food and drinking a bamboo tube of water, Hauge regained some energy:
"Thank you! Military Lord, I'm just an ordinary Qing army officer and soldier. You can't exchange any rewards for taking me back. Please, please show me kindness and let me go, or let me be your slave. Okay, I can do everything, but Mr. Rabbit can do too.”

"Don't talk until you're told. Believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart. Don't think you've become like this. I don't know that you are Hauge, Prince of Manqingsu! I remember your portrait. Since I dare not If you admit that you are Prince Su Hauge, don’t take your seal with you and you should throw it into the river! Do you still want to make a comeback? Dreaming!”

(End of this chapter)

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