Chapter 1133 The Judgment Is Accurate
Everyone followed Ning Feng and walked down. Because of the mining, some roads have been built here, but these roads are all temporarily paved dirt roads, and the sky is filled with smoke and dust after walking.

After everyone went down, their bodies were already covered with dirt.

Ning Feng casually squatted down by the stream, washed the dirt off his hands, and picked up a round jade stone.This jade has been washed clean of the outer stone skin by the stream, leaving only the white jade seeds.

"Give it to you." Ning Feng handed the jade directly to Su Miaohan.

Su Miaohan looked at the mutton-fat jade in her hand, it was smaller than a fist, but because it was slowly eroded by the river water, it was very smooth to the touch.

"How can you get jade just by washing your hands?" Su Miaohan said with a smile.

Although many people in this stream can get jade, it definitely does not mean that there are jade everywhere.It is definitely not something that can be obtained by fishing at will.

This kind of behavior of getting jade by washing one's hands is basically the same as winning a small prize.

But others didn't just regard this action as luck. When Ning Feng did this action, he didn't hesitate or surprise at all. It was obvious that he did it premeditatedly.

He can find a jade so easily, which means that he can quickly find another vein.

"Pretending to be a ghost, hurry up and find the mine veins, everything is fake, don't play these little tricks, it won't work."

"That's right, what's the use of this for finding ore? Hurry up and find the ore vein. If you can't find it, don't waste everyone's time. Everyone is very busy."

"Don't waste it, so many people are running around, you don't feel tired, we are still tired. Hurry up, tell me the location of the ore vein you found."

Fu Xingjia's disciple taunted Ning Feng for a while, but Fu Xingjia stopped talking, and he was a little suspicious. This guy seemed really unusual.

Then grabbing a jade all at once definitely shows that he has a great understanding of this place, and he has never been here before, there is only one explanation, and he judged it.

His judgment is too accurate, right?Comparable to a god-man.

How did Ning Feng figure it out? He just scanned it with his glasses and found that there was more spiritual energy here, so he just picked it up.

"Don't worry, the new vein is right under our feet, and it's not deep, about three to five meters." Ning Feng said to them.

After he finished speaking, those disciples started to laugh, "You are talking nonsense. The mine lode is on the mountain, so how could it be on the ground? You should use your brain before talking nonsense."

Ning Feng stared at him directly and said: "Aren't you on the mountain now? You are just at the bottom of the mountain now, can you use your brain?"

After he finished speaking, the disciple was stunned, as if this place also belonged to the mountain, but after the impact of the stream washed it down, they didn't think about it at all.

Ning Feng also wanted to understand that this is where the fault moved, and the stream washed away the original mountain, so jade could be found in the stream by accident.

However, the stream water can also bring things like sand, sand and stones, which will slowly deposit here, which is equivalent to taking away the original skin and covering it with a new layer.

Now as long as you dig inside, you can definitely find the previous veins.

Of course, he was also an afterthought, and he only calculated it after discovering the veins.

He waved to the excavator behind him, and then motioned for everyone to get out of the way and let the excavator dig where they were standing just now.

The power of the machine is great. It doesn't take long for a three-meter hole, and a huge hole can be dug out in a short while.

But there is a piece of mud inside, and it doesn't look like there are veins at all.

The person who was scolded by Ning Feng before seemed to have found a reason to fight back, and said to him: "This is the mine vein you mentioned? Where is the mine?"

This vein is different from the previous ones, because it is on the mountain, so it is surrounded by stones.This ore lode was refilled after erosion and damage, and it is located by a stream, so there is naturally more soil.

Ning Feng ignored him and slid directly from the edge.The slope of this pit is relatively gentle, so it is easy to go down.

He slid to the bottom, patted the dirt off his ass, then walked to the center and dug out a muddy rock.There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and the movements of his hands became faster and faster. After a while, three round stones were dug out.

These three stones are relatively large in size, so the stream cannot wash them away, but instead of washing them away, the surface is washed clean.

Something may have happened later, and the stream was diverted slightly.

Even the stone skin has been washed away on some surfaces, and the seed jade has been exposed.Ning Feng motioned for the excavator to put down the hook, and lifted the stones up, and lifted him up by the way.

Everyone basically knew what was going on. These few stones already explained the problem, and the ore lode was found.

"It should explain the problem, right? If you don't believe me, you can check it with your equipment." Ning Feng said with a smile on his lips.

"It should be." Fu Xingjia had already accepted this fact, but his disciples were very unconvinced.

"This is by the stream, and some stones are normal. Let me test them." Because he was scolded by Ning Feng, he was naturally unconvinced in various ways, so he took out his equipment box directly.

Insert something vertically on the ground, and then turn on the computer not far away.

After a while, the following schematic diagram appeared on his computer screen.

It should have been a normal contour line shape, but there is a line directly running through the contour line below this, basically there is no doubt about it, the new vein is here.

"How is it? What's the result of the inspection?" Ning Feng said to him. Basically, there is no possibility of any error, because he feels that the spiritual power here is quite strong. If it is not for the mineral veins, it is impossible for this to happen. .

"Your judgment is very accurate, I am convinced." The disciple said to Ning Feng, his judgment method is really quite accurate, without any help, he can judge just by looking at the direction of the mountain, which is too powerful.

Fu Xingjia immediately ended his disciple's words, and said, "I never thought that such a character exists now, and I have to admire it." He praised Ning Feng for a while, and he bowed his head, and let this incident pass by the way. up.

Ning Feng was too embarrassed to continue to pursue the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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