Chapter 103 In order to save people
It is still very strenuous to beat dozens of people like this. Even with the supplement of dzi, the spiritual power in his body is almost exhausted.

An Die collapsed completely. When those people retreated, she supported the wall and tried to stand up straight, but her body was no longer under her control.She was originally the kind of person who was in the dark, and such a face-to-face attack would have consumed a lot of energy.

And facing the attack of dozens of people, it's no wonder that you don't get tired.

Ning Feng said to the energetic Mu Xueli: "Hurry up and find someone to deal with the scene, don't disturb others."

Mu Xueli also knew the impact of this matter, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will handle this matter. Then I will go to my brother first, and you guys leave first."

"En." Ning Feng nodded.

"Can you still do it?" He looked at Andie and said.She looked obviously exhausted, trembling every step she took.

"Okay!" she said coldly.

"Don't be brave, I'll support you, we have to leave quickly." Ning Feng looked at her and said, wanting to help her, but she was obviously not used to it.

"No, I can do it."

As a result, after finishing speaking, his head was blinded and he passed out.

"It's still okay?" Ning Feng carried her up. As for the bed, Ning Feng believed that the Mu family would take care of it.

It can be said that the Mu family's actions were very fast. The two had just taken a taxi when they saw several people walk into the room.

Then Ning Feng received a call from Mu Xueli, "I have already sent someone there, and this matter will be dealt with cleanly."

"En." Ning Feng believed in the strength of the Mu family. "Then you have a good rest."

After the two finished their conversation, Ning Feng took Andie directly to his residence, not because he wanted to do something, but because he had nowhere to go.

She urgently needs to recover now, this time the force was too much.

Ning Feng threw her on the bed directly, took a bath by himself, brewed a large vat of medicine, and then performed the Dragon Turtle Mind Method until all the spiritual power was absorbed.

"It's much more comfortable." Ning Feng sighed. Although the spiritual power was not much, it was easy to recover.The spiritual power in the dantian is almost full.

Looking at Andie lying there exhausted, he felt a little tangled in his heart, should he help?
Due to her excessive loss of strength, her dantian has been operating at an overload. If it is not remedied, it may damage her strength.

"I'm sorry, I offended you to save you." Ning Feng took out his silver needle and brought over a large vat he bought earlier.

Before, because soaking hands and feet was too troublesome, so I bought a big tank directly, so that I could lie in it and the speed was faster.

Ning Feng boiled all kinds of medicinal materials in proportion, and then poured them all into the big vat.

He helped Andie up, said sorry again, and then slowly unbuttoned her.

During this process, Ning Feng's hands were shaking, he was really nervous, this was the first time he undressed a woman.

It took a long time to take off the first dress, revealing a black lace bra. She has a very good figure and fair skin.Ning Feng swallowed involuntarily.

Under that dress, there is such a graceful body hidden.

Step by step, she managed to get her coat clean.Then put her in the big vat, and the black medicinal liquid directly spread to her chest.After covering up most of it, Ning Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief from the tense atmosphere.

Seeing the smooth back from the back, the curve is very perfect, but there is a very obvious scar on it, which looks like it was injured before.

Now I can't control those anymore, Ning Feng took out the silver needle and directly pierced Baihui acupoint.Then I found more than a dozen acupuncture points all over my body, and pierced them all with Dabu acupuncture.

Everything is at a standstill for her now, and Ning Feng has to stimulate her meridians with silver needles to help her run.

Sure enough, with the swing of the silver needle, the essence in the medicinal liquid obviously gathered towards her.

That's basically it, the process will take a while.

Just when Ning Feng breathed a sigh of relief, someone knocked on his door.

He didn't know the few people who came, but he knew Ning Feng, the bed they were carrying.

"We were sent by Miss Mu to deliver the bed." The man said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng nodded and said: "I see, please help me lift this bed and throw it out." His room is really too small, there is no way to put two beds down.

Ning Feng closed the bathroom door, cleaned up for a while, and asked these people to help change the bed.

After seeing off these people, Ning Feng sat on the bed and glanced at the bathroom.It is estimated that she will take a long time, but he seems to have a faint sign of a breakthrough.

So, he pulled out the talisman, sat on the bed and began to practice.

As soon as he sat on it, a wave of spiritual power wrapped him up from bottom to top, and the speed of running the dragon turtle's mind was much faster.

Continuously absorbing the power of the essence on the bed, Ning Feng's dantian began to change as the spiritual power continued to gather.

There is an endless circular ring slowly expanding, one, two, three...

Gradually, seven rings of different sizes formed in the dantian.

But Ning Feng didn't stop, and kept letting spiritual power into it.

A mass of spiritual power envelops the seven rings, and the seven rings slowly gather together. This process is the most important.These seven rings need to converge into a vortex before they can reach the state of gathering.

Ning Feng tried to fuse them together, but the seven rings would not fuse together at all.All of this is because the spiritual power is too weak, although it is continuous, but the fusion often requires a momentary combination.

Only this moment of sudden aggregation can bring the seven rings together.

Ning Feng tried again and again. Although he knew the reason, he had already reached this step. It would be a pity to interrupt at this time.There are very few opportunities to break through.

"Forget it, the last time, let's forget it if you don't succeed." After a long time, Ning Feng finally realized that there seemed to be no chance, and planned to gather for the last time.

Gather the spiritual power together again, and the seven rings keep coming together.But after they reach a certain distance, they will not move forward even if they are killed.

"Did it fail again?" Ning Feng sighed.

At this moment, a large amount of spiritual power suddenly poured into it.Ning Feng didn't have time to think about where this force came from, so he poured all of it into it.

With the addition of this fresh force, the seven rings immediately touched together, then slowly rotated, and finally turned into a small vortex.

With the continuous rotation of the vortex, it will continuously produce a trace of spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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